"What do you mean, this!!"

Milky screams echo in the labyrinth city of Infita.

First day of summer vacation. Soon after leaving the airport, Yu and the others had been baptized of the labyrinth city as early as possible.

"Hmm, that area is already part of the dungeon,"

Yu asks Bashram as he looks at the vast lake, which is what caused Milky to scream.

If it wasn't for Yu's mistake, from above I couldn't even see the big river instead of the lake.

"You're surprised.

"Oh. Aren't the monsters coming out?

"Oh, it's an area created with attacker privilege."

"With attacker privilege? Another luxurious use."

"In the case of infinite corridors, you get as many attacker privileges as you can with luck and strength. The current mayor here made it as an adventurer, with sixty tiers of attacker privilege."

"I see."

To Bashram's explanation, Yu nods as he was convinced.

Tifa, who was listening to the exchange, clutches her neck strangely.

"Um, Mr. Yu. What is attacker privilege?

"In some special dungeons, you get the privilege of crushing the core. Sometimes you get only one thing the attacker wants fulfilled. Whatever, it doesn't matter, but the bigger the dungeon, the more difficult it is, the greater the hope of being fulfilled."

"What reason does that give you to hope?

"I don't know anything about that at the moment. All I know is that some dungeons have that effect when attacked. I've never had the privilege of that hand, so I don't know how to express my wishes or anything like that."

Tifa nods so much against Yu who says he doesn't know grandiose and clear when he does.

I know as much as I don't know with Yu, so I decide to talk to a veteran who seems to know without being particularly disappointed or anything.

"Don't you know, Mr. Bashram, too?

"No. I've been here about three times, too, getting attacker privileges, so I know how to be asked and how to answer them. but I just have a hard time explaining it with my mouth..."

"Besides, I don't necessarily have the same attacker privilege here as any other attacker privilege, and I and Bashram only know this place, so I can't give you much detail."

Bashram and Bertilde tell honestly with a troubled look to Tifa's naturally questionable.

"Uh, one more question, attacker privilege is what you get by crushing dungeon cores, right? But then why is this dungeon surviving?

"I'm not familiar with this place either, but according to Lord Riera's story, this dungeon called the Infinite Corridor is structurally shaped like countless accidental dungeons joining together. I guess that means there's as much dungeon core as there is."

"Is that kind of dungeon common?

"No, it's probably an extremely rare category. Some of the dungeons crushed by our ancient nest seem to have had about two cases in the past where accidental dungeons join more than one, but at least I've never heard of any other dungeons where accidental dungeons occur all the time in a fixed dungeon"

In response to Tifa's question, Yu tells his own guess.

Nevertheless, as for the dungeon, it is tantamount to knowing practically nothing.

In the first place, the immobilized dungeon itself, it cannot be said enough that everything is being discovered, and none of the dungeons that have succeeded in destroying the dungeon core in a dungeon that is not, in fact, accidental, exist at the moment.

Just because no one knows, it's no wonder there are dungeons that will resurrect no matter how many dungeons and dungeon cores the Demon God has finally destroyed.

"Well, with regard to the outline here, it's pretty much exactly what Yu and Tifa's lady were talking about. Detailed explanations can be found after you move to the inn."

"Speaking of which, I don't have any deep-red lily sisters, where have you been?

"I'm having my stuff brought to the inn first. Me and Bertilde, too, but they're used to seeing the sights here."

Bashram said so lightly to Lloyd's question about moving to the inn.

In the case of adventurers belonging to the Reiki Ancient Coin Pavilion, when juniors and officials visit the infinite corridor for the first time, they are supposed to indulge in the sights from the airport entrance and exit that represent the wonder here with tacit understanding.

Deep red lilies follow that tradition, and they are running errands on behalf of their juniors.

"The important thing here is to explain it over lunch. After that......, right. Complete the tutorial dungeon for the first time for everyone in the group, just in time."

"Tutorial Dungeons, huh? If the name is right, it's a dungeon where you can safely experience the specifications of an infinite corridor, but it's because it's all over again."

"When I decided to build a town based here, one of the guys who started it made it with attacker privilege. There's quite a few of those facilities over here, but I'll explain them to you over dinner."


Yu nodding at Bashram's words and restocking his luggage to encourage other members to move around.

To that appearance, other new American groups rush to check their own luggage and re-take charge.

Where everyone can move, Bashram walks toward the inn.

"... Tifa asked me everything I wanted to ask, and I couldn't ask her any questions..."

"I don't care who hears, it's nothing, is it?

"We're adventurers in business, aren't we? No matter how much you can still get out of the New America area, I'm sorry you're losing to an apprentice in that way..."

"Too much thought."

Alberto at best comforts Letticia, who is depressed by strange things.

Zash and Jude don't dare say anything because they don't want their horses to kick their ass while they bitterly watch how it goes.

Tifa talks to Milky next to it.

"Um, Senior Milky"


"Nor did Senior Milky know about that lake?

"... nobody told me..."

"I was surprised because Milky screamed first, but I wasn't actually taught either"

"I was just wondering when you told me to get my swimsuit ready to go..."

"Exactly, I didn't know it was in this form..."

Milkie and Lloyd answer Tifa's question that way with a distant eye.

Looking at the side, Alberto and the others also have the expression 'Me and Me'.

"Uh... maybe I have to keep this a secret for those who come to the infinite corridor for the first time?

"That's what I'm talking about. Be careful, ladies."

"Ah, yes."

To Bashram's words, Tifa returns a reply of understanding reflexively.

You were guessing at the first point, Yu's attitude is needless to be said.

This is why Tifa and his adventurers will also be responsible for one stick of the adventurer's unparalleled playfulness.