Almighty in the city

Chapter 35 Who is he?

"Hilbert's Conjecture", the only mathematical conjecture related to prime numbers among the three parallel world's three-century-level mathematics problems, was proposed by the will mathematician Hilbert 120 years ago.

In mathematics, there is a saying that with the passage of time and the continuous progress of mathematics, this "Hilbert conjecture" will one day surpass the "Ross conjecture" and become the most dazzling problem in mathematics.

Now, Bai Yifan is about to smash this last century-level math problem at this moment!

Taking a deep breath, he started typing on the keyboard.

Unlike the previous two proofs, Bai Yifan didn’t hit the keyboard very fast this time. For every number, every formula, every deduction, he struck very seriously, even between formulas and theorems. In the interval, strike the space with an attitude that is accurate to the character.

This conjecture is his "Goldbach Conjecture" through the previous world. The mathematician who solved this conjecture was Chen Jingrun of China!

For every Huaxia people, facing this proof, they will have unparalleled pride!

That was the Chinese mathematician, who really reached the top of the world mathematics stage for the first time, and also the beginning of the rise of the Chinese mathematics world!

Now, Bai Yifan will use this proof to let all people in this parallel world who question Huaxia’s inadequate level in the field of mathematics, completely and completely shut their mouths. From then on, they dare not show China in this respect. Contempt and contempt!

The first two proofs took him only half an hour, but in this one, he played a full hour.

When knocking down the ID of "a primary school student from Huaxia", clicking the mouse, and submitting this century-level certificate, Bai Yifan silently said in his heart: "Long live China! Long live China!"

Time, freeze frame at nine ten ten in the evening.

At the same time, the programmer responsible for the back-end database management of the official website of the International Federation of Mathematicians saw this submitted proof.

At first, the programmer didn't take this proof to heart. The backstage of the official website of the International Federation of Mathematicians received several such proofs every day, and he had become accustomed to it.

He put this certificate into the database in accordance with the procedure and submitted it to the laboratory for preliminary review.

Out of habit, he pulled this proof to the end, wanting to see which country mathematician submitted it.

Then, he saw ten unusually dazzling and familiar square characters.

"God!" the programmer yelled strangely, rubbed his eyes quickly, then carefully counted the ten Chinese characters, then pushed the chair away, yelling and ran out of the room, "That A great mathematician from China has submitted another proof!"

His voice, high and loud, was immediately heard by many people.

"What? That'a primary school student from Huaxia' submitted another certificate?!"

"God! What does he want to do, does he want to solve all the ten major mathematical problems that no one has solved so far?"

"Quickly! Go back to the office immediately! Call and notify other people so they can get up quickly!"

In an instant, the entire research base of the "International Federation of Mathematicians" was suddenly messed up.

The president, Bull, was called from the bed by his assistant Allen with three emergency calls.

Two hundred and thirty-nine talented mathematicians from all over the world were also called to the computer by an international call.

Another whole network conference was a proof submitted by "a primary school student from China" and it was another answer to a century-level math problem.

All mathematicians are crazy. They can't imagine how a single person can solve three century-level mathematical problems in one day, and it is the only three century-level mathematical problems in the world. !

For a time, in front of the computers connected to the Internet, these best mathematicians in the world did not have the first time to verify the formulas, functions, mathematical models, calculation logic, etc. in this proof. They were all discussing , I am guessing who is this talented mathematician from China, but who has not joined the "International Federation of Mathematicians".

"Chen, don't even you know?"

"Chen, just tell me secretly, I promise not to tell anyone else!"

"My dear Li, we have been in friendship for many years. I also helped you solve a function sequence problem. Just tell me, who is your fellow genius?"

"Li, as long as you tell me who he is, I will introduce my niece to your son immediately!"

The only two Chinese mathematicians in the federation became the target of everyone's "fire".

The two of them both smiled bitterly, saying that you ask me, I want to know who this person is!In the entire Chinese mathematics circle, I have never heard of such a "great god level" figure.

"To find a way, we must contact this Chinese mathematics master, as long as he is willing to join us, I am willing to give him the position of the president!" After reading this third proof, the president Bur, yes To his assistant Alan, he said something shocking.