Lower yourself and run through the miscellaneous woods in the form of depositing your body with Blanc. Miscellaneous forests without human hands are rich in nature, and the growing grass interrupts the path. Miscellaneous woods that seem to struggle to fall out on regular horses, but there is blanc. I'm in a good mood as I sing my nose, and I'm moving on.

If you look right behind you, you can see that Ballads are following suit with Lute in the lead. Of course the horses of the Ballads who praised Senior Chris before, are boulders such as Lute and his friends? They are each catching good horses.

'Leave it to me, my lord! It's finally Blanc's turn! This Bran, he runs faster than any horse, kicks his enemies, puts his efforts into rescuing the princess - -!'

"I'm glad you're feeling, but be quiet. I'm so excited."

"Ha! I'm sorry, sir! I'm so excited to stick with you!

"Take it easy for now. Your turn is almost up. I'm counting on you, so don't flatter me, okay?

"Your husband!

Though there is a little distance between them, when I am impressed with the faces that follow Bran exactly without much difference, I hear a slightly excited Bran voice. With motivational words, I can tell my beloved horse to calm down a little more, even faster in a pacallappa calm manner. If you then speak out that you are counting on it, Bran, who is even more motivated, is as easy to handle as ever and above all.

From time to time, we check on the Ballads and Lutes, and even go through the woods as we forgive the exciting bran. Though I still have an endless sense of impatience, I felt terribly calm because of the scattered surprise and agitation that I felt by the time I got here.

Having convinced Lute to get the fighting power of Rita, Pulha and Waldo, we headed to the horse hut without being blamed by the horse ranch staff for some reason, and are now on track throughout the horse ranch grounds. The way out of school is on the cliff behind the horse ranch, so we're currently on our way there.

On departure, Luce gave me a comm plane connected to Master Grey, and it was new to my memory that I was surprised by the two people who were connected without my knowledge. There have been a lot of thoughts about the two of them that didn't seem to be a recent connection, but I am glad I was able to confirm the future direction with Master Gray before the rescue.

I also felt horrible to imagine how much information was flown from Luce to Master Gray from the day they had the connection to today, but now it's decided it's not something I care about. Never saw the cause of Gray's communication with regard to the paper rose, and he escaped reality. In fact, thanks to the fact that we were able to contact you prior to your departure, the information operation in the royal castle will be undertaken by Lady Gray, and there will be no more worries for the hindsight.

Later, we will just go through this grove and use the path that Master Celery taught us to get out of school.

"Your husband! I see a cliff!

"- Oh."

Switch your consciousness to Blanc's voice and focus. Bran, who jumped out of the grocery woods with great momentum, stopped magnificently in front of the cliff as he took the crisp, beautiful steps and bent at a right angle.

I let the momentum slip as Bran moves like that, and I jump straight off Bran. He then ran his eyes all the way to one side of the cliff, moved to a place where the ground was slightly more obscure than the rest, and sat out on the cliff critical.

"Your husband!?

"It's okay."

Bran raises his voice worryingly to me as I stretch out my arms and move to stroke the side of the cliff. If you go through the abyss of the cliff with your voice on such a blanc, you can feel it caught in your pins and arms, grip it like a rope with your empty hands, and magic it. And in response to the magic I flushed, I gently bounce it with my fingers to confirm its firmness.

"Blanc. Just stand here for a second."

'Is this it?

"That's right. Don't move, okay?

'I'll take care of it!

I look up at it and call Bran for the feeling I did feel, even if it was invisible, and the sound I made that sounded like I played a tinkle of metal. Follow my words and instruct Bran, who hissed lightly, not to move from the spot, to move on.

Master Celery's story says there are five threads stretched out that don't look like this cliff, and what I just found is one of those thick threads that supports both ends. There are two total of three strained so that a narrow string for auxiliary purposes intersects one straight around it and the other, as thick as the first behind it. It is a special magic thread that becomes as hard as an iron column for a certain amount of time when magic is applied. If we bridge these five magic threads with ice magic at the base, it will be the completion of the bridge overnight, not overnight in the castle. If you cross this bridge and run a little across the opposite shore, you will be able to exit on the boulevard connecting the border with the King's Capital.

"Dear Doyle!

- Stay back a little bit.

"What are you doing?

"Well, watch."

Having made Bran stand instead of marking the first place and quickly magic the remaining four, I sit in front of the magic thread in the center again and wait for Ballads.

Then we call on the Ballads, who came out of the grove without putting aside time to do so, and lower them a little back. Even as I followed my instructions like that, I laid my hands on the ground, returning an ambiguous reply to Jeff, who raised my doubts.

And as Lute and Ballad watch, gather their magic in both hands and build an ice bridge at the base with threads stretched from here to the opposite shore. I don't need difficult technology or skills because I just put up ice. Along the magic of the strained yarn, if you pour magic into one thought like swallowing a yarn, you can see the ice spreading through five magic yarns making a bizzy noise. And as the ice bridge is shaped in front of me, it frosts and freezes on the ground around me. And instantly spreading frost just as wide as the bridge, the ice bridge was also completed.

"Come on, Blanc."


After checking the finish of the bridge, stroke the nostrils of his beloved horse, who rushed over immediately if you called him, and quickly get on that back. And then I put my foot on it, and I grabbed the reins, and I said to Bran,

"Blanc. Here is the bridge of ice. The moonlight is reflecting everywhere, you know? Don't worry, it's just as wide as frost, run straight. You can do that, can't you?

'No matter! Don't worry, even without the moonlight, I will feel your husband's signs! Of course, if your husband says there's a way there, even if it's a completely invisible bridge, then Bran should believe it and run!



Bran is more comfortable sticking out and motivating than usual to rescue the princess. I take the reins, grinning back at Bran, who said he'd believe me without hesitation. Then he took a few steps along the ice bridge and looked back at the ballads behind him as Bran's giant rode completely over the bridge.

"This is an urgent escape route set out by the country and the school that Master Celery taught us. It looks array, but I made it properly sturdy and inside is a special magic thread erected by the Kingdom Sorcery Division inside as a foundation. I did the procedure as I was taught, so as you can see, there is no problem, so I hope I can safely cross it. The width of the bridge is roughly the same as the spread of frost, so crossing the middle is not dangerous. If we run a little, we'll be on the paved road, so we'll all go from there to the border at once."

I look over at the Ballads as I say so. Those who stare at the ice bridge, those who do not hesitate to alternate between me and Bran's feet, and those who are slightly bluer, were varied with those who are pulling their mouths, but they do not give them such a gap to pinch their mouths all at once. And then I re-grabbed Bran's reins, and I gave the Ballads one last word.

"Leave those who cannot cross! Trust me. Follow me!


At the same time as I was finished, I shook the reins and turned myself into a hissing blanc, and I kicked Blanc's belly and ran the ice bridge all at once. That's when I heard you calling my name, but I didn't look back.

I believe you!

Yes, I tell you in my heart, I only look forward, and I go with Blanc to the bridge of ice.

This was a kind of bet.

I fully understand the Ballads' confusion about the ice bridge, but I don't have time to ask that. All I can do for them is show them how they're actually going ahead and make them think they're okay.

I've been through glass floors in towers and stuff in my last life, and I'm pretty sure it's okay because I'm the one who built this bridge. For this reason, even with some fear, we can proceed, but the Ballads are different. In this world without attractions, the visible ice bridge at the bottom of the valley is the only experience of terror. That also tells the story of the look on their faces I looked over earlier.

But that's why there's no other way out of school, and no one has the magic to build a bridge but me. You can try to make it with other attributes, but other than ice magic, I'm anxious about strength. I'm best at ice. If so, the bridge where you can see the bottom is medium thrilling, but you just have to believe it like Bran and get it across here.

So I decided to bet. Believe me, they would follow me.

Originally, Balad's loyalty was unquestionable. I believe if I go, I will definitely come. Lutze and Jeff won't even have a bridge of this magnitude because they have the spirit to succeed inside, and Solcier will come if he decides the two of them are okay.

Even the lutes do. Assuming they are in the upper echelons of the higher echelons, they should not be able to move at this level. Even if it isn't, it's like they're chewing on me for a friend. I'm sure they'll come after me.

Put a lid on the anxiety that it might not work and run the bran without turning around while telling yourself so.

For a long and short time, if you run as far as the bridge, anxiously irritated but believing them, you will say, "Wait, Master Doyle!" I could hear the horse running along with Balad's voice. And I can hear the hooves kicking the ice one after the other, skinning Balad following me and stepping into the bridge.

Deepening his grin at the sounds he hears from behind, he pulls Bran's reins over the bridge and looks back, where he can see Jeff, Solcier, in Balad and Luze following me as expected, and behind him, Lute and the others.

- Here I come.

I grinned at the way they came across the bridge without missing a single person, with a bouncing mind, and I ran Bran again. The more we proceeded by tearing apart the gutter and the grass, the less we went out into the street we were looking for. Once I looked back and confirmed that the Ballads had captured me, I would run Bran toward the border again without waiting for them to arrive.

Aim is the border. It's Claire's.

"- - Hey. I guess it really fits over here, Aginis!

"Oh. Definitely"

"The border is wide!? Based on what?"

"I know. But definitely over here."

I answer confidently because at some point Lute, who had lined up next to me, asked me that in a push-kill voice if I ran through the division I had seen several times along the way without getting lost.

Run Bran, ignoring Lute with an unconvincing and surprising look on his face. To be led by something, without straying the branched streets.

Claire will definitely take you home.

Carve that determination into your chest with all sorts of emotions, including tension and impatience for rescue and joy for Kufu's reunion. Though the words I told you to persuade Lute, there was not a single lie in the words of that time. Claire is my fiancée. I won't give it to Adele's Highness.

I remember when I thought so strongly and at the same time I sent a bouquet of flowers to Ballado and Lutze to encourage me. Oddly enough, who would think that the words I conveyed at that time would become reality? I wouldn't have imagined such a reunion, Claire.

Even I thought I still had time to reunite with Claire, and I didn't know what to say when that happens. To reunite in an unexpected way would be a lie if I told you I wasn't upset. I feel so anxious about the fact that she was being thought of by someone as much as she wanted in this way, and I still feel like it's okay with me.

But I promised her I'd pick her up. If I can't fulfill it now, it's a promise I'll never fulfill in my life, but I don't want to break that promise to you.

- Because I'm picking you up now.

With that determination in my heart, I'm off the paved path to be led by something, and I'm going through the woods. I also heard him calling me from behind, but if I ignored him and proceeded, I would push him through the woods without a path, guided by a strange feeling because I felt signs of giving up and following him.

As Lute said, the border is wide. It's unlikely that the kidnappers will pass through a regular checkpoint, and we'll have to either anticipate which part of the border they're willing to cross, or split up and look around. But now I had the certainty that Claire would be right there.

............... Claire might have been like this too.

I can't explain it. But with certainty, Claire thinks that to the feeling she feels this way.

Speaking of which, when I was a young girl, she was laughing at my side if she noticed how much she sprinkled. And he asks me how I found him, "It's the power of love!" and laugh.

I overheard "such an idiot" then, but I still think that she may have felt this strange feeling from an early age, like she was being led by something.

So this is the protection of the [goddess of love]?

I pulled Blanc's reins as I laughed bitterly at the idea of passing my head as I watched the sight I found in the distance.