Amago no Miko

Episode 138 Messenger from Tango

Eiroku 5 years (1562) August Izumo Tsukishan Toda Castle

"Thank you very much for your first visit.My name is Takaya Suruga Moriyaki, lord of Shimooka Castle in Tango Takeno-gun.I worship the honor of Neko, and I know the greatest joy. "

Tajima also had Takeno, and I feel that there are a lot of places named Takeno.Well, since there are many places where bamboo inhabits in Hinomoto, it is easy to name bamboo even if you name it.Also, I thought it would be like a mountain or a river.

"I am the Imperial Palace of Izumo Saigon.Shinanari "


"So, Takaya Hall is the Takaya Hall that controls the area around the net, right?

I've checked something about this in advance, but I need to ask for confirmation.

Yes, on the left.

"At Neto, I take this opportunity to thank Takaya for taking care of Niko."

Tango's nets are one of Neko's stopovers.That's why the father in front of you is also a Zububuzu because of his rights with Niko.The net is moisturized by the money and merchandise dropped by ships that regularly stop at the harbour.

In other words, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the net is already economically subordinate to Neko.

"Thank you for your kind words."

"So why did you come all the way to Izumo today?Do you remember that our house and the monochrome house are still not officially handmade from the grudge in Tajima?

Yes, the Tango monochrome family is at war.While attacking this corner of Mount Tajima's name, a colorful army came out from the side and invaded Izushi County.

As a result, he fought against Neko's Takeda Takashin unit, and the Takeda team was defeated.Knowing that, I quickly pulled a team of Yonehara Tsuhiro from the main unit and made a breakthrough to Izushi-gun as a backup.

After that, the army failed to rescue Tajima Yamana due to the surrender and opening of the castle.The all-out army retreated from Izushi County and did nothing.What the hell did you come to Tajima for?

The rescue of Tajima Mountain Names is nominal, but is the purpose of annexing the eastern lands or catching them randomly?

However, if the all-color army did not withdraw, the US military would not have been able to pass through Yakuno from Taito to Wada Mountain, the final battle site, so I think it is true that the all-color helmet helped me.

If that had happened, you would have had no idea which way the battle between Akai and Hatano at Wada Mountain had fallen.Ten and eighty-nine didn't even feel like Neko had lost.

Looking back like this, you can see that the last battle in Tajima was quite haunted, right?

Don't be afraid, Tamba's Red Demon!I regret letting you escape.

So, in a one-sided struggle with Neko, our Neko army, which restructured its army by controlling Tajima, invaded Yotsuyo County in Tango across the Iwaya Pass in retaliation for all the troubles it had caused during the Sumi Yamashiro attack.

Driven by the momentum of the victory in Tajima, we dropped the southern half of Yoshie County and Jianbu Yamashiro, the center of Tango's political administration, and suppressed Kasa County, pushing it to the border with Wakasa, where we stopped the army.

The war criminal of this battle, the Tango Guardian, Daisuke Kaishibe, escaped to Yuki Castle.

This means that the southern half of Tango is already dominated by Niko.

I also wanted to take Wakasa, but because I couldn't reach that far and I couldn't stand to open the war end with Wakasa Takeda, I weighed myself this time.

However, since we have Takeda Takashin under our flag, it is possible to put up as many difficulties as you want to make up a reason for the war.

Yeah, that's exactly what I think.You're in the same circuit of thinking as Gian or the United States, but you're not a little self-loathing.

But in this era where power is justice, let's justify ourselves by saying that lack of power is evil.

Whoa, no.You're meeting a messenger from the Monochrome family now.

"I have brought a letter from my lord."

"Is that Daisuke Monochrome?

"No, my lord is in Yoshihara Echizen Moriyoshi, the younger brother of Dr. Kazube."

Hey, brother.

In other words, does the lord of Takaya Yoshiyoshi mean monochromatic prosperity in historical reality?

Does the minister somehow say he doesn't know the Lord, and is the jury more like an oath of allegiance to his direct Lord than to the minister?

"The former guardian was often seen to behave inappropriately to the Tango guardian position, so he hid."

"Hmm... I mean, push it in?

Are you saying that Jinbe Yamashiro fell into the castle and was locked up because he was a defeated general who ran for his life?So, the monochrome family is going to replace it and start over.

Maybe it's a lid on something that stinks or a lizard's tail cut.

But, of course, because guardianship is the dominant part of the monochromatic family, I feel like I'm cutting off the lizard's head instead of the lizard's tail.I suppose this will kill as many powerful lizards as possible?

It must be an adult who pretends not to look at it.

Well, I still feel like I'm under age.Speaking of gods, we do a lot of warring states for every woman, so let's not worry about that.

"Thank goodness you're here."

"In the meantime, let's go through the letter."

Hmm... I see, that's it.

"As it stands, I will relinquish control of the land that Neko occupied, so I want you to acknowledge the remaining possession of Okutango.Is that what this is all about?

Ha, on the left.

In Okutango, Takeno County has about 17,000 stones, and Naka-gun has about 17,000 stones.In fact, is the northern half of Yoshie County about 10,000 rocks?Together, approximately 44,000 stones are a new monochromatic territory?

So, about 20,000 rocks in the remaining southern half of Yoshie County, and about 14,000 rocks in Kumano County for about 34,000 rocks in Kasa County.In other words, about 68,000 stones are part of the Neko.

Ah, Kumano County, where Kumihama is located, is already completely occupied by Neko.Kumano County is mine too.

Now, do you want me to handle this case by hand?

Nevertheless, countries on the western Sea of Japan, not just Tango, are disgusted with a lot of stone heights.I envy the Noo Plains and the Kanto Plains.However, the Kanto Plains of this era seem to have plenty of wetlands.

Still, the stone height potential of the Kanto Plain is the most attractive in Japan, isn't it?Speaking of which, Echigo was just a wetland and it wasn't much of a beauty yet.As for the name of the place, it feels like the name of the land where there were many marshes in Moro.

I missed the point.

"I mean, is it okay to interpret the monochromatic family as subordinate to my Neko family?

"Thank you."

You may be quite the architect, Yoshiaki Ichiro.I can only say that I am good at keeping myself, but my home is the most important time, so I will survive subordination rather than being destroyed and keep my family name.I wonder if this decision is unavoidable.

I mean, if you take refuge in strong people or get wrapped up in long objects, this kind of judgment is a natural judgment if you take it to the class of national lords.

However, even though it is a small country called Tango, how is it that the patron daimyo of a country imitates the lord of the country?I don't have to think about it.

But, well, if it's not going to be a war, it's not going to go any further.I agree with that.Even so, I'm basically a pacifist.Cheeks. Cheeks.

In other words, I wonder where I dropped it.

"Even with my family, it is not the intention that extra blood will be shed in a wasteful battle."


"Yes, if we don't have to fight, we won't go any further."

"To the mercy of the righteous Neko, it was painful"

It's troublesome to be so impressed.I compromised because it was convenient for me.For example, if I refuse, and if I fight thoroughly, it could be a guerrilla battle in deep mountains of Okutango.

I don't want such a troublesome fight.

"Besides, the official sent me a letter like this."

I tried to shake it with my fingers so that I could show Takaya the letter.

Not only my brother, who was mistaken for the letter, but also my brother, did you like the letter.....

"What does the official say?

"Neko is rightly angry, but it says that you can put up a spear with the rest of your face.That's right, I don't want to disobey the official, so this is the end of the matter. "

However, if General Kento's order in the name of a favor is unreasonable, it is not hard to ignore it or disobey it.

Is the disadvantage of the Muromachi Shogunate that the General is too weak?It is a problem that we have generously divided the territory among our subordinates, and the direct authority of Ashigaru family, which is our own territory, has decreased.

With fewer direct reports and fewer equals gathered, how did the General intend to rule Japan with little military power of his own?Well, that's the guardian name.

However, in the course of the establishment of the Muromachi Shogunate, Ashikazu relied too heavily on the strength of his warlords, which would have led to a breakthrough in the generous distribution of the land.I don't know the details.

In addition, while the guardians were packing in the city, the guardian money was powerful in the locality, and there were frequent inferior things.

Is it a structural flaw in the Muromachi Shogunate that was caught up in contradictions from the formation process?That's why General Kaisei has become a breakthrough in imitating the public house.

I don't really need two things, such as authority without power.

If there is a court, that's enough authority.

I am reluctant to increase the Neko family's direct jurisdiction and push for centralization because I am reducing the amount of land allocated to my subordinates and paying more money to increase my own strength.


Why don't you feel that you have too many soldiers so far?I wonder if it's because we're increasing the number of guns?But the firepower is great.It is also called the god of battle.

It's all bad gunpowder for gold eaters!Gunn....

"Thank you very much for your discretion."

"It's nice to be flattered.Instead, please tell Yoshitsuji. "

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

From now on, I hope you will take care of me at Neto and Ige.

"Haha! I will certainly tell my Lord."

Lord... I'm the Lord of that Lord now.Well, it seems difficult to change human values in this era.

Still, let's move on with consciousness reform!