All Things Wrong

Chapter 561: Negotiator Lee Wylin

Pokémon palace, Queen Rachel and all the ministers have been waiting in the hall. Just now the Pokémon diplomatic corps has returned the news. Everyone has now learned that the people and the Beasts have signed an armistice agreement. The situation is not very optimistic. Only the Pokémon say that it is very difficult to attack the Beast territory now, so Rachel is also very eager to meet Li Wylin.

Soon after the report of the guards, the people's mission finally arrived. All the ministers in the palace looked at the gate, and soon Li Huilin appeared in everyone's sight.

“Is this the Duke of Aquitan? You're as young as they say you are.” This is the first reaction of the elf ministers here.

“Young and handsome indeed.” This is the first reflection of female elves.

Li Huilin stood in the middle of the hall and felt a fiery look sweeping towards him, unable to hold onto his forehead.

“Grand Duke Aquitan.” The deputy next to him promptly reminded Worthington.

“Oh, good evening everyone, I am the ambassador of the people.” Li Huilin just said hello.

“…" next to Worthington is sweaty. Didn't you say hello to Li Wylin before? Why don't you follow the lines at all?

“Duke of Aquitan, I welcome you on behalf of the Gentiles.” Rachel, the elf queen here, didn't reflect much, and her liking didn't change at all, and her voice answered calmly.

“What are you two?” Rachel suddenly pointed to rebellion and sleep and asked, "Now all the human guards are outside the door, and all the people greeted by the Elves have returned to the civilian queue. The few standing in the middle should be from the people's messenger corps, and the two elves of rebellion and sleep stand out.

“Oh, these two are my friends. They said they never came in. Let me take them in for a walk. Is that okay?” Li Huilin said casually.

The rebellion behind “…” can't help but make a noise, you are too blunt, what exactly does the Elf Palace look like to you?

“Oh, yeah.” Rachel nodded over here, and then nothing happened.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!” The rebel side really couldn't help but throw up this time, but he didn't have time to talk, suddenly a series of system prompts rose, all of which were boosted by favoritism. The rebel side took a quick look, all the ministers around him, against the name on their heads, basically boosted his favoritism, and actually included the elf queen Rachel in the middle. Likeness increased by 1-10 points. I feel that the position has improved considerably. Queen Rachel only increased by 1 point, but this is also particularly valuable.

Rebellion looked at the sleep next to her and found that it was also a surprise on her face, and told Rebellion with her eyes that the same thing had happened on her side. Rebellion gently pressed the sleeping hand next to her, indicating that she should not react. After looking at the situation, the sleeping over here also received a message and nodded immediately.

The rest of the mission on this side also greeted Rachel. Unlike Lee Lee Wylin, of course, they were very conscientious in carrying out their diplomatic manners. All greetings were completed and diplomatic negotiations officially started on this side.

“Duke Aquitan, as I have heard from previous members of the Mission, I am very curious to know why the people had to cease war with the Beasts this time. If the people continue to attack now, the Beasts will be extinct. If you can see that, you can see that.” Rachel also took the negotiations seriously and asked very harshly.

“The Beasts? Armistice?” The rebellion behind you just stunned. What is this? Didn't Lee Wylin say he was here to get a reward for his mission? But for a moment, this side of the rebellion came up with something.

Just over a dozen days ago, there was a sudden big thing happening on the side of the elves, and the city of Zurina, the city of the elves, suddenly showed up with a lot of veterinary troops. Because Zurina City is already a big city, and there are a lot of players, and this was quickly known and noticed. After that, the Beasts began to attack the city. Zurina City was completely closed. The players could not leave the city. They could only leave the transmission array. This is particularly tragic, because it takes 10 bucks to sit in the transmission array, and you can pay whatever you want. If you don't have enough money on you, someone will have to pick you up and send you money. If you can't even borrow it, it will be the worst, and you will have to wait until Zurina City opens up.

Some players waited like this, and then something happened. The Beasts actually came in and slaughtered the city directly. The players were naturally very miserable. The Beast soldiers saw the elves and killed them. It doesn't matter if you are a player or NPC, and the resurrected players were actually resurrected at the rebirth point in Zurina City, and then continued to be killed. The dead players were not transferred to the nearby Elf City until the city of Zurina was occupied. Someone smarter in the meantime would have been off the line long ago, and the biggest moron had died eight times, falling straight to the first level.

The players naturally began to protest. What's the matter? I didn't do anything to practice there. When I encountered this mess, I died so many times, someone immediately went to complain, but so far I have not received any response from the game company. Please understand that customer service does not have any substantive answers outside of the normal data, and there is nothing to compensate for.

This thing just keeps dragging on, everyone says these players are really unlucky, and at this point, the same thing happens again, but this time it's on the Beast side, and this time it's worse. The animal players are in their own city. Unsurprisingly, they encountered the people who attacked the city, the whole city was sealed up, and massacres began. The animal players died and died without understanding the situation. Then the city was taken away by the people. They were also transferred to the city near the port without waiting for their reaction. The next day, the people's troops came back and the city was slaughtered...

In the face of this depressing event, soon the players reflected their experiences on the forum. Combined with the two situations, soon a great god sticker began to analyze the situation. The conclusion was that the NPC war, the Beasts attacked the Pokémon, and humans attacked the Beasts' territory as allies. The players on this side had bad luck and were catching up with this.

Naturally, the rebel blade has also been concerned about this situation. His members did not encounter this kind of thing. Several people caught up with it when it was unlucky to seal the city, but it was quickly transmitted. Later, the slaughterhouse did not encounter it. The rebel blade also sent several people into the city to see if it could trigger any tasks. Nothing happened and the loss was very limited. But the rebel blade was very concerned about this situation, so Rachel spoke about it now, and the rebel blade immediately thought of it.

After a glance at the sleep next to me, the sleep is also a facial suspicion, I should think of the same thing. The two immediately looked at Li Huilin. The NPC of the people just now has been saying something about the deputy envoy. Turns out Li Huilin came here to discuss the matter as an ambassador of the people. I didn't expect Li Huilin to be involved in such a big thing. Looks like the people are now in a truce with the Beasts. The Elf Queen is questioning this matter. The two of them immediately pay attention to what Li Wylin said.

“I really don't want to talk about this.” Li Huilin thought about it.

“Alas?” Everyone here was stunned. Didn't you come here to talk about it? Don't want to talk about a situation.

“In fact, we do not need the consent of anyone to start a war with or to cease a war, and I am here to inform you that, even if you already know that, I hear your tone seems to want our people to explain, I can only tell you that we do not want to explain that there is no reason why the ceasefire is our own business and not your business.” Li Huilin said.

“Alas?” next to Worthington looked at Li Wylin surprised. Before he left, he prepared a large number of excuses to explain the current situation to the Elves. He also prepared an explanation to the Elves. Why didn't the Duke of Aquitan follow the set of cards at all? You Elves must be angry.

Indeed, Rachel's expression on this side was just a little short, and he said seriously: “Duke of Aquitan, the Elves are the allies of the people. We fought together against the Beasts. Now humans unilaterally leave us out of the Armistice with the Beasts. Doesn't this have to be explained? ”

“No need." Li Wylin replied very definitively, “I'll tell you one more time, very seriously, that our people don't need to explain anything to you. This is the last time I say it, you still haven't heard it, and I'll let you know next time with my actions. ”

“Duke of Aquitan, what do you mean?” Rachel heard Lee Wylin's sub line and was very upset to ask.

“I mean...” Li Wylin just wanted to say, "I mean let you do what you have to do to bite us, and if you bother me again, I will destroy you.” But when I think about it wrong, I almost fell into a trap again. When I say this, these elves are definitely booming in popularity... fortunately, I was smart and I barely caught the car, “I mean... let's not talk about this... right, I heard you had something for me? ”

“Alas?” Everyone couldn't figure out what was going on with Li Wylin. Why did he make a big turn all of a sudden, but Rachel nodded her head, “Yes... although we were very angry at you for coming to rescue us, we didn't know why I was just giving you something. ”

After that, Rachel said to the guard next to her: "Go get that. ”

“Yes,” the guard nodded.