All Things Wrong

Chapter 577 End of Day 1

Damon freaked out, his own hive jumped on other people's cars countless times, it was really the first time someone jumped on the car, I never thought about what to do when this happened. Although the outer armor of the hive is quite thick, there really is no protection inside, so I shot at the cab, the cab absolutely blossomed.

“This human adventurer, we have something to say. Can you move the cannon first?” Damon here swallowed his mouth and asked.

“Yes, 100 grand a centimeter. How much do you want?” Li Huilin asked happily.

“One hundred thousand gold!” Damon over here is really freaked out. What price is this? Although he has money, he doesn't spend it like this.

“Forget it, take the money to the coffin.” Li Huilin waved.

“No, warrior, I'm willing to leave!” Damon on this side was just surprised by the price, and now he's reacting and shouting immediately, it's all going to blow up. What's the use of money?

“Late, you jump.” Li Weilin looked at the black rhino around him and followed him in his original position. Winhana on the right probed out and shouted at Li Weilin: “Jump! It's gonna blow. ”

“Coming, steady!” Li Weilin said directly a sprint, then jumped on top of the front plate of the black rhino. Orad on this side saw Li Weilin in place, and immediately it was a slowdown, pulling away from the hive on this side.

An explosion of "bombing” sounded, and the shell hit the cab of the hive at zero distance, suddenly making a scene of black smoke. I haven't seen what's going on yet. "Boom” is another explosion. This is the second explosion in the cockpit. I don't know what the shell blew up. This time, the whole cockpit blew up. Various parts are flying around, and I can even see how many people flew out of the cockpit.

The whole head of the hive was surrounded by flames, but the car still kept driving forward and slowly slowed down. Until the last minute, Li Wylin didn't see anyone jumping out of the car. After all, it was a high-speed vehicle. Not many people really had this determination to jump outside. I wonder if Damon would think of the feelings of slaves who had been forced by him to jump out before.

“Success… we actually broke the hive…” Looking at the car that was already on fire here, Winhana on this side is still a little incredible, the hive is a semi-chancellor vehicle, deliberately came to attack a second-rate car like them, and it was actually smashed by herself, which was something I didn't dare to imagine before.

“It's so comfortable!” The Orad next to me couldn't help shouting, "compared to eight years, which was my most comfortable time! ”

“It's a little dangerous.” Li Huilin flipped back into the trunk and sat down. This time, the black rhino side was not very comfortable. The damage to the car was a bit serious. Especially since the right side was already broken. Luckily, Orad's posture technology came to the door, but it didn't seem like a way to keep going. There was nothing wrong with him. The car couldn't stop him. “The car was all torn up like this. Is it okay? ”

“Preliminary estimation, all the decks on the right side are damaged and the tires need to be replaced, otherwise they may not last until tomorrow, and the axle on the right side needs to be checked...” Winhana on this side said, "Master, you can't drive too fast now, otherwise I'm afraid of breaking up the rack, keeping the speed, today is almost over. ”

“End?” asked Li Huilin.

“Yeah, the sun's coming down.” Winhana on this side pointed to the sunset next to her and said, "Yes, you don't know the rules, let me tell you something, because it lasts for three days, it takes two nights, the game generally stipulates that the game cannot continue after dark, all the vehicles will be camped in place, because it is too dark, night driving is not only dangerous, but it also affects the audience, there will be a lion vulture knight to remind us to camp, then there will be a supply car, then I can rob the car. ”

“Oh, yeah.” Li Huilin nodded, that's not bad, Ben is still worried about the offline problem. If he goes offline, how can he catch up with the car? Luckily, he still has time to rest. If he goes offline then...

Soon the sky slowly darkened and, as Winhana said, a dwarf vulture knight appeared in the sky, reporting on his latest ranking, he began to remind all vehicles that they could be stationed in situ.

Li Huilin looked at the ranking. At the end of the first day, the Black Rhino ranking was 22, not only killed the hive, but the first group in front also seemed to have had a battle, several cars exited the race, so the Black Rhino climbed several more, and there were 21 cars in front of him. Now, the black rhino is 27 minutes away from the first god of wind, and the black rhino is just between the first and second groups, 6 minutes away from the first 21, and 11 minutes away from the second group.

After watching the rankings, Orad here picked a spot and slowly pulled over. At this time, the sky was really a little dark. Only a little bit of sunset was left to play the afterheat, and it was estimated that the sun would be completely down in half an hour.

“Help me down and let me take a look at the damage.” Winhana had a bad leg and leg. Now her hand is injured. She can't move in the cockpit. She can only shout at Li Huilin.

“Are you okay with your wounds?” Li Weilin just noticed that Winhana's left hand covered the wound was already full of blood. Although the wound was now covered with cloth, Winhana's face was still a little white.

“It doesn't matter… it doesn't affect, it's just this level of injury, the previous game has encountered more urgency and severity than that, this time it can be considered light.” Winhana's pale face smiled, "Come on, while there's light, let me see the car first. ”

“Uh... I have a blood bottle here, do you want one?” Li Huilin asked.

“Blood bottle?” Winhanna over here is stunned, "the cure? ”

“Yeah, medium.” Li Wylin's cure is really on hand. It's a suicidal device.

“Why didn't you say so?” Winhana said quickly, "Give it to me. ”

“Oh, I really didn't know NPC could drink it, okay.” Li Huilin handed over a bottle directly. Winhana on this side drank it quickly and her face looked a little better.

“Surely these things should be prepared, but they are too expensive.” Winhana said, "It's much better now, help me get to the wheelchair. ”

“It was so much fun today, I couldn't sleep any more!” By this time, Orad had also stepped out of the cab, pushing the wheelchair and walking over and saying.

“Master, you better get some rest, or you'll lose your energy tomorrow.” Winhana said, "I'll fix the car today, don't worry. ”

“Naturally, I'm relieved of your words. I'm off to rest.” Orad has to rest, because he's going to start driving at dawn tomorrow, and he still doesn't have to rest all day, so he has to sleep early today, and after that, Orad over here is going to rest in the distance with his tent, because he's going to have to fix the car later, and it's going to be very noisy.

“You go get the light on the car.” Winhana started pushing the wheel towards the damaged right side of the car as she spoke.

“Fortunately... the axle should be fine...” Winhana said after a while, “but the tires need to be replaced.

“Do we have spare tires?” Li Weilin looked around and saw that there was nothing else in the compartment except some bombs and not knowing what parts, nothing like a tire.

“Don't worry, the supply truck will be here soon.” Winhana had just finished, and there was a sound of an engine behind her, and the two of them looked back at the same time, and a big truck approached them with a light on.

“Xiao Wen.” There was a head in the cab window that looked like a human uncle in his sixties, named Peter, waving at Winhana.

“Uncle Peter.” Winhana waved immediately, “this way. ”

The big truck slowly pulled over and parked not far from the black rhino, extinguishing the fire, and Peter over here came out of the cab.

“You did a great job today. I got word. Did you kill the hive? And killed the Dragon Palace?” Peter laughed as he walked and said, his voice was quite loud. At first glance, he knew that this guy was probably very temperamental when he was young.

“Shh! The master has rested.” Winhana over here said quickly.

“Oh, by the way, this guy Orad did a good job today, and he did suffer.” Peter is a little lighter. He looks nice. After looking at Li Wylin, “you're the new player. I hear you did a good job, young man. My name is Peter. I'm a mechanic in town. ”

“Chestful.” Li Wylin said his name and asked Winhana, "Is he on our team too? Logistics? ”

“No, I opened a repair shop and sold some vehicle parts, and this time Xiao Wen asked me to cooperate.” Peter here spoke voluntarily.

“The average A- or B-class convoy has dedicated logistics personnel, and our C-class half-hour convoy can only afford to work with a motorcycle like Peter to make them responsible for logistics.” Winhanna, just to clarify, "Uncle Peter probably signed several C-class convoys, too. ”

“Yes, there are four of you, you're the first, and I'm going to deliver the parts to them later, so hurry up, I don't want to be scolded. Come on, give me a list of what you need.” Peter said.