Amago no Miko

Episode 96: Foot Claws

Yamashiro, Yoshida-gun, Aki, April 1561

"So, how is your stepfather feeling?

Um, there's nothing wrong with it.

"If you don't mind, may I ask why your stepfather fell?

"I'm not old enough, and I think I just got sick at the turn of the season."

Hmm... well, without a change in appearance in this era, it will be difficult to identify the medical condition, and maybe it will be cleaned up because of your illness.

"Father, I'm coming from Kyoto soon, so I can have a proper look at you."

Kazunagase Michiza. Was he a three-finger doctor in this era of Japanese medicine?But, personally, I only have the image of a skeberg who gave Bomberman the sex trick guide, Huangxin Mystery.

I said a sex trick guide, but it's supposed to be like an erotic book.Ah, considering that, it would have been nice if Bomberman had copied the yellow mystery theory last year at Upper Low.

In this era, entertainment is very rare, so even if it was a sex trick guide written in letters, it should have been a masturbation story.



"This may be an intrusion, but if you don't mind, shall I see my stepfather?


Well, if a little girl like me tells you to imitate a doctor, it's no wonder Takashi is surprised.If I were Māori Takashi, I'd be scared too.

"I only know the simple symptoms, but I also know a little about medicine."

"Does the princess know anything about medicine?

"I was taught by Minor Biguna."

It's a lie, but it's convenient to lie.Isn't this an acceptable lie?

"Wow, that's the magic of the witch at the Swordshield Shrine... Speaking of which, the princess made something to be disinfectant."

"This is also a gift from the famous Biguna."

"The soldiers who are fighting in Kyushu are also saved by the disinfectant. Thank you very much."

"I hope it helps."

Since disinfectant began to spread, Neko and Maori have seen an extreme reduction in the number of officers killed by tetanus.As such, we must prevent them from crossing into enemies and virtual hostiles, so the disinfectant is strictly controlled by the Neko family.

I don't want the enemy to use disinfectant to save his life, and the enemy to return to the front and kill his allies.I'm not that popular either.Because the lives of allies are a thousand times heavier than the lives of enemies.

Also, there is a problem with the production volume.Currently, the production of disinfectant liquid is exhausted by turning it into a mixture of needles and fur.Basically, alcohol can only be made with excess grain.Except for the guard.

Well then, Tama-san.Can you see your father?

"It's not me who palpates, it's Taro."

"What, Taro left to see!?

Are you surprised?

"Yes, Tarasa will palpate, see how your stepfather reacts, and I will diagnose it."

"I'm sorry to say this to Taro Left, but is Taro Left okay...?

Well, when it comes to medicine, was it natural for Takashi to be worried when it comes to palpating people who are thought to be amateurs?After Tarasa moved from Maori to Neko, she couldn't finish medicine in just two years.

Besides, Tarasa is not a doctor, but a samurai.

"I can't tell you what's wrong with my arm.It's okay because I've been beating Tarasa properly. "

"Takamoto Niisama, please rest assured that someone was trained by Tamahime."

Tarasa, how do you describe it?Takashi might misunderstand it.

"I see... but do you need strength to examine your body?

"Yeah, my palpation is measured by the soles of my feet."

In this era, grass shoes are the mainstay of what people wear on their feet, so the soles of their feet are as stiff as elephant skin.Because shoes made of leather or rubber like the future do not exist.Well, there are some shoes that are made of leather.

Moreover, since roads are not paved with asphalt or concrete, nature and the soles of the feet will inevitably become stiff.Most of the means of transportation in this era are on foot, so it's not even halfway there.

For the modern people of the 21st century, walking at unimaginable distances is easier.If I had been a drawer basket in my previous life, it would have been very likely that I would have died in three days.I think it was really good to be reincarnated.

"The soles of your feet? Can you tell by touching the soles of your feet?

"Yeah, the soles of my feet are hard like elephants, so it's hard for a woman to use my power."

"Elephant? An elephant is a beast that is said to be in geranium, right?

"That's right. The elephant has a long nose and a large ear and is said to weigh 1,000 or 2,000 eyes.Everything is the biggest creature on earth. "

Or are you categorized as a beast?There's an image of a beast covered in fur.I just feel that the elephant is covered in hard skin.Well, did it matter?

The princess doesn't know anything.

"I remember seeing it in the book of Taisha Taisha Shrine, and I remember it very well because I didn't have any flashbacks."

So I've never seen an elephant's feet, but it's strange to say.

If Maori had ever seen an elephant, I'd be scared.That? But, by the way, it was almost as if the Nanbarians had brought elephants to Japan.I think my memory is different, but surely Nobunaga or Hideyoshi didn't see the elephant even in historical reality?

"Indeed, the skin on the back of my father's feet is thick."

"Well, it's quicker for you to try something.Tarota, please. "

With my little girl's strength, I can't put much pressure on her, so here's one man's turn.Since the person to be treated is Māori, please tell Tarasa that this is just the right moment.

No matter how much I am the stepdaughter of Māori's former stepdaughter and alliance partner, it would be unfortunate for me to hurt Cheeto Zizi's body.If anything happens to Jijii, Takashi could cut me from behind.

"I understand. Father, it may hurt a little, but bear with me."

"Don't worry, I'm used to pain."

Fufufu, maybe that's all you can say right now.It should be quite painful.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

"Yes, please."

"Ouch! Come on, come on!Ouch! "

Ah, I knew it!

"Taro left! What did you do to your father?

"Daisen Doctor, please calm down.It's stimulating your legs. "

"Foot bumps?

Yes, the Thai foot massage that Tarasa applied to the cheese jiji was the Thai foot massage that I had learned in Thailand in the previous life.Taiwanese foot massage is the main source, but in Thailand, it uses a wooden stick to finger pressure.So, will it become wood pressure?

How is Taiwan even though it's Thailand?I didn't think so, but it seems to have spread from Taiwan to Thailand because it's like a Huayuan network.

But don't be ridiculous with the sole massage.Foot massage has been proven to be healthy.I told you that I have been treated many times in my previous life, so there is no doubt.Well, I kept screaming at the pain.....

But before that, there was also evidence of my illness.However, the next day I was treated, I woke up feeling refreshed and comfortable, and I felt better there.

Ah, but I can't really expect a Thai massage parlor in a lower mid-sized hotel.Their main business is chomme chome.Keep quiet that it seems refreshing in the best sense of the word.

Incidentally, Thai or Taiwanese style was not invented by Taiwanese.It seems that a British or German missionary who was missionary in Taiwan invented it, inspired by the stimulation of the soles of his feet when he walked on the stones of the river.

However, at this site, this pain means.....

"Tarota, try rubbing the same place from top to bottom on the outside"

"I understand. Father, perhaps it will hurt the same way again, but bear with me."

"Uhm, please soften your hands...."

"Ouch! Come on, come on!Ouch! "

Ah, was it bingo after all?

The area where the tassel was massaged is slightly below the heel of the Kurubushi at the ankle and in front of the Achilles tendon.If you experience pain by rubbing the inside of this area, your prostate may be abnormal.If you are a woman, you will have a uterus.

And on the outside, you'll have balls and testicles.If it is a woman, it is an ovary.If it hurts by rubbing diagonally upwards from the inner foot toward the Achilles tendon, either the urethra or the nano body.They are called winners and sausages.

Porkbitz? I don't know.

If you dare to say it in a woman's name, it falls under the category of buns.

However, even if it is an abnormality, it may be worse due to illness and cause pain, but rather, it is more likely that fatigue accumulates in the corresponding organs and parts where the rubbing occurs, which is the main cause of pain caused by foot massage.

Since Māori was quite painful in all three places rubbed, there is only one answer to be derived from this.

In other words, why is CheetZizi screaming...

"Father-in-law, you've done too much."

"Too much...?

"No, Tamagada.Isn't it Taro left who's doing too much?

"No, it's definitely my stepfather who's doing too much.Your stepfather has an idea, right?

I won't let you say I don't know.

"Well, it wasn't every day!About once every two days!

/(adv-to, adv-to) (on-mim) (on-mim) buzzing/

"Oh dear, well...."

"No way, at that age, my father was more prosperous and delicious..."

"I've been keeping something for so long...."

As long as you're really, really, really jealous of yourself.Besides, why don't we shut up about Tarasa?I'm pulling it out with my mouth, so please wait a little longer.

"Ufufu, ufufufufu..."

"Hi, Princess, what's going on?

"Ta-yu... Your Highness...?

"Whatever you do, I'll do it once every two days at that age!Bogey!! "

"Please calm down, Tamako!

Don't stop, Tarota!This jijijii wasn't a cheetah jijijii that was feared to be the hero of the warring nation turmoil, it was just a color bokejii!

I'm disappointed in Maori's reign... disillusioned.

But if you're a man, can you understand Maori's behavior?You're a little jealous, aren't you?I was a man in my previous life, so I can understand.

I didn't know you liked heroic colors!

However, it seems that the number of people in the side room and the number of children are more modest than Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu, which is said to be Saneijie, but how can the world be achieved without energetic energy?

You may be feeling energetic energetic territorial and power lust.

Ah, Hideyoshi only had a few side rooms.Maybe Hideyoshi didn't have any seeds, but even if he did, the seeds were very thin.

Don Mai.....