All Things Wrong

Chapter 2703 Round 1

In three days, Iofame has, of course, studied this suddenly strange thing. But Iofame says it's a troublesome thing, because Iofame doesn't have any information at the moment.

Yes, according to Iofame, the next thing that looks like a building doesn't have any entrance or anything, she has carefully checked it. At present, this thing looks like a giant piece of iron. The whole building, let alone doors and windows, doesn't even seem to have a crack. Obviously, this stuff can't be made in general, even with magic in the game.

And Iofam, who couldn't find the entrance, did some pretty daring experiments, trying to force it in. So far, however, progress has been zero, and yes, whether by brute force or by magic, Iofam has tried many ways not to open or even destroy the pyramid. According to Iofam, while this thing looks like iron, the material is definitely not iron and cannot be physically destroyed or even naturally resisted spells. If it's a metaphor, it's kind of like the kind of material Lee Wylin used before called Jinjin. Of course, Iofam is also aware of Jinjin, which clearly means that it is not Jinjin, but that he has not seen this material either. After three days of studying this thing, Iofame could say that she knew nothing about it, so she would say that it was a hassle to compare.

“So this thing has to do with the noise on your head all day now, right?” Iofam also speculated. Because the sound on her head now she also studied, she still can't figure out what it is, she's a magician, but she doesn't know what magic this thing on her head is based on, it's very strange, it just happens that there are two incomprehensible things, plus both appeared three days ago, obviously there is a connection.

“Yeah, there seems to be a connection right now.” Li Huilin said, "Both of these things appeared after the four kings of the demon race were killed. It should be something related to this world mission, but I don't know much about this task at this time, so it seems that I can only wait to see what happens after this mission begins. ”

“So why can't I just hear it?” The summoning Jade Emperor next to him said.

“Can't you hear me?” Iofame over here asked strangely, "Didn't you hear that loud noise? I asked the Cyrus, they can hear voices, too. ”

“Can all NPCs actually hear voices?” Li Huilin nodded.

“NPC can hear you too, doesn't that say...” The next call Jade Emperor thought of the same problem as Li Huilin.

Li Huilin, of course, also explained his speculation slightly to the Summoning Jade Emperor, as well as to Iofam next door. Iofam, of course, also learned that it was not Li Huilin who killed the demon four kings, but the little girl of this people, who looked slightly surprised at the summoning Jade Emperor. Of course, Iofam still quite agrees with Li Huilin's speculation.

“In that case, we will also participate in this world trial…” Iofam said, "Who presided over the trial? I don't think they're gods. Are they real gods of creation or something? ”

“The ghost knows.” Li Wylin certainly didn't tell Iofam about the previous speculation about competition or anything like that. The voice in the sky didn't say anything about the fate of the two worlds, so Iofam certainly couldn't guess either.

“Had it not been presided over by the Divine King, would the Divine King himself have participated in this World Trial?” Iofam on this side suddenly asked.

“Hmm?” Iofame's question stunned Lee Wylin, too. Yes, Lord. Will he join in? So far, it's possible.

“Anyway, that guy has to pay for his actions, and if he comes on this mission, I'll get rid of him.” Iofam here said.

“Anyway, we can only wait for this task to begin, but it seems to have started three days ago, and we don't know when.” Li Huilin said, "The sound is really annoying. ”

“So can I get out of here now? Anyway, I don't know when to start, and I may not even have to participate...” This side of the summons Jade Emperor said again, and suddenly her voice changed.

“The World Trial is about to begin and all participants are invited to be prepared. The content of the first round of the trial is about to begin. ”

“What, start all of a sudden without a word?“ Li Huilin was also stunned. I didn't expect this to start from the beginning. Of course, he said that this is the preparatory stage, as if to listen to the trial content. Looking at the time, the current time is close to 12 o'clock. Is it official to start at 12 o'clock?

Anyway, the voices in the sky are still my own words. Start by saying what you have prepared three times, and then start talking about the so-called first round of the trial. Li Huilin's side also calmed down and started listening seriously.

The experimental content of the heavenly audio broadcast was a little more stylized, and Li Huilin himself understood a little, which is probably the case. First of all, the purpose of this first round of testing is to screen. Yes, there are too many people involved. There were enough players already. Now they have to count as NPCs. That number just exploded. So the so-called trial must be a round of downward brushing. This Li Wylin already thought of that.

But the problem is that Li Wylin really didn't think of a way to brush people. The method for this selection, in short, is the election. Yeah, that's the vote. According to this voice, when the trial begins, everyone will get a so-called ballot, and this ticket, you can give it to whoever you want, and according to it, of course, this person must be someone you think you can express your will, so you trust him and let him take the trial on your behalf. But Li Wylin soon found out that this was bullshit, because he immediately said, "There's not only a simple way to get votes for you, there's another way to get them, it's called robbery.

This robbery, of course, does not mean chopping each other to get their votes. In fact, the voice also said that killing each other didn't get the votes, but it also had a slight effect. Yes, if NPC is killed, then of course he is dead, and the ballot papers on him are certainly gone, and if the adventurer (player) is killed, he will withdraw directly from the mission, and the ballot papers on him will still disappear.

So how do we rob each other of their votes? In fact, it's a special mechanism. According to the voice, each entrant can use this mechanism only once throughout the trial by shouting the word "adjudicate” at the target you want to rob when there are more than 1,000 ballots on themselves. You will then be prompted to guess how many votes you have on the target you want to rob. If the number of guesses is within 10 per cent of the number of ballots that differ from the number of ballots on the other party, you will get all the ballots directly from the target if you decide to succeed. If the ruling fails, that is, if you are mistaken, all the votes on you will go directly to the target you announced.

Of course, there are certain conditions for this ruling. First of all, the target you have ruled on must also have more than 1,000 ballots. Otherwise, the ruling cannot be used, but it is not a failure. The ruling can only be used once. After the ruling is successful, it can only end with success or failure, and the operation cannot be cancelled.

Secondly, the adjudicator you announced must appear in your field of view and be able to identify, according to the player, that you can select this unit.

And the final decision is naturally the ranking of the votes. This time, of course, it's just a preliminary election, so it doesn't necessarily require a first place, in fact, as long as everyone in the top 100,000 gets into the second round. Sounds pretty broad, but in fact, the first-round elimination rate was 99.9 percent, which is a very efficient brush.

Finally, the voice also said that the trial round would last 24 hours, which means that the final ranking will be decided at about 12 noon tomorrow. During this 24-hour period, participants can collect or grab votes at random, without having to arrive at a designated location for statistics, as long as they are still alive.

In addition to the voices in the sky, there are some relevant announcements in this dialog box, as well as some related rules, although it is obvious that these announcements are meant for the player, the most obvious of which is that the player cannot be offline. Yes, you must be online 24 hours a day, you can stay away, but you can't go directly offline. Downline, of course, is also a direct disqualification. After a player loses eligibility, he can't qualify again, but he won't say you can't go online, you can still mess around, cut off those who are still eligible, disqualify them, etc.

Li Wylin took a closer look at the rules, and then also had a little conversation with Iofam next to him, to see what difference they heard from themselves and so on. The fact that NPC heard should be no different from the players, mainly announcing that NPC on this side could not hear.

So after looking at all the rules, Li Huilin suddenly felt that... in this situation, he seemed to have a bit of an advantage.