"... All right, you're safe to come in"


Thirty seconds after Tifa released the lightning bolt.

Where all the signs and sounds of the monster have disappeared from inside, Yu carefully explores the signs inside just in case and declares that it has become intrusible.

Tifa gets Yu's declaration and goes inside carefully about the rest.

Inside the dungeon, the grassland was so vast that the horizon could be seen.

"... Um, Mr. Yu..."

"Don't be fooled by appearance. This floor isn't as wide as it looks"

Yu tells me, Tifa uses detective magic after exploring the signs.

The fact that the lightning bolt had left no monster dust to disappear also seemed to emphasize the breadth, with no sign of visual range.

The detection showed that this meadow is much narrower than it looks and is in fact only about the same as the residential part of the village of Tortia.

"There's something like a wall over there"

"Oh. A dungeon is something like this all the time. If you step on a few more places and get used to it, you'll soon know that you're not eating the same size as you felt when you first explored the signs."

"... ah"

Tifa gets stuck in Yu and finally realizes the noise around him.

I don't think I'm going to be too proud of you for not realizing what you'll soon find out if you pay a little attention.

"I'll tell you first because you'll care anyway as usual, but not realizing the actual breadth at first glance, is like a New American ritual of passage. I don't know about Tifa, but it's not of that nature."

Yu explains ahead of time that he guessed that he would probably snap there.

It's dangerous to be caught in this situation, and I can't help it in the first place.

"... for the first time, is it something that catches anyone?

"If it's just the look, it doesn't even look like I have a wall, so if you're a species or profession that relies on vision for a high percentage, the first time is definitely a catch"

"Do professions and races exist that aren't?

"Oh. Even so, it's useless to just care because there's nothing you can do about the race, and about the use of spirits such as a catch-up profession. Besides, even these people don't know how the walls exist until they get close."

To Tifa's question, Yu explains so.

Cut the story straight up and walk out on a fast foot in the darkest direction with the most monster signs.

"Even though it's not as big as it looks, it's overwhelmingly bigger than a room in a regular dungeon. If you want to go around covering for Mr. Bashram, you have to hurry and destroy the enemy and blur the core, and it won't be over forever."

"Right, let's hurry!

"It usually takes too long to walk and travel, and when you run, you drain your strength for nothing. I'll take it and fly, so you focus on defeating and eliminating it."


Faced with the realistic problem of the breadth of the dungeon, Yu and Tifa consolidate their policy of attacking the dungeon promptly by throwing away somewhere all the issues that don't matter at the moment.

My mentor's thoughts are unanimous in terms of whether to proceed with the offense if not too much, although I won't be able to make an appearance where I finished early.

Most importantly, there is a temperature difference between Tifa, who honestly wants to help Bashram, and Yu, who thinks it's troublesome if Tifa later cares because he can't make it to the end of his odd attempt to leave room.

"... is this the wall of this dungeon?

"Oh. You can't even see it on the wall from a distance, can you?

"... Yes. This painting, even close by, looks just like the view. I've never seen anything so exquisite in a photograph."

Tifa mouths her honest thoughts when she finally sees the edge of the floor she arrives on, the wall that separates her from the next floor.

The walls of the dungeon were simulated with paintings so clever that the grass seemed slightly better in the illusion of the eye.

Perhaps without the air flow and the signs of a monster, they would try to move on without realizing it was a wall.

That's about it, it was brilliantly simulated.

"Uh, between this tree and that tree is fine in the aisle, right?

"Oh. Still, you're gushing again in bulk..."

Yuu commenting unintentionally on the massive number of monsters standing by in the next room.

You can imagine how unusual a number of monsters are boiling because he doesn't show these emotions for the most part, and he tells them off without even showing the will to fix them.

"Um, Mr. Yu..."

"It hasn't been three months, and you wondered if it's normal for this many to gush?


"Normally, it's not like this after a few years. Probably caused by the connection between the vein here and the vein through which Trihorn Dragodis coming."

"Does connecting to other veins make the dungeon grow strange?

"Not necessarily, but when the dragon species walk over the ground vein, even though it's a lesser, it can have quite an impact here and there. No wonder the dungeon is strangely activated to generate more monsters than you need"

"Is that what it is?

"Oh. Well, there's no point in even worrying about the cause now. This type of dungeon needs more than a certain amount of monsters to pull out the path to the core. We're gonna hunt guns."


To Yu's words, Tifa replies so in a temper. At this time, I am not at all aware that only this time Yu has not finished a single monster.

After that, Tifa repeated the routine of finding the floor and sweeping it with a magic blow from crate to crate for about two hours.

Finally, I discover the floor with the boss.

the boss's floor, was seated in the deepest part of it......,

"... Mr. Yu, could that be..."

"You're a Trihorn Dragodis. But it's also a good place to make a deterioration copy."

No way Lesser Dragon. It was Trihorn Dragodis.

Most importantly, as Yu pointed out, it is greatly weakened at a level that can be seen in comparison to the real thing.

Especially bad is its size, the real thing is fifty meters in length and twelve meters in total height, but the boss here is only a third or not.

The difference was even greater when I looked into my mind, and this Trihorn Dragodis had been weakened so much that I could no longer put it in the crease of a Lesser Dragon.

Regardless, if you still don't have proper equipment, the deep red lily class is strong, of course, and even the bashrum is dangerous if you do poorly.

The problem would be that there is no way that such a thing could be the counterpart of Yu and Tifa.

"Now it's not worth the hassle. Tifa."


Trihorn Dragodis is lightly finished with a primary attack magic blow without even getting a chance to attack him in the first place.

"You got a core."

"Is this the dungeon core......"

"Oh. Like we talked a little yesterday, this is your birthplace vein. I hope you break it."

"Yes, I understand."

Tifa follows Yu and destroys Dungeon Core with proper magic.

"... it's pretty easy to break"

"The core of the accidental dungeon is surprisingly brittle. But will you make it easier..."

"Is this a gem?

"Oh. Probably, but make an activator out of this,"


"Like I said, this is where you were born and raised, and you're the one who destroyed the core. First and foremost, this is for you."

Tifa is assured by Yu and convinced once and for all that is what it is.

"Well, it's over sooner than I expected, and we should just go back"

"Ha! Let's hurry!!"

Sometimes I can't get a sense of accomplishment or anything like that, and Yu and Tifa decide to hurry back to cover for the Bashrums.

In the end, it was Tifa who wouldn't even notice after everything was over that Yu did nothing but travel and foe to the end this time