"It sounds like Tifa's getting some serious air, but were we talking hard again?

"Ah, welcome back"

"I'm home."

Just when Marietta has spoken of her most important granting magic role, Karen returns home.

From behind, there's a figure of Yu carrying some kind of cage with tons of stones.

"Oh, Karen and Yu are rare together"

"Just meet me in front of the store."

"Hmm. I thought it was time for Tifa to come home, and the timing happened to be right"

Yu unloads the cage he was carrying next to Tifa while answering Fina's query that way.

"Welcome back, Mr. Yu. What about this stone?

"Oh. For Tifa's practice, I picked up the original stone from one end of the demon stone that only turned into a scum demon stone"

Tifa inadvertently rounds her eyes on a topic that is quite timely enough to think she might have listened to it before.

Fina and Marietta, who were dating Tifa's stupidity, also ask Yu with their gaze what it means to remain silent.

"I didn't ask for anything like this today. After I decided to take a rest day to take care of my gear, I asked Lord Riera about Tifa's situation."


"Just now, your first report was coming up, and Lord Riera asked me to continue my training in decentralization."

"Distributed grant, is it?

"I don't know any technical details, but in short, you can train multiple demon stones to impart magic at the same time. Lord Riera said that Tifa would have a good idea of what to do."

That said, let Tifa just grip about two smaller stones Yu.

Fina, who was watching it, gives an interesting look, confirms the problem.

"I'm sure there's no mistake because it's the dean's designation, but if you try and fail to grant magic in a detour, it'll be quite catastrophic ~?"

"That's why you told me to supervise. I can break in before something breaks out and erase the magic."

"Mr. Yu, can you do that too!?"

"It's one of the basic skills of an ancient nest that combines moves and magic when it comes to Irais. It's just hard to crush the magic that Lord Riera really worked out, but if it's about the magic that Tifa was about to burst with mistakes, I can afford to turn it off."

Yu explains pale as usual to Karen's surprise voice.

Tifa remembers something when she sees it.

"Oh, could it be!?"

"In" The Fallen Ruins, "you'd be showing Tifa once, wouldn't you?

"Yes! Sure, I was erasing Mr. Knox's magic before it was activated!

"Speaking of which, that girl was by that name. Well, I don't care about that girl."

Yu said it was all that commotion, but I completely forgot my name and face until Tifa told me.

He just remembered that he was there, but that's all.

Even though it is over, there are things like Yu that are surprisingly uninterested in the person who was responsible for one end of the cause of their impending death.

"I'll teach Tifa when my life at Grant Magic has settled down, but your training is your top priority first. For a while, after school, I'll escort you to the training."


For the first time in a long time, Tifa replies with great pleasure to a situation where she trains with Yu outside of her routine.

"I don't mind training here, but you've just avoided damaging the building."

There, the master who was in the back fetching water as he brought coffee and juice for the number of people and a light snack.

I'm not going to say anything loud, but I just can't see myself as the owner of a store doing anything dangerous without saying no beforehand.

"Sorry, I should have gotten the master's permission first"

"No. As much as Lord Yu forgets that, you must be familiar with it here as we are. I can't help but think about it at home."

"But even though it's almost fine, it's true that you tried to do it without authorization that it's not at all dangerous. Be sure to get permission first in the future."

Yuu complains to the master and honestly admits he is not sorry and apologizes.

No matter how insane chunks are, these parts of courtesy and common sense are properly equipped.

"Basically, unless there's so much going on, there shouldn't be any damage to the building. Nevertheless, man, when you fail, you fail, no matter how prepared and careful you are. Finna, I'm sorry, but just in case, I need you to get ready for the junction."

"Okay. Worst case scenario, this table will be damaged to the point where it breaks."


With that said, Yu somehow magic the whole building as Fina prepares to join forces.

It is a defensive system to the point of excess.

"I'm done prepping this one. Tifa, do it and show it."


Yu tells me, Tifa exerts a grant magic on the stone he grips.

Granted are both the same function, Creative Water.

Needless to say, it is the most difficult of a number of grants.

"Me, I've never seen a grant magic before!

"Neither do I."

Ricardo and Karen watching with excitement over how it goes.

To those two, Fina, who knows the plain nature of the work of granting magic, accidentally leaks a bitter laugh.

"... ah!

Working for more than a dozen seconds. Tifa leaks her voice like she panicked to match the little flash that exits at the end of the grant magic.

At the same time, the rustle and sand fall from Tifa's right hand.

"Hmm, you failed"

"Yes, I failed..."

"Well, the cause is clear. It's my first job in a lot of galleries, so I can't help it, but I'm a little overpowered."

Tifa snorts softly at Yu's relentless allegations.

Tifa's first dispersion grant ended with the complete destruction of the demonic stone on his right hand and the destruction of the magical circuit on his left.

"There are as many stones as there are, so practice more and more. Sometimes it's the first time you've broken a lot of them."


"Anyway, as a demon stone, it's a useless scum stone. Even if you don't use it as a demon stone, there are no other uses like this. If it works, it's money, so use it more and more without worrying."

Yu tells off something similar to Lloyd during the day and encourages Tifa to practice.

In these cases, it seems that thinking is the same.