All Things Wrong

Chapter 2323 actually became

“What about BOSS, gone?” A bunch of players are still surprised to see where Bayaki disappeared. At this time, the players watching at close range have basically been killed by Bayaki or the earthquake it caused, and the rest of them are still standing at a distance to see, because of the special environment on the dark side of the continent, what they are seeing is not very clear. Anyway, they see that Bayaki seems to be fighting something, and then after a short fight Bayaki disappears, which... it can't really be Li Wylin who killed him.

Players who didn't believe it a little bit rushed over to the place where it happened, and what they saw was a crack in the air. Yes, as Iofame said earlier, this time the crack was forcibly enlarged, so it was difficult to repair, and because Iofame's mess also caused damage to the crack, this crack is now too short to fit, and now it appears directly in front of the players.

“What kind of space magic is this?” The players over here guessed, "Something like that going somewhere else? ”

“So Captain Huaxia sent Bayaki somewhere else, not to destroy it.” The foreign players next to him said.

“Anyway, the door's open, so let's just go in and see.” There was also an immediate suggestion.

That's a good idea. It's already after 12: 00. Although the disappearance of Baiyaki just now surprised them, it can't be proved that this guy is dead yet. Of course, everything has to be proven. Of course, it's best to take pictures of Baiyaki alive directly, such as the provincial Li Huilin cunning.

Watching as the portal was still open, several players walked right into the portal. And what they didn't realize was that they just walked in, and they didn't even turn the scene around, and everybody saw their screen, and it was just for a second, and they fell on the floor.

“I... how did I die? ”

“I'm hanging up too. What happened, did that guy do it?” The guy here refers to Li Huilin, of course. They thought it was Li Huilin who saw them come in to kill each other.

“No, you look at the death record, which shows us leading to death in places where organisms cannot survive.” A player next to him said.

“What, where creatures can't survive? Where is this?” The players looked at the information records. Yes, I told them earlier that ordinary people couldn't get in. Li Wylin was wearing the shield given by Iofam to get in. Of course, the players couldn't hold up. Almost instantly they fell in.

“So... since no creature can survive, is Bayaki a creature?” Suddenly someone inside asked. Yeah, they don't know exactly where this is. If the creature can't survive here, which means that just pulling something in is a dead thing, then it seems that Bayaki just got in here, too, so... is he dead?

“This is Brother Bullshit's plan!” Suddenly one of the Huaxia players in the crowd shouted, yes, of course there are people in Huaxia District to see the lively, this player is quite Li Weilin's party, “I understand, Niu Jiao Brother has so much background to know that there is such a place, the creature cannot survive, so just bring Baiyaquila here, it automatically dies, damn, Niu Jiao Brother is too smart. ”

“What... what?” Everyone was stunned, but they didn't dispute it. Yes, they actually believed it. No wonder Li Huilin dared to blow such a big bull, it was definitely ready. If they knew there was a creature in there that would die, of course they weren't afraid to blow it. Now this explanation sounds reasonable, as if it really doesn't have any logical loopholes.

“This... now...” foreign players suddenly realized it was bad, now Niu Zheng really killed Baiyaki, now... what should we do? All of them are pretending to be this guy. There's nothing you can do about him. This is really going to happen.

Of course, the story is still to be reported. The news cannot be hidden. So many people in the room are watching it, not to mention the players in Huaxia District. A couple of reporters looked at the colleagues in Magnesia next door a little sympathetically, yes, and now they're probably the ones with the most complexity. You know, now that Magnesia District has been occupied by Li Huilin, and a lot of new affairs have been introduced, all of them are pits. These people wanted to force Li Huilin to surrender based on public opinion offense. Now they really prove that they have the ability to solve Baiyaki at any time, and then clean up your Magnesia District, which is awkward.

Watching a few blue-faced Magnesia players, the others waved and were ready to leave. Yes, there is no need to stay now, after all, the big picture is settled, and they think that Li Wylin side should put Bayaquilla in and die together, now it is presumed to be resurrected at the resurrection point, after all, it is an area where creatures cannot survive. Although Li Wylin is dead, he didn't say that he can't go down with Bayaki. Anyway, Bayaki is dead, so it's not a big deal. Since there is no news here, we should hurry back to the city to find it. Maybe we can still meet Li Wylin for an interview. If we can't meet him, we should hurry down and revise the manuscript. The previous writing is really useless.

The players gradually dispersed, the rest of the players in Magnesia and Huaxia were left. Of course, Huaxia players were happy. They stayed to ridicule Magnesia players, while Magnesia players were confused. I don't know what to do. Are they going to end up as tragic as East Asia?

And then, of course, at the mockery of the Huaxia players, they all left, and nobody mocked them, and the Huaxia players went offline. Now the Internet must be very lively, and they, as the actual witnesses of this battle, can of course go online and brag about it.

On the other side of the crack, Li Huilin was of course still alive. Although he said he didn't know how many meters of height he had flown, after all Xiaomi's replacement skills cooled for 10 seconds and had already cooled down. Of course, Xiaomi was carrying the cooled down and Li Huilin didn't fall to death.

But now Li Huilin doesn't know where he fell. The elements are completely red soil. There is nothing that can be used as an indication. The scenery is the same everywhere. And after a whistle, Li Wylin had no idea where he had fallen.

“This... what's wrong with TND?” Li Huilin stood up and looked around. Don't say it was Iofam. Bayaki didn't even know where he was flying. There was a lot of empty space surrounding him. There was nobody there. Thinking about this dragon man's aunt can really get into trouble, the plan is so hard, this guy made a lot of accidents, now he has to find Bayaki where to fly?

“Buzzing...” Just as Li Weilin had a headache, suddenly there was a strange sound in his ear. Li Weilin looked down and found that the dream fragment had fallen not far from him before. Yes, Li Huilin also remembered. He also grabbed the shards in his hand when he was flying everywhere before, or when he landed, he threw them out. Luckily, they didn't look far from home, but now...

Seeing the dream fragments on the ground has started to tremble, as if they were about to explode. Li Huilin first looked at his skill cooling, first the death skill has been cooled again, so it doesn't really seem to matter if it explodes, Big Mi sent it again. After confirming this, Li Huilin quickly picked up the debris on the ground. Yes, of course, this thing still can't be blown up. After all, we have to seduce Baiyaki to the other door now. How can we seduce this thing without it?

Looking at the state of this thing, Li Huilin was surprised to discover that the full display of this thing was not only full, but now the degree is already 33022000, yes, it has exploded, it is more than half the acceptable range. Li Huilin doesn't know exactly how much energy this thing can withstand, but the situation is dangerous.

Li Huilin immediately flashed white light without saying a word, and the next second appeared next to Iofam. Today, Iofam is still in the form of a white dragon, and now it is directly on the ground, with a depraved face. Li Huilin simply looked at it. It seems that the other party is not injured. In the current situation, it is estimated that the amount of magic used just now is really too large, leading to a bit of disfigurement.

“Hey, Dragon, didn't you say you could absorb the energy in here? Absorb it, or this thing will really blow up.” Li Huilin said quickly.

“Waiting for you.” Iofam on this side immediately said, of course she knows that Li Huilin has the ability to transmit. She has seen it countless times before, and is now waiting for Li Huilin to show up, "give it to me. ”

“Here you go, too.” Li Wylin took off his gloves and handed over the wrapped pieces to Iofam, saving the guy from falling asleep directly from this thing or just passing through nobody. Give it to Iofam, Li Wylin quickly asked, "How long will you be recovering this time? Don't tell me it's going to take me another day. ”

“Shut up, Bayaki's in anyway, he's not going anywhere now.” Iofam said, "If you want to wait, wait here. If you can't wait, you can find Bayaki's location first, and I'm going to start recovering. ”

If you listen to her tone, you'll know it's going to take a long time to recover, but Li Huilin thought about it. Bayaki has already come in anyway. He can't get out of here, can he? Now at this time... it's better to get some sleep first.