All Things Wrong

Chapter 674: Robbery

Shakra hasn't figured out what kind of trouble she caused yet. Why does this dragon just not want to let go of his appearance? I don't think he has robbed a dragon, but the other party doesn't even want money to chase him vigorously. Why?

But now I really don't have time to give him much thought. Xiaomi is very fast. It's impossible for a horse with four legs to run past Xiaomi, but after a while, both sides shrink again.

Shakra turned around and looked behind him. There are only three younger brothers behind him. Six people are horseback riders. Others already knew they could not run. So they ran off to another place. Shakra didn't believe the gang would come back. After all, the Reggie Bandits had been set up for too short a period of time, not even a year. Cohesion was still limited. Now there are three old men who are still following him. But the efforts of Reggie Bandits have been wasted for months now. Shakra really wants to cry, but the Bandits have been exterminated by a dragon. Who can imagine that? Now he can only think of how to save this life.

And on Li Wylin's side, they're chasing the bandits in front of them, but they're chasing slower, because they can only run.

As set out in "Heart of Glory", you can generally get your first ride at level 40, but the only way to get a ride in "Heart of Glory" is by yourself. That is, get a pet above the golden level, raise it to level 40, and then ride it. Of course, there is also a zero-hour solution, which is to rent riding places in all the big cities, you can rent a horse for it first, but not only is it too expensive, but if you forget to return it, you may also get caught in jail by NPC, it is really very inexpensive, most players will not choose to rent it if it is not urgent.

Now that the players are practicing their level of gravity, players with 40 + gold pets are not without them, but very few. And of course, there's also a shortcut, which is the Beast King hunter, because the Beast King hunter is able to catch an adult beast monster as his own pet, which means that if you encounter a Grade 40 + Golden Beast BOSS in the wild, you can catch it and ride it directly, so the hunters in the server are basically converted to the Beast King hunter, which is really a very hassle-free solution, but that's why the refresh point of the server Golden Beast BOSS is also a commodity, a fixed refresh point, and even a resource point.

And Li Huilin, in this team, has only two people who can ride pets, one is Li Huilin, one is the same, the other three people have no time to practice, and can only run, not to mention now Niemuia, who has become a thief's brother, is also with them, so Li Huilin can only run with them.

“This way.” The person who leads the way is constant, the Beast King hunter has very convenient skills, the eyes of the beast, that is, he can see his pet's field of view, Li Wylin can not see Xiaomi's field of view, so the person who leads the way can only be constant, because now his pet wolf is chasing after Xiaomi. Although the speed is not comparable to Xiaomi's, it can still be done by hanging behind him.

Chasing along the direction of the thief's escape, all of a sudden, Li Huilin heard the sound of the battle coming from ahead, the staggering of all kinds of metal weapons and the sound of verbal abuse, several people immediately stopped.

“Alas? What's going on? I don't see anything up ahead.” Thousands of yards around here are no stranger, because his pet just passed through here, and through the eye of the beast he didn't see anyone fighting in front of him.

“Look what's going on.” The Summoning Jade Emperor said.

A few people hid a little, then looked carefully forward, and found that there was actually a large group of people fighting in front, there were about a hundred people, a bunch of people were all fighting together, I had no idea it was there and there, as if the people inside were seeing people and chopping up, it felt like they had been hit by some crazy virus.

“Looks like a gang of thieves.” The Summoning Jade Emperor said.

“I see.” This is where the bandit leader threw the money, “Chiyo said. ”

So everyone understands, in fact, the same thing. These bandits who were behind Shakra saw that Xiaomi was going to chase them, and fled directly to the side, but then he ran a few steps back, and the dragon didn't chase them, and went after them towards Shakra. For a moment, they all understood that the target was their own boss, so that it looked like their boss was dead. So the bandits also looked like they were going to break up, what should they do?

So a lot of thieves thought of one thing, that their boss just threw money on the ground, anyway, their boss is dead, that money is not a nobody's money, they can't be thieves now, so why not pick up the money and go home and buy a plot of land, so think thieves on this side came to the place where the boss just threw the money, and at first glance, they are not the first to think of this, someone has already started to pick up money on the ground.

These people are thieves, they don't have any qualities and consciousness in themselves. They all think that the money that falls on the ground is their own. Now someone is robbing their own money, whether or not they were former comrades of war, and they immediately set fire to it. Of course, the other party also thinks that the money is his, and then they make a scene and fight.

And as more and more bandits came back to collect money, then this kind of armored fighting scene happened, more than a hundred people fought together, didn't even know what team, just hit and stuffed money into their pockets, messed up.

“Forget about them, these people will not go back to being thieves until they finally lose their money, when they die.” This side of the summoning Jade Emperor looked at these people disgustingly. The ugliness of human greed was all perfected by these people. The most annoying thing about summoning Jade Emperor is seeing this situation.

“Then let's go.” Li Huilin said that although the money on the ground seemed pretty good, Li Huilin was not interested, but it was important to go forward.

Everyone nodded, then continued to chase forward, and went a long way, and the thousand yards on this side suddenly said: “We're catching up, we're fighting now. ”

“Catching up?” Li Huilin couldn't see anything, asked Qiandai unchanged.

“Looks like your dragon caught up with the Dragon Wei skill to scare off each other's rides, and now he's fighting six people across the street, and my wolf is right next to him.” Thousands of yards here say the same thing.

“How far is it?” Li Huilin asked.

“Not far ahead.” Chiyo replied unchanged.

“That speed.” Li Huilin nodded.

After another five minutes or so of running forward, the quick and unchanged lead signaled everyone to the place, a few people immediately silenced and then gently walked forward. It was true that the sound of the battle coming forward, some sounded like a magical burst, as well as the dragon roar on Xiaomi's side.

Everyone looked forward, in battle, on one side, Xiaomi, the dragon, on the other side, three people, one in burglar costumes, the other two in grey robes, and the ground has laid down three bodies, all looking like burglars.

“This is Shakra, the leader of the Reggie Bandits.” Nemoa on this side pointed to the thief standing there and said, because she still knows her boss in the memory of her body.

“Where are the two next?” Li Huilin pointed to the two gray robes next to him and asked.

“I don't know, I don't remember.” Niemua on this side remembered a little and replied.

“In other words, the rebels.” Li Huilin knew the identity of the other person when he thought about it, and looked at the shape of the two men. They didn't seem to look like the bald head who had taken Niemua before, because both of them were too skinny to look like warriors.

In fact, as Li Wylin guessed, now the battle form can see the occupation of these two people. Now the situation is that Xiaomi has just solved the three thief brothers, and the other two messengers are in trouble. Among them, Ira is a magician, and now she is using ice spell to control the side output, and Xiaomi is very saddened because there is no way to attack her close, and Xiaomi now has no remote spell other than dragonbreath to touch each other's body.

But Ira's side is also uncomfortable, because Xiaomi's eye-to-eye skills can bounce back the damage, whether physical or spell attack. In 10 seconds (the eye-to-eye skills have been upgraded, cooling time has become shorter), Ira can bounce back the damage from the spell attack. Although Ira doesn't know what she was attacked by, she can only fight like this now. Fortunately, the other messenger is a priest, just to help him recover the amount of blood, the two are now relying on skills and Xiaomi to consume, and Shakra on the other side is totally afraid to go up, because he is a melee, now going up against this dragon is not just looking for death.

Although Xiaomi has a lot of blood, it is also a little unbearable to be grinded like this. Ira uses ice technique to control Xiaomi's position, which also makes her very uncomfortable. The claws can't always be scratched to make her a little angry. In this way, her owner will scold her again.

“On?” Seeing this situation, Jade Emperor on this side asked Li Huilin next door.

“Stand down! I'm gonna start pretending.” Li Huilin waved gorgeously.

”He summoned the Jade Emperor.