All Things Wrong

Chapter 2294: Sudden Attack

Today's atmosphere is particularly tense in the glory fortress of the human empire of Magnesia, the capital of the Quesos Empire, or the capital of the human capital of Magnesia. The alarm was suddenly remembered in the otherwise quiet main city because a few minutes earlier their military zone had been attacked and an army was said to have suddenly appeared in the lobby of the military zone, attacking the garrison there.

The report was a little unclear, not knowing exactly how many troops had invaded or where the invading army had come from, but they had been beaten anyway. Anyway, the invasion of the main city certainly needs to be taken seriously, so it was immediately reported to the palace, Emperor Warren. Fisk. Taff, get the Royal Guard out of here and check it out.

Royal Guard captain Madison, who received the order, was of course ordered to take his troops with him immediately, but Madison did not pay much attention to the alert, because it was not the first time that an incident had occurred in the military zone involving immigrants from other continents. In Madison's judgment, that's pretty much the case this time.

Anyway, the emperor ordered, of course he had to take it seriously, so he took his troops directly to the lobby of the military zone, and then went over there and looked at Madison a little silly. Because they had just entered the gate of the military zone, they were surrounded by a large group of enemies. Madison really didn't expect so many people in the military hall. Now the hall is basically full of enemy troops. Madison also saw that the transmission array over there was constantly spitting out followers.

“God of Light, what the hell is going on?” Madison looked at it all. How did the other party send it through the Elavin Explorer's transmission array? The octopus people didn't cooperate at all. Of course, their national empire had been in contact with these octopus people before. After all, they had transmission arrays in all the main cities. Before the national empire, they wondered whether they could reach their troops directly into the capital of the dead enemy demon by contacting the octopus, so that they could destroy the demon people directly. But by contacting them, they found it simply impossible, the octopuses were not cooperating at all, and the transmission array was to be turned around through the octopuses' headquarters, and it was useless for them to forcibly occupy it because they did not know how to operate it.

So what's happening now, and why are the intruders getting here through these transmission arrays, and the numbers are so staggering? Madison realized he seemed to be in a lot of trouble and knew he was coming with all the troops, but now the problem was he couldn't get away.

“Who the hell are you? What continent are you from? What's the purpose?” Madison, surrounded by a regiment of soldiers, also had the audacity to ask, yes, after all, this is their castle, Madison is a little scared, but a little cheerful.

“Your Majesty, what shall we do?” McKen looked at Madison and basically guessed his identity from the other person's clothing, turning to Li Wylin next door. Yes, the troops that appeared were of course Li Wylin's troops, and according to Li Wylin's orders, the Second Regiment was immediately dispatched. To be honest, the soldiers of the Second Corps are also a little obnoxious. This is not playing Baiyaki. Why did you hit another continent all of a sudden? It's really a little strange.

Of course, they just felt a little strange, and no one questioned Li Huailin's orders. Yes, it was only yesterday that they went through a catastrophe, and the entire force lost a lot of money. In this case, most soldiers must of course question their own command. So who is their commander, Li Wylin? Well done. All soldiers suddenly feel good about it. And now that they have just fled back, they have not rested for a while to leave again, so disregarding the feeling of their soldiers to command them, they also feel that they are worthy of being the leader of their former regiment, it is really worth the effort to give him.

Li Huilin, of course, was able to come here directly through the octopus transmission array, which was certainly not possible, but the octopus are now Li Huilin's men. Although this is a little against the rules, they still executed Li Huilin's orders. So the troops arrived very smoothly in the mainland of Saskatchewan, the main city of the people, and very easily occupied the lobby of the military zone, just after cleaning up NPC soldiers and players, they ran into Madison's reinforcements and surrounded them.

“That's it for reinforcements?” Li Weilin looked at Madison's people and beamed a little. The other party actually came with hundreds of people, and now they are surrounded by tens of thousands of people. This is not a very embarrassing situation.

Madison also knew that he was really Todai, and of course it was too late to regret it. Looking at each other, the adventurer looked like he was in command of this side, he immediately turned to Li Wylin and asked him again: “Who are you? What's the purpose? ”

“There's no time to talk to this guy, just cut him to death.” Li Huilin waved directly. Yes, now think about it. Li Huilin himself feels like his bull is blowing a little big. The time of day is a bit tight, but there is no way. Now that the bull is blowing out, there is no turning back, we can only hurry and get things done.

Li Wylin didn't know Madison, nor did he know he was the captain of the Royal Guard. Of course, even knowing he was too lazy to talk to this guy, he let the soldiers do it with a wave of his hand.

Madison was also stunned, you guys didn't follow the routine, where did you come up to do it directly, so hurry up and say: “I am the Nexus Empire...”

Before he finished, a big man rushed over to him as a stick. Madison reacted and tried to stop it, but before he could pull out the big man's stick, he fell on his head, and Madison was smashed straight into a piece of meat and mud. Bruno, of course, was the one who did it, and when Bruno did it, the soldiers next to him rushed up, because the other soldiers whose captain had been stunned for seconds were, of course, immediately taken to the ground.

“MacKen, are we all here?” Li Huilin was also rushed.

“Yes, Your Majesty, the troops are all here.” McKen certainly doesn't care what's going on over there, so report directly.

“Okay, direct raid on the palace, we don't have much time.” Li Huilin said immediately.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” McKen still has doubts about Lee Wylin's decision to occupy the entire continent in a day, but of course he is still following Lee Wylin's orders. There is no question. The troops have all arrived. Although the Second Corps is now a little short of generals and a little confused in its composition, it is, after all, an elite corps and a little tidying up is still functioning properly. The troops then departed from the Military Zone lobby and went directly to the Palace of the Nation.

The Imperial Palace of the Krussian Empire was also completely unprepared at this time. Although it had been previously ordered by the Emperor, the Emperor himself felt that it was not a big deal, it was just something that had happened inside the Castle, so he had to take care of it. And I've already checked with the Royal Guard, so I guess it's okay.

By the time we get the report again, Li Wylin's army will have rushed to the palace door. Yes, the inner city was completely unprepared and was broken straight through until the soldiers who had fled at this time reported to him in panic. The Emperor Taft was in shock, and this is when he was rushed to organize his defense, but the problem was...

“What, Royal Guard Captain Madison is missing?” Taft was also stunned, remembering that he had just been asked to investigate what was going on, and now he is nowhere to be found… he will not be killed directly by the invading army. That's really troublesome. The captain was killed all of a sudden. How does the Royal Guard organize this? Appoint a new captain now? People have already killed at the front door, how is it time?

The palace was chaotic, because the enemy came so suddenly, and the attack was so fast. At present, there are no officials in the palace. The emperor does not know who to consult with, nor does he know where the team leader is. What should we do?

Without waiting for Emperor Taft over here to hesitate for a while, because it wasn't long before Li Huilin took his troops directly to the palace hall, which was a little too fast to give them much time to cope.

Emperor Taft is now in the lobby until he sees Li Wylin's troops rushing in and the Royal Guard didn't organize to arrive. The entire palace is just a few guards, which can be said to be completely defenseless, and then easily killed by Li Wylin's soldiers.

Seeing all his soldiers killed, Tav here calmed down instead. After all, he is also the emperor of a country. Taft is still a bit of an audacity. In this situation, it's useless to rush, but ask the other party who he is and what his purpose is.

“Who are you people?” Taft sat on his throne facing a bunch of soldiers down there and asked, "Who's the leader? ”

The soldiers of course looked to Li Wylin's side, and Li Wylin walked out of the crowd. And of course, Taft knew then that this human adventurer was their leader. A little surprised, but science asked, "Why attack us? What's your purpose? ”

“All right, cut the crap. I'll ask you a question. Will you surrender?” Li Huilin asked directly.

“Huh?” Taft was also stunned. The other side was very direct. So, do you think Taft would surrender? The ghost would, and Taft immediately said, “Are you insulting me? I am the Quesos Empire...”

“Okay, got it, don't want it.” Li Wylin interrupted directly, then waved at Bruno next to him, "chopped him to death. ”