"It's time to go to college, Lloyd."

"I know. Wait a minute."

Milky blames me, Lloyd trying to hand the dishes to the master.

It sounds mild at that time.

"What? What?

"An earthquake?

Milky and Lloyd can't hide the confusion, though it's not a big shake, as opposed to the shake that happened in Alto, which rarely happens such as an earthquake.

At that time, Bertilde opens his mouth.

"I heard from Yu. He just knocked off Alto Garuda."

"Is it because of that now? That means..."

Sooner than Bashram's words are over, the alarm goes off all over Alto.

"Oh, yeah."

"Wait a minute! It's only been about enough since you left! Why are you already fighting!?"

"When you think about the process of leaving the gate, you should leave Alto..."

"You're Yu and Tifa's lady. I can't help but care about that area."

Bashrums accidentally turn their raw eyes to Milky and Lloyd, who are surprised by the sudden.

Although it doesn't deserve surprise for adventurers who already enter and leave this store, it still seems like an element of surprise from the shallow milkies of the sun since they started dating.

Or even the Milkies don't give a shit about the fact that a nine-year-old girl is being driven out into battle because she knows all about demon-related stuff.

It should be noted that I am not even surprised that I dropped Alto Garuda, and nobody is willing to go into that.

"... well, it's Mr. Yu and Tifa. So, that's what I've been thinking for a long time, but the alarm, isn't it too late?

"We were underdeveloped in the same pattern last year."

"Ever since I saw it, I can't help it. Besides, we're not underdeveloped this year."

A gaze is gathered as to what it means to say something profound to Bertilde.

"According to Yu, there are about three more coming this way. He said one of them has Yu locked on, so he wants me to do something about the other two,"

"I see. Then I'll be ready."


Bashram, who listens to Bertilde's report writing in some way on the map and takes a seat to pick up anti-aircraft gear. Bertilde, who stood seated with that bashrum, gives the map to the master.

"Maybe since Alto Garuda is falling around putting that mark in, could you turn the personnel for demolition?

"Okay. I'll make arrangements."

"Still, you've got a lot earlier than usual this year"

"Right.... No, wait. Could it be..."

In Bertilde's words, he came up with something, Bashram.

But soon I shake my head left or right and kick the idea out.

"First of all, it's the immediate garuda. Half of them were dropped by Yu, but they still have two."

"Right. Let's get in formation before the convocation takes place and knock it off to the ground."

With that said, Bashram and Bertilde disappear into the back to get each other's gear.

Drop that off, and then Lloyd snaps a potpourri.

"Hell, at least, you're off college for half a day today."


Milky snorts bitterly at Lloyd's words.

When Alto Garuda arrives, the Root Teacher is mobilized as an anti-aircraft firepower, so the Alto School of Magic will not be able to hold classes.

"So, do you mind if we let ourselves study here?

"Yep. It's also dangerous to go to school or home now, so stay quiet and study here"


"I just don't mind practicing granting magic, but if you fail as much as you can, it won't hurt the store."

"I won't do anything that hard without a superior escort."

Milky rebuts so with a grumpy look on his master's designation.

Lloyd mouths a realistic problem, as he supplements that milky.

"In other words, there are no ingredients for practice..."

"If it's crude stone with poor quality, there's a lot of it."

"How could that be... I don't even have to think about it. That brain muscle master set it up to train Tifa..."

"Thank you."

The master smiles and sends a compliment of the right answer to the truth that Milky has arrived at lightly.

When I heard that, was it Yu's fault that the master had stabbed the nail earlier, and Milky reached the right answer to this again.

"... well, fine. There's a corner, let me use it."

"Well, fine. What practice?

"I wonder if it's a circuit that doesn't have a particular function and just stores a certain amount of magic. Now practice cleansing magic with impure materials to see when perversion can easily occur."

"I see. So I advised Tifa when I was on a creative device,"

"Beh, beh, I don't mean anything like that, it's something I'll definitely need in the future, so I just want to practice and wear it right now! I can't believe I'm not even thinking about this for Tifa. Hey!

Lloyd messes with me and Milky gives me a reaction that I can only say falls to talk about.

Master watching Lloyd and Milky like that, feeling like he's a youth.

In the end, Milky couldn't escape her fate of barking.