- - - After the entrance ceremony - -

"Be quiet! Finally, then, I would like to give you a word from Dr. Celery von Termos, who was to be taught at the Department of Magic as of today. As a heartfelt worship. Say it again. Be silent, and listen heartily!

Shock and nervousness run among the students who were distracted by the words of the teacher who was acting as MC progression and by the successful conclusion of the entrance ceremony. The venue became noisy in the name of the big man who suddenly rose, and the facilitator's teacher desperately said, "Silence!" I repeat, "but it was futile.

The hard work of magic teachers asking to be quiet is also vain, and the voice of joy spread throughout the venue is not like fitting in with verbal caution.

Naturally. For many years, it is a blue sky thunderbolt from students such as begging Shi Yingjie, who served as the magic master, to teach directly. Some magic students even see those who graduate less joyfully.

People who are spoken of in the hero Tan become teachers, so naturally speaking, it's a natural reaction.

But while the students gush with joy and exclamation from the attendees, the expressions of guests such as kings and nobles are dark and the air heavy.

It is an overnight atmosphere, turning away from the festive mood of earlier days.

Lady Celery walks refreshingly through such a noisy venue with long blue hair.

And when he went up on the stage, he unleashed his magic towards the universe.

The mysterious sphere released from Master Celery's wand ascends upwards and pans directly above the center of the venue! and can be played with a tremendous bursting sound.

The whole venue calms down to the sound of tingling on my skin. Regardless, there was no way Master Celery would waste that moment of silence, and from that moment on, inside the venue was Master Celery's private altar.

"Didn't you hear what I said 'quietly'? It's lamentable how young you are to be farther away than I am. You were taught to work, weren't you? It's also hard to shout when you're old, so be careful with your private language until I finish my story. If you treat a weak old man roughly, you will be punished. - How many minutes, because I'm old, too. You guys should be careful what you do in front of me, because you may strike magic by mistake for some kind of clap. Don't let future children get hurt."

The silence surrounds the entire venue with the words of Lady Celery, who began to speak rather than name.

Now I'm absolutely like, "Who's the weak old man?" That's what most humans would have thought. The phrase "If you lack gratitude, fuck you", which seemed distant and fruitful, was told in a direct balloon, combined with its soft expression and voice color, gave the students only a warm breath.

I look up to His Majesty at the venue, which at once turned into a noisy air, and I watch Master Celery with a very subtle expression. Also, I wouldn't be the only one who had the unease of not being able to do anything about the royal castle officials staring at Master Celery with a harrowing look rather than worrying.

The air in the venue is heavy to quiet from anxiety and confusion.

But that's why Master Celery hasn't changed.

I just blew up the corner of the castle when I retired with Grandpa Boulder. The great Si Yingjie had a heart made of steel that told her what she wanted to say without even having to gaze from the guests or the air of a place wrapped in terrible silence.

"I'm primarily in charge of magic class, but of course you can come and ask me questions if you want to hear anything else. Because it's the role of the teacher to guide the child who begs to teach you. Yeah, but come back when you're ready, right? You're the ones who struggle to come and hear me when I'm ready to live. I won't let you tell me you can't do it with my teachings. Until you can, let me show you how to handle it. I'm mostly in the lab, so if you have business, call your squire. Please do not enter the lab without permission if you make a mistake. Because I might accidentally make a mistake and use it as an experimental material. - Heh heh. It's a joke, a joke. We don't use students as experimental material on boulders, do we? Well, I'm thinking that a kid who flirts needs a lot of punishment. It's an adult job to scold kids, so no problem, right? Heh heh, I'm looking forward to it. Nice to meet you, isn't it? Kids."

Unlike the quiet students and attendees, Master Celery, who said "heh heh" and was confused, that was in a good mood, Mal.

............... well, you thought I'd ride that guy's sweet words.

Just a few dozen minutes. But I remember what Lady Celery said and did that I feel would suck if I were on a legitimate nerve, and I think so. No matter how many times I remember it, it is a greeting I am not sure if I am willing to teach.

I'm in the mood for the sweet words that Master Celery gives me, even though they seem to be the only ones behind them. Why is a creature called a researcher so faithful to his own quest?

He said he was desperate enough to kill the world when the eggs got mixed up, but his predecessors, who turned Feniche's yellow and shell into powder with or without pleasure, starting a heated debate about what to use it for, have Mad Scientist qualities. In a different sense from the Warrior Family, I just think that my survival instincts are flawed.

If that's the hallmark of a pharmacy student, it's a disgusting hallmark.

"- - Are you sure you want to go, Master Doyle? Even if Master Doyle doesn't have to go to Master Celery himself, I will if I have to!

"No, it doesn't make sense if I don't go directly. Well, I don't really recommend getting involved, so even if you're back..."

"No! If Master Doyle is going, it would be in the fire, but it would be in the water, but Ballad will serve you!

"............... right"


Ballad's voice goes into his ear when he decides to wonder what kind of freak's nest is a brain muscle warrior and a mad scientist pharmacy, or if so, a magic department?

If you hold a cage containing bottles that have been kept by seniors Leo, and say no to Ballado, who made a fascinating suggestion, and then tell him away, "You don't have to come because it's dangerous," Ballado returns words like a sample of his squire.

I think Balad's words and actions are exaggerated by the boulders when he says he's just going to visit the teacher, as if he were sending him off to the battlefield. But I was sure I'd be relieved of Balad, who wouldn't leave me.

............... This is how your grandfathers couldn't even lift their heads to Sebastian and the others.

Paranoid obedience is comfortable. Though I don't think it should be sweet, it sticks sweet.

Grandpa and Sebastian. Father and Mordo.

Though slightly different in shape, I feel convinced that Balad and I will also become inseparable even if we cut like them.

Shortly after I held my head to the egg provider, Balad dragged Seniors Rieti and Sana into the room.

It seemed like the two of them had already been squeezed if they didn't think they were invisible, and the two of them, who haven't been completely heads up to Balad since the sleepover, were burning out at the entrance to the room. Apparently Ballado, who was in a suspicious mood for the two people he met on their way to me, heard one of the [Feniche eggs] cases from the two of them and rushed to the pharmacy department to question Senior Leo.

It's hard to describe how Balad has been rushing in. Anyway, it was awesome. To the point of accidentally covering the seniors, Balad was angry. I can't shelter myself, and I hope you forgive me for having had to forgive me by letting Balad preach to my predecessors.

Whatever it was, it was the moment I felt Balad's loyalty to me.

After that, I managed to forgive Ballado, and I told Senior Leo not to get involved with Master Celery any more.

Naturally, the seniors, who were genuinely frightened by Balad's sword screen, nodded violently and agreed. They were desperate for the minute they saw Seniors Ljeci and Sana 'a on the verge of ashes. In the meantime, I'll tell you Senior Leo was splendid, done to the point of catching his face.

After that stuffiness, Ballado said to me, without a single word or two, that he was going to deliver the finished powder to Master Celery. "I will serve you! volunteered," to this day.

To be honest, I don't want to get involved as much as possible because I feel instinctive danger to Master Celery, but there's no reason to ignore the fact that Master Celery bothered to speak up to my men, Seniors Leo. This is how I am carrying my feet.

............... I don't know what to do with that guy in front of me.

Celery von Thermos, former head of the Kingdom Mage Corps.

Loved by the Spirit and blessed with magical talent, genius magician.

A magician's revolutionary child who, with so much propriety and abundance of skill that no one goes out to the right if he is magical, has an eye on how magic props can be used by anyone, even with magic, and devises a [magic formation] that requires neither propriety nor skill.

By forming and engraving magic formations on those with aptitudes and skills in advance, magic could be used simply by flushing magic. Because it takes special skills, tools, and materials to carve to form a magic team, it is not generally pervasive, but his achievements are immeasurable.

From the sorcerers, the ascendant Lady Celery was born as the second son of the Count Thermos family, and as an apprentice magician he spent his childhood in the Royal Castle, graduating from the Elpis School and at the same time rising again to the Royal Castle.

And I hear it was your mother's childhood tame.

Currently the Count Thermos family is succeeded by his nephew, a forgetful sight of his eldest son, who holds the position of the Borderline uncle.

Forty-five years ago in a war involving neighboring countries, the eldest son of the Earl of Termos died. If he did not succeed the housekeeper of the House of Termos, he would have planned to become the fiancé of his grandmother Amelia if she had not met her grandfather, but the veracity is unknown.

As a matter of fact, there was no real harm from Master Celery. Instead, the information he gave me before was very beneficial. I could also go to Claire's rescue in shame.

He who is too thoughtful, but a man of his kind, called a great man or a hero, is somewhere different from a normal man. That degree of character would be acceptable.

However, although I think so, I can't forget the smile like a child who was given a toy I saw when I first met him, and at the same time the pitiful caged eyes that the new magicians gave me. It's not funny because this is the situation I was avoiding getting involved in.

What can I do for you, Master Celery, until you take advantage of the Leo seniors?

It is depressing just to think.

"Dear Doyle. This is Master Celery's room."

"Okay. - Excuse me. This is Doyle von Aginis. We have what Senior Leopardo has received."

Often walking in a sad mood in a hallway that becomes less popular as we approach Master Celery's room. I stopped by Balad's words, and I'll knock on the door in front of you and briefly tell you what to do.

I don't come this far to prepare my mind.

The more time you take, the more visible you are that you want to go home.

"- Here you go, this way. The Lord awaits you."

"Excuse me, sir."

Enter the room following the guidance of an obviously out-of-the-box squire who appeared unabated from the knock. Her feet floated as she let her bright red hair swoop and move to slip.


"Did you finally get away with it"

If you continue through the pile of books and paper as you follow her in the form of a person who will guide us as she floats, Master Celery, who was peering into the box in her voice, looks up at this one.

And when I stopped looking at my figure and the contents of Ballad's cage, he grinned delightfully and murmured in a small voice.