All Things Wrong

Chapter 2028: Enemy Gap

It was already the morning of the next day when Li Wylin came to his house again, because both Gert and Yamara had to do a dispatch survey at the headquarters base of the Elavin Explorer, so they couldn't come back yesterday. Li Wylin sent all of the Toroshgar tribes back and was almost offline.

The next day I woke up at normal time, and when I first came to my house, I saw the abnormally lively noise in my house, and I followed the sound of the past, and I saw a bunch of Torosug tribes screaming around, not knowing what they were doing. Of course, Li Huilin walked over and looked. Pushing away the crowd in front of him, it turns out that Raymond was at war with another human being. The human being Li Huilin also knew, Bruno, his subordinate.

The battle between the two now looks like a wrestling match, and Bruno here is naked and fighting with Raymond. The Torosag warned that it was bigger than the average human being, and Bruno was smaller than Raymond, even though he said it was a big one. But it doesn't seem to matter at the moment, because Raymond doesn't look like he can handle Bruno, who is slowly pushing Raymond back, although they seem to be holding back. Raymond wanted to stop, but he couldn't stop the car, leaving a very deep footprint on the ground.

“Okay, okay, okay!” Although it is Raymond who is at a disadvantage, the Torosgue tribe is after all a tribe that worships the strong, so the people around us are still very happy to cheer Bruno again, and the atmosphere looks good.

“I lost, I lost!” Bruno took another long way back, and Raymond here finally gave up and shouted directly at Bruno.

“Huh...” Bruno also let Raymond go and breathed heavily, obviously he wasn't easy either.

“Good, good...” The surrounding Torosgue tribesmen immediately clapped again, and several immediately went up to hold Bruno and began to praise him.

Just in time, Li Huilin walked over. When Li Huilin arrived, everyone immediately asked Li Huilin the question mark: “Boss.” “Boss. Your Majesty. ”

His Majesty was Bruno, of course, and marched to Li Wylin immediately. A group of Torosug tribesmen next to them didn't know much, but seeing Bruno in this position was also a salute to Li Wylin.

“When did you get back?” Li Huilin asked.

“Your Majesty, a few weeks back.” Bruno replied.

“Uh... a few weeks?” Li Huilin has not really cared about the situation on the military side for a long time. Didn't Reg say he was coming back to build the mainland ZHENG army, and then Li Wylin agreed? After that, Reg seemed to start pulling the officers and elite troops of the First Corps to Li Wylin's side. The current situation seemed to suggest that a 30,000 troops had been pulled out. Of course, the troops were not fully integrated. After all, the regular forces were not enough. Reserves, logistics teams, engineering teams and so on had to keep up. Li Wylin did not know what was going on.

“Your Majesty, are these the newly recruited close guards?” Bruno asked, yes, he wasn't there yesterday, because Lee Wylin's new regiment was not based in the house, of course, but outside the city. Bruno only saw the barbarians this morning. They were said to have brought back Li Huilin to put them here first, and asked them if they were following the boss. Bruno of course thought it was Li Huilin's close guard corps.

“Kingsguard?” Li Huilin shook his head, "I don't need any Kingsguard. These people like to fight, I'll let them fight. There's been a war recently. By the way, how's it going with the new legions? ”

“Your Majesty, of course we can fight at any time.” When I heard about the recent war, Bruno's eyes lit up. Yes, the invasion in East Asia is, of course, a top secret and has not yet been made public to anyone except a few ministers. Bruno is just a general, and of course he doesn't know who to fight, but Bruno is happy when there is a war, he hasn't fought in exactly a lot of time, whoever he is excited to fight.

“Are you sure?” Li Huilin asked that although he had not been concerned about the situation of the army for some time, he was still a long way off at the time of the last report. It was not a one-and-a-half hour to train soldiers. Li Huilin was a little suspicious.

“Rest assured, Your Majesty, we are ready to fight.” Bruno said again.

“Oh? Really...” Li Wylin nodded slightly, just as he saw Gert walking towards the place, Li Wylin waved his hand, "Take these guys with you first so they don't mess up, let the soldiers be vigilant lately, and may go any minute. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Bruno nodded happily.

“Your Majesty, the meeting is ready.” Gert walked over and said, yes, he had just met Gert on his way to Lee Wylin and asked him to come back first and get someone ready for the meeting. Listening to Gert, Li Wylin nodded and followed Gert back to the conference room.

The conference room is still full of people from yesterday, but the atmosphere seems a little tense, at least a lot more so than yesterday. When Li Huilin didn't come, everyone was talking quietly. The meeting room didn't settle down until Li Huilin showed up.

Li Huilin walked directly to the main position and sat down and said to everyone: "Well, tell me about the current situation, it is said that there is news, right? ”

“Yes,” responded Amara, who also stood up when she heard Lee Wylin's query, "after an overnight survey, we've got a lot of new information. ”

Yamala walked up to the stage and walked to the front of a map. It was only then that Li Huilin noticed that the map on the wall had also been replaced, that it had previously been the map of the continent, that it had now been enlarged and that a new map of the continent had emerged to the east.

“Your Majesty, look, this is the Triolian continent.” Yamara said.

“Yesterday, I thought you said that the Triolian mainland was west of us.” Li Weilin looked at it and asked, “How did you get to the east now? ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The investigation revealed that this continent of Triolian was indeed on our east side, not on our west side, "Amara said," and we had previously received information that it was on our west side that the messengers of the Dolemt Empire had told us that we had not actually been there by boat, and now it seems that the messengers of the Dolemt Empire had already planned against us, even telling us where we were wrong. ”

“Oh.” Li Huilin nodded, "Go on. ”

“As you can see, the Triolian continent is very different from our side, with its long coastline, mostly peninsular terrain, many islands and, most importantly, the presence of this huge inland sea in the middle, known as the Césarin Inland Sea, resulting in very developed maritime transport on the Triolian continent, which is completely different from our side.” Yamara said.

Li Huilin nodded, yes, just as he saw, the terrain of the Triolian continent in East Asia was not the same as it was on their side. On the mainland side of Huaxia is a straight, complete continent, very simple, kind of like a magnified version of Australia, although there are some small islands around, but mainly this big one.

But East Asia is different. First of all, the whole continent is a continent. It looks a little like a broken archipelago. The coastline is also extremely complex. Of course, the most important thing is that there is a huge inner sea in the middle, the Cesarin Inland Sea, which Amara used to say. This is a bit like the Mediterranean on the other side of Europe, right in the middle of the continent, where, of course, all major cities are built along this inland sea, and all cities are connected by sea.

Maritime transport is of course very convenient, especially when there is such a large inland sea in the middle, which is a natural advantage. This side of Huaxia, for example, although the land is huge, can only be transported by car to the other side, and the volume and time of transportation are incomparable with sea transportation. But there's no way, who makes this continent this big?

“So the military situation on the Triolian continent is completely different from that on our side. Yamala continues," On the Triorén continent, the military de facto strength of the navy is a very important part of the country's military strength. ”

Li Huilin nodded, after all, such a large inland sea would certainly be invincible if it could be controlled. Of course, if Li Huilin was there to control the entire inland sea for the first time, the Navy would certainly be important. And this side of Huaxia... you can't take warships to land. What's the use of taking over the seaside? Important cities in all countries are inland, the coastline... nobody cares.

“You can see that this area is currently attacking the territory of our Dolemt Empire and that almost the entire western side of the Césarine Sea is occupied by the Dolemt Empire. From what we have heard so far, the Navy of the Dolemte Empire is very powerful and the most powerful navy on the Triorlain continent. According to Amara," the information available now indicates that the Navy of the Dolemt Empire currently has three more major fleets, with a total naval strength of approximately 280,000 and at least tens of thousands of battleships large and small. ”

“Oh.” Here's a shout out at this number.

“While we do not yet know how much they have invested in attacking our continent, what we are facing is certainly a serious war.” Yamara concludes.

“Uh...” Li Wylin nodded and asked, "We're in the Navy...”

“Your Majesty, our navy has just been established for two days and is currently serving 17 people, temporarily a ship.” Wilken, the new Navy Chief next door, stood up and replied.

Li Huilin: “…”