All Things Wrong

Chapter 2481 Designation

“Alas?” Zhang Yudong, who suddenly disappeared, also stunned Li Huilin for a moment. He had no idea what was going on. But that's when Anthony asked.

“What's wrong, Wylin?” Anthony asked.

“Uh... nothing, you wait.” Of course, Li Huilin was also confused. Just answer Anthony. Li Huilin went straight to Zhang Yudong again. Yes, although it suddenly disappeared, Li Wylin also felt that the other party was not using any conveying skills, just running away at speed. Now that we know that Zhang Yudong's strength is actually quite strong, Li Huilin is not very strange about the speed of the other party, he just doesn't know the purpose of the other party.

Obviously, Zhang Yudong didn't want Anthony to find himself leaving, did he? So does Zhang Yudong know Anthony? Did you two meet? With doubt, Li Huilin found Zhang Yudong again. Yes, Zhang Yudong can only operate within the main hall now, so it is still easy to find him, and the other party didn't really run too far. He squatted at the bottom of the fence next to him. He looked cautious.

“What's the matter?” Li Weilin walked over and asked directly, "Do you know him? ”

“What brings you here with the people of the gods?” Zhang Yudong looked at Li Huilin and immediately handed out a note asking.

“The Divine Clan?” Li Weilin pointed to Anthony and asked, “You think he's a god? ”

“Of course, he is a man of the Divine Nation, but he is also a man of the Divine King.” Zhang Yudong said immediately, "Don't you know? Why did you bring him here? ”

“The Divine Clan?” Li Huilin, looking at Anthony's side, replied a little silently, "No, I'm pretty sure he's a human being. What the hell is going on? How do you know him? ”

“Humanity?” Zhang Yudong was also a little strange, but he didn't have to hide anything from Li Huilin in this regard, so he immediately told him what he knew on his side. About a few months ago, Zhang Yudong really saw Anthony, and it happened in another game world, but it wasn't that long.

According to Zhang Youdong, at that time, he also received reports that a programmer had been attacked. When he arrived at the scene, he found Anthony. The other party's abilities were also unusually strong, and several people stayed on top of the group at the time. Although there was little communication between the two sides, Zhang Yudong of course also knew that the other party must have been sent by the Divine King.

“Really? So Anthony's actually been to that world?” Li Huilin nodded, “And then, the result of the battle was...”

“No results.” Zhang Yudong on this side replied, "Not long after I arrived, the other side suddenly disappeared. He never showed up again. I didn't expect to see him here again. ”

“Suddenly disappeared?” Li Huilin, “and then never showed up again? ”

Zhang Yudong's statement should be the real situation. Li Huilin felt that Zhang Yudong should not have been necessary to deceive him in this regard at least, and Zhang Yudong's time was just a few months ago. Forget it, it is indeed what happened during Anthony's sudden disappearance. Li Huilin certainly did not tell Zhang Yudong at this time, so the other party can also prove this.

It was obvious that Anthony did go in contact with the Divine King at some point, and he himself said he remembered going to the temple, but at first Lee Wylin didn't think he was going to go to another game world. In this way, according to Zhang Yudong, Anthony probably received the divine task to destroy Zhang Yudong and then entered the other game world, so attacking Zhang Yudong is of course very normal.

But then suddenly it suddenly disappeared, and then the memory went back here, and Li Wylin didn't really want to understand what was going on. Now there doesn't seem to be any answers to this question. After all, Anthony says he has lost his memory. If it is considered in the normal mind, an accident should have occurred. Because the Divine King then held another trial mission, and this trial mission clearly states that the person to look for is the player. When Li Huilin met the Divine King, the other party clearly said, "Space” only the player can go in, and how did you get this conclusion? Obviously, the King of God did the experiment, and Anthony was most likely the subject of that experiment.

Obviously, the experiment failed, and Anthony did reach the world, but soon after the accident, he was sent back, and it seemed like he was seriously injured, amnesia, etc., so of course, the god king would not care about the death of this loser, so he proceeded with the next plan.

Of course, all of the above statements are made by Lee Wylin himself, and it does make sense, but the question is… these are based on Anthony's own statements, and can Anthony believe them? Seriously, Lee Wylin isn't sure right now. Although Anthony also exploded on his own, as if he had come to the temple to give him the news, as if he had not hidden anything, but... this could also be a good situation.

Li Huilin admitted that he was a little skeptical now, as if everyone was going to suspect it. This is mainly because Li Huilin is also confused now. The situation on the side of the Divine Clan Li Huilin is really incomprehensible. What is the Divine King doing? His plan, Li Huilin, is really incomprehensible, so he can guess everywhere.

Of course, in the current situation, Li Wylin felt that his suspicions were still very necessary, and he was fortunate that Anthony had not been allowed to meet Zhang Yudong directly before. Not to mention whether Anthony is pretending now, even if he really isn't, really amnesia, but once he recovers his memories, will he be biased towards the Divine King? By then, the Divine King will know the location of Zhang Yudong. This is of course a very unfavourable situation for him, because Li Huilin also does not know whether the Divine King can invade his temple, nor is it 100% safe in the temple. This statement has been proven by the root cause, and the temple can be invaded.

Whether the divine king can invade his temple, Li Huilin feels very likely. After all, the divine king is the one who started the temple. The divine family has not understood how the temple started for a long time, but the divine king succeeded suddenly, indicating that he has at least some knowledge of the temple. Since he knows the structure of the temple, it is of course very likely that the temple will be invaded.

Thinking about it, Li Huilin really felt a little careless. Although it was to convince a few NPCs to help, he didn't have to bring them to the temple deliberately to think about it. Once this news was really known by the Divine King, it would definitely not be good for him. Besides, there are people like Anthony who may or may not be the king of God.

“Be careful on your side and try to hide in your room these days.” Li Huilin said to Zhang Yudong, "I may have arranged someone to stay here recently, and if anything happens, he will inform me first. ”

“Hmm.” Zhang Yudong certainly didn't have any unexpected consent this time. If he dies, the collapse factor program will certainly not be implemented, so he can't die now.

“You go back first, I'll check on the situation.” Li Huilin said.

Zhang Yudong nodded and left. Li Huilin went back to Antony thinking of the other side.

“What's up, Wylin?” Anthony also asked when he saw Lee Wylin coming back, "Can this go in? ”

“I don't think so... I was going to show you the main hall, but the identity of the tourist went in. No, I really don't understand the setup. After all, I haven't had this thing for a long time, and a lot of places still don't adjust.” Li Huilin said, "I'll study it again. ”

“Oh, well.” Anthony didn't seem to really care, he just nodded, "Well, anyway, there's no rush, but why do you suddenly remind me to look at the main hall? Didn't we just talk about collecting treasures? ”

“I was just thinking that you might have been to the temple, maybe you could think of something else when you saw the main temple, so I just showed you to the main temple, and the setting was really too complicated, I don't understand.” Li Huilin said.

“Is this important? For the word of the gods?” Anthony asked.

“It must be quite important.” Li Huilin nodded, “After all, I'm not sure what the god king is doing right now. You should have seen the god king, so I want you to think about it. ”

“Have I met the King of God?” Anthony said with a little surprise, "Really? Did I really see that? How do you know?”

“Don't you remember anything about yourself?” Li Huilin asked again.

“I... um...” Anthony shrugged and thought for a while, then touched his head again, "It was a bit confusing. ”

“Every time I see you doing this, I get a headache.” Li Huilin, “okay, forget it, forget about it for now, let's go out and implement what I said before, okay? ”

“Well... okay.” Anthony nodded. But just a couple of steps later, Anthony turned around and said, "Wylin, if this is really important, I'll try to think back. I can't guarantee I'll think about it, but I can try. ”

“Then try it.” Li Huilin said, "Anyway, if you think of any information on this, let me know right away. ”

“Okay, I get it.” Anthony nodded too.