Alien's Two-dimensional Beautiful Girl's Great Summon

Alien Second Element Beautiful Girl Great Summon Chapter 154

Hearing the admiral said the last, but the tone of the two words was specially stretched, Bismarck and Prince Eugen both raised their hearts and listened intently to the admiral's next words.

"But well~ Kitty seems very anxious. Is my kitty so anxious to see me? Does my kitty miss me so much? Paisla, you can honestly tell me, you I won't open the portal without saying."

When Prince Eugen heard the admiral's words, he looked at the already blushing and even anxious sister beside him.

She naturally understood what to say, so she directly said to the admiral without any hesitation.

"Yes, Admiral Bismarck misses the Admiral very much. She even keeps talking about the Admiral in her sleep, so now the Admiral says she can go to the Admiral. Now Sister Bismarck can't wait to fly to you right away. So the Admiral. Don't mess with Bismarck sisters anymore and open the portal quickly."

'If you don't open the portal again, I'm afraid that the two of us will be more than the admiral's side...'

Of course, Prince Eugen didn't say the latter sentence, he just said it in his heart.

Not to mention Bismarck, whose face was completely red, the admiral was laughing very happily at this time.

"Well, since my little cat misses me so much, how can I not make me happy, Admiral. Okay, the portal is already open, you two come here now!"

Looking at the white light door that opened in the center of the admiral's room, Bismarck, who was flushed red, didn't even think about it, and directly dragged Prince Eugen into it all the way.

She doesn't want to refute anything now, because it makes no sense at all.There is nothing false about what Prince Eugen said just now.She had no way to refute anything, and the figures outside the window had disappeared.Maybe she is already on the stairs, where does she have time to care about it.

As soon as the portal opened, she dragged Prince Eugen and quickly drove away.

She didn't want to miss the chance to be alone with the admiral because of this.

If this allows other ship maidens to step in, I am afraid she will regret it.


A few seconds after Bismarck and Prince Eugen entered the portal, the portal disappeared...

Two seconds after the portal disappeared, the door of the admiral's room was opened.

"Hey~ there is no praying sauce here either, where did the praying sauce go. I didn't see Naka sauce and Qingxiu Jiji sauce along the way, really. Where did you go~!!!"

It was no one else who opened the door of the admiral's room, it was Shixiang and King Kong who left from the beach just now.But now there are three younger sisters of King Kong beside them, they seem to have met on the road.

"Yeah, I don't know where they are going desu~!"

King Kong looked at the empty scene in the admiral's room, and nodded in agreement.

"Well~ King Kong Ounesa (sister-sama), maybe they just pulled Qijiang to perform somewhere. We can find it in other places. It's still early anyway, and we will find it. By the way, maybe Nakachan and the others will be at Gangwansan, or let's go there to find it, right?"

As soon as Haruna's words fell, Kirishima pushed his eyes and said in agreement.

"As expected of Haruna Ounesa (Sister Haruna), it makes sense. I also think that Nako-chan and the others may go to the Deep Sea Ship Mother to play, why don't we go there and have a look!"

"I don't care, anyway, there is nothing to do. I will accompany you to find it together. After all, Chi Feng Sauce is not there, no one will accompany me to cook, it is the same everywhere.

Hiei had an indifferent expression on his face, and said words that made Haruna and Kirishima startled.

"It's okay, since Ji Feng-chan is going to expedition, then sister Bi Rui, you can rest. It's not good to be too exhausted~! Haha..."

'After all, Akagi-san is also going on an expedition now. No one can help with the cooking you made~!!!!!! I don't want to die yet, don't do it~!!!!!'

Without mentioning the heart roared loudly, with a dry smile on his face.

After hearing Haruna's words, Kirishima laughed in agreement.

"Yeah, Sister Birui, the admiral will worry if you work too hard. It's better to take a good break and accompany us to find Naka-chan and the others. Just relax, you are always bored in the kitchen, and the cooking There is no benefit to promotion."

'Although it doesn't matter if you upgrade or not, anyway, it's all right to eat people...'

Hiei didn't know the resentment in Haruna and Kirishima. She just thought that the two younger sisters were right, so she nodded in agreement.

"Well, you all said that, then do it."

"Yo Xi~! Now that it has been decided, let's set off, target the station of the Deep Sea Ship Mother desu~! GO~! GO~! GO~!"

When King Kong saw that several younger sisters had already decided, he took the three younger sisters and Shixiang out of the admiral's room with a happy expression, and walked to the place where the harbor was.

Before leaving, King Kong glanced at the front of the sofa from the corner of his eyes. The two cups of black tea still hadn't completely cooled off, and there was still a hint of smoke...

Chapter 29 is ready to go, in order to pretend (fifth)

In the Pacific Ocean, an old-style warship is sailing on the sea...

And on the deck of this battleship, several human figures are standing.

There are four people in total, three women and one man.

But the three women have one thing in common, that is, they are all very beautiful.

And the man on the side, although he looks very ordinary, standing with a few beautiful women is a bit...

Well, the style is wrong~!


System girl, if you have enough, just narrate the narration, why do you want to tell me!

[Isn’t this more atmospheric...]

Then why don't you just tell others to hear it, just leave it to me?

[I am not exclusively for you~ Now that Kailin and her are not there, of course I can only tell you~!]



"Admiral~! Ship girl Bismarck is here!"

"Admiral~! Prinz Eugen arrived!"

"Oh~ I have worked hard, Kitty, Paisla, you are free, I want to be alone, don’t ask who I am, maybe it’s a beautiful woman..."

Bismarck and Prince Eugen looked at the admiral who was squatting in a corner on the deck, drawing circles on the ground.I don't know what the situation is, the two of them look pretty and don't understand what is going on.Then the two looked at another woman on the deck.

The elegant and noble blond woman-King Kong who looked cold and arrogant, as if she didn't care.

King Kong looked very calmly at Lin Xiaoming just opened a white light gate out of thin air. King Kong knew that this light gate was the portal to the guard mansion.

Afterwards, Bismarck and Prince Eugen, who came out of the portal, aroused King Kong's interest.But when they knew that these two were not King Kong with the same name as her, or even the King Kong-class ship mothers, King Kong completely lost interest in them.

Now the captain of his own is squatting in the corner and drawing circles, as if a child is angry, King Kong can't figure it out for a while.But since the newcomers Bismarck and Prince Eugen both wanted to inquire, she couldn't be dumb in silence.

After all, everyone is a colleague in the future, and they must be with Lin Xiaoming. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are sisters.

So King Kong didn't say anything about Lin Xiaoming, because she didn't know, she didn't even know what to say.

So King Kong planned to talk to Bismarck and Prince Eugen about the next arrangements.After all, the next thing needs to be done by these two ship maidens, and sooner or later they have to say.

Now that Lin Xiaoming's state is estimated to be in a short time, there is no way to recover.So she can only do it for her.

I saw King Kong standing on the spot with his hands wrapped around his chest, dragging the plump pair on his chest.

Very elegantly speaking to Bismarck and Prince Eugen with a cold voice.

"Hello, I am the captain, that is, the exclusive battleship of your admiral. It should be said that it is more appropriate to be the Sea Mist Ship Mother. The battleship under your feet is my body. After all, everyone will be companions in the future. It’s better to introduce yourself than home. The Sea Mist Ship Niang-King Kong-class battlecruiser No.1, King Kong!"

Hearing King Kong's words, Bismarck and Prince Eugen were slightly taken aback.They are still a bit surprised by the name of King Kong. After all, the King Kong in the guard house and the King Kong in front of them...

Although they are all King Kong, the difference is huge.This has always been in my mind, the formula of King Kong = first wedding ship = vitality silly cute girl has been disturbed.

Both of them are a little bit overwhelmed.

But this was only a moment, and Bismarck's face became straight after a moment.After paying a military salute to King Kong very seriously, he introduced himself.

"Guardian Mansion-Bismarck-Class Battleship One, Bismarck! You can call me Bismarck!"

After Bismarck, Prince Eugen also returned to God, learned Bismarck's appearance, after paying a military salute, also introduced himself.

"Guardian Mansion-Admiral Hipper-class III heavy cruiser, Prinz Eugen! You can also call me Prince Eugen!"

After a formal introduction of himself, King Kong continued to speak to the two.

"The captain's current state is estimated to continue for a while, so now I will tell you about the next arrangement and the current situation."

King Kong stretched out his right hand, turned the purple virtual screen that had just appeared before him, and pointed the purple virtual screen at the curious Bismarck and Prince Eugen.After letting the two see the image above, they continued.

"This is the deep sea of ​​this world. According to the captain, it is similar to the deep sea of ​​your world. But they are not exactly the same. They have a kind of transparent strange shield. This kind of shield has a very powerful defense. It can defend against all kinds of attacks. Others should be similar to the deep sea of ​​your original world. As for whether they have other hidden means, I don't know. After all, there is too little intelligence to judge everything."

Looking at Bismarck and Prince Eugen, who were listening carefully to their own words, without any intention to interrupt.The corner of King Kong's mouth raised a satisfied smile and continued.

"The defensive power of this shield has limits, so as long as the attack strength is high to a certain level, or the penetrating power is strong enough to exceed the defensive limit, you can easily break this shield. And the purpose of your visit this time , That’s exactly this. Next, you need to fight the deep seas of this world to test whether the ship maidens in the guard house have the ability to break through this shield."

King Kong said this, and a purple virtual screen popped up again in front of his right hand.Then King Kong used his right hand to tap on it a few times, and the purple virtual screen in front of Bismarck and Prince Eugen also changed their image.

After finishing this, King Kong continued to hold his hands and said.

"This is the current distance between this ship and the deep sea. It is expected that soon this group of deep seas will attack the human military port not far away. For the human beings in this world who have not yet had a ship mother, they have not dealt with this at all. A group of deep-sea methods. So defeat is a doomed end from the beginning. According to the captain's request, you two need to attack this group of deep seas and only after humans show obvious defeat."

After King Kong finished speaking, the purple virtual screen in front of the three disappeared.

Then King Kong looked at Bismarck and Prince Eugen and asked indifferently.

"This is the current captain's arrangement, do you have any objections?"

In this regard, both Bismarck and Prince Eugen shook their heads and said that they had no objections.

King Kong nodded and said quietly to the two.

"If there is no objection, then so be it. When the time is almost there, I will notify you to set off. Now take a short break. There is no need for any pressure. This ship and the captain will accompany you. And this ship was with that before. The group of deep seas has already fought, and it can be said to deal with those who have no brains. It is easy to do it, and with the weapons of this ship alone, they can be solved very easily."

Bismarck and Prince Eugen did not speak, but only glanced at the Admiral's Queen who was still squatting there.Looking at the body of the King Kong battleship behind him, he said with envy.

"That's it, you who didn't expect the Sea Mist Ship Niang to be so different from us guarding the mansion. The battleship itself is completely different from us."

As soon as Bismarck finished speaking, Prince Eugen nodded and said with a look of envy.

"Yeah, don't say anything else. Just let the admiral become my own captain, I want this kind of thing..."

King Kong heard that, Leng Ao's face did not change, but his eyebrows jumped slightly.

"That's all you care about?"

Regarding King Kong's words, Bismarck and Prince Eugen were a little puzzled. Did they make a mistake?

So Bismarck replied straightforwardly.

"Yeah, what else? After all, although you are a little different from us, you are the same as the admiral's wife. Although you may be a lot stronger than us in combat, we are already used to these things. . After all, there are not only us ship maidens in the guard mansion, but also other women of the admiral. Compared with those people, the strength of our ship maidens is not very powerful. So everyone is very clear about our own strength. It’s nothing strange to meet someone better than yourself."

At this time, Prince Eugen also replied.

"So everyone is not very concerned about this kind of thing, as long as the admiral is our admiral. This is enough. It is already very happy to be with the admiral, and we will not insist on other things. At most. Work hard to become the admiral’s wedding ship."

King Kong listened to the unpretentious words of Bismarck and Prince Eugen, and then looked at the two serious expressions.

He closed his eyes helplessly, rubbed his brow with his left hand, and said helplessly.

"So you just simply envy your admiral to become my captain in this matter, right?"

Because King Kong closed his eyes, Bismarck and Prince Eugen both said softly.

King Kong sighed when he heard the answer, and then continued talking.

"Well, I kind of understand what kind of existence the ship maidens in the guard house are like. But forget it, it should be easier to get along this way."

King Kong cleared up his mood, regained his former arrogance and elegance, and then said to Bismarck and Prince Eugen.

"The matter has been said almost. I will notify you when we arrive at the target sea area in a while. The captain and I will look forward to your performance. Now, let the captain hurry back to his soul, and that appearance will continue. When will..."


Chapter 30 is about to fall apart, I will start to pretend (sixth)

"Then Admiral, we are off!"

"Well, be careful all the way, we will be there later."


Standing on the deck, looking at the Bismarck and Prince Eugen who had been put on ship outfits, thinking about their destination.Lin Xiaoming kept watching them disappear before saying to King Kong.

"Well, let's start sailing, always pay attention to the scene of the battle site, and be ready to carry out support shelling at any time."

King Kong quickly clicked on the purple virtual screen in front of him when he heard the words, and then replied with a cold voice.

"Preparation is complete, you can carry out support shelling at any time, Captain, shall we return to the bridge or?"