All Things Wrong

Chapter 2691 Presumption

“There's also this convenient feature.” Li Huilin couldn't help but praise him. He was worried about what he was going to do. I didn't expect someone to send an aide soon. It's really nice not to have to read these books.

Li Wylin also immediately asked what he wanted to know, but all the things that Rem knew were recorded from the demonic records, and he didn't really know the point, so it took a little time to say it. Li Wylin asked Rem a little bit, and this is probably what he got.

First of all, it is true that the demons' homeland was on the continent of Ferrecker. As Lee Wylin knew before, the continent of Ferrecker was a desert when the demons were still there, and because the environment was so harsh, the demons chose to migrate to this continent, but unlike Sellstone and several of them, according to the book, the demons' four kings were all born the same year, and this year coincided with the time they were planning to migrate.

“Huh?” Sailstone next to him was stunned to hear this. How many of them were born the same year? He didn't even notice the problem. He thought he was born on this continent.

“So if you speculate in this direction, you may have been chosen as the seal of destiny, and because of the seal, you have gained tremendous power, and then you happen to be the four kings of the Devil Nation?” Li Huilin guessed.

“This…” Sellstone is a little unacceptable, but thinking about himself is a gift.

“No, the power of the four of them should come from the last generation of demonic kings. According to the records, the demonic king possesses some special powers, which are not his own. It seems that because these forces are so powerful, the demonic kings of the past generations have lived for a very short time, and so in their generation, it was proposed that these forces be dispersed among the newborns of the four kings, so that the situation of the four kings of the present demonic people emerged.” Rem here explains.

“Well... so anyway, that's the difference between a seal and a few seals.” Li Weilin said, "So did you really say what this mysterious thing is? ”

“According to the literature, this is what is called the power of kings, which successive demonic chiefs have inherited, but what is specific is not well documented, as if no one knew.” Rem replied.

“The power of the king, how does this name sound like GAY in GAY...” Li Huilin Pu Yu, “so is this what you're looking for? ”

Li Wylin is really a little uncertain. After all, now he knows that only the key to destiny on the Four Kings can trigger a world mission, and it is uncertain if there is a connection between this world mission and that thing on the Ferrekel mainland. Now the information from Rem is also uncertain that that thing is the power of the king. The only thing in the information is that the demon king has mysterious power, but it's not necessarily that thing underground.

“So who are you? Since when have you been an administrator of this library, have you ever been to Flecker Mainland before?” Li Huilin suddenly asked Rem if Rem had introduced himself yet. Li Huilin didn't know who he was, but if she looked a little mysterious, she might have something to do with it. He was also a little suspicious.

“Me? I'm supposed to be the will of the minds of these books that come together, and you can understand it as a book elf.” Rem thought about it.

“Huh? Book elf? Simply put, the book is fine, right?” Li Huilin, "that's understandable, but why say ‘should’? You don't seem to be sure either? ”

“...” Rem nodded after a little silence, "I've been here since I was born, I don't remember anything from before, but there's this feeling in the underworld, and I should be the elf of the book. ”

“Uh... is that okay? But what you're saying is that you didn't show up here until the library was founded, so you haven't been to Flecker, have you?” Li Huilin Q&A.

“Yes.” Rem nodded over here.

Since she hasn't been to Fleckel Mainland, Li Wylin doesn't care much about Rem's identity or anything. At first, she thought she had something to do with the mysterious thing. Now it doesn't look like much, so forget it.

But when Li Huilin didn't want to worry about it, the dark light flashed around him. Li Huilin turned his head and found the spectacular sword spirit run out again. Li Huilin was a little stunned because this guy can make some big news every time he comes out.

“What's the matter? What do you feel?” Li Huilin was having a headache and wanted to hurry someone to dial it down, so he hurried to ask the spectacle.

“Wait, let me feel it again.” The spectacle over here approached Rem as she spoke, then touched her directly with her hand. Rem's side looked at the spectacle slightly and wondered if he didn't think it was malicious or meant to evade, so he put his hands directly over his head.

“What do you say? How do you feel?” Li Huilin asked, also speculating whether the spectre felt a connection between Rem and that mysterious object or something, and asked in a hurry.

“I felt a little bit closer and though it was weak, this guy... seemed to have a little connection with us.” The spectre thinks about it, but it doesn't seem certain.

“And you? So it's a sword?” Li Huilin asked.

“Mm-hmm.” Nodded the spectacle.

“Connected to the sword? That is... this guy may not be some book elf, he may be part of a sword or something, or he may have part of the power of a sword, similar to what happened in the previous dream?” Li Huilin asked, yes, I also felt the power of the Sword from NPC when I was on the mission of Dream Sword, and then I found the Dream Sword. The words of the glow reminded Li Huilin of the situation at the time, “Wait, now that the five swords have been located, that is, now you feel the last sword? ”

“Well... I'm not sure, the smell on this guy is very weak, so I just didn't feel it, I can't even determine whose smell, except for me...”

“It has nothing to do with me.” The blue light flashed alongside him and the source came out, "I couldn't determine who it was, which must be one of the four remaining people. ”

“Understood." Li Huilin nodded, although it was not certain if it was the last breath of the sword, but just find the three people of life, enlightenment and dreams to see if it was not their words, then the exclusion method must be the last sword. This is an unexpected surprise. I didn't expect to find the sword here.

“So... before that, on the Flecker continent, you probably felt the smell of the last sword?” Li Huilin suddenly thought of the problem. Could that thing beneath Ferrekel be the last sword, that's why it has so much energy. After all, Rem is also related to the Demon Nation, and Ferrekel is also the home of the Demon Nation, probably like Salstone and them, Rem doesn't know he was born in Ferrekel or something.

Although Li Huilin thought well, the spectacle immediately overturned Li Huilin's guess: “How could it be, if it were a sword, I would have felt it already. Besides, how could I be afraid of them? ”

Li Huilin thought about it. It is also true that the words of the sword are unlikely to make each other feel threatened or anything. Even natural enemies, the spectre is not inspiring. After all, in their sword's view, at best, the holders of their sword were defeated, and they didn't die themselves. But if you think about it, something that can threaten the sword seems to be really a little hanging.

“So, from the point of view of your sword, what could destroy you?” Li Huilin asked.

“Uh... this...” The spectrum seemed to think seriously, but soon gave up, and it didn't seem to work out at all.

“Something like… the origin of the world.” The roots next to us say, "I can't imagine what it is, and in short, it's something we don't understand that makes us feel threatened. ”

“Such a high-end product.” Li Huilin nods his head, "according to the game, it can only be the system god, wait... the system god? ”

Of course, the great god of the system is a funny statement, but what Li Weilin suddenly came up with was the rules of the game. After all, this is a game. The setting in the game plot is the creation of the sword, but the setting of this sword is just part of the game setting, so say... is that mysterious thing enough to change the game setting?

Li Huilin is not sure, but since it is something that the sword cannot understand, then it is impossible for the people of the devil people to understand. Even if they refer to the "power of the king", they should not know what it is, they only know that it can bring power, so Li Huilin doesn't have to look for any information here.

At present, Li Wylin continues to collect the key to destiny to trigger the world mission. But there is still a little unexpected harvest, which may be the last news of the sword, and of course Li Wylin can't ignore it.

“Rem sauce, would you like to come out with me? Didn't a guy just ruin your book? Do you want revenge?” Li Huilin asked with a smile.