A training ground co-located in the Knights' building.

In order to polish the sword dedicated to His Majesty, there are many knights in the place visited by many knights day and night, some of which are mixed with those of the students of Epis School. Probably the students on break or ordered to wait.

Instruction from active knights is invaluable for students with little field experience. Everyone was seriously taught to take advantage of this opportunity to acquire a little more technology.

Not until I step in rather than we do.

Until earlier, the training ground was full of pleasant tensions among knights and students who encouraged training, and there is currently a different air.

"- Come on! Don't hesitate, call me from anywhere, Doyle!

"Whoa, Rafael! Keep the students down and protect them. Out of the way!"

"Leave it to me!

"Dear Doyle!?"

I command Rafael, not to esperda a spear storm that descends at the same time as the words. Hearing the voices of the far-fetched Ballads on their backs, they take the rolled out spear with esperda and confront their grandfather.

Earlier, I exchanged difficult greetings with the knights and, for now, with the students returning to school. We've got Bran and the others in the stable. We've been briefed in the building by the students we've been waiting for to start taking over and a few knights left in the watchman.

He then looked around at the reception, armory, waiting room, etc., and was introduced to the quarters and finally was briefed on the training ground. And as soon as I stepped inside the workout, the old man I was waiting for came down from somewhere.

I don't know how long the hell I've been putting it up, but the knights were stunned, so I guess they've been waiting in the ceiling for me to come for quite some time. He is a healthy man, even though he is now sixty seven years old.

"It's been a while, Grandpa. More importantly, you look healthy."

"Your lord seems to be doing well too, Doyle - are you glad you've lowered your people at the place? You can call me at the same time anyway."

"Just kidding. Third party intervention is incompetent."

Between me and Grandpa, who exchanges words softly, each other's weapons make a critical noise. I see my grandfather's eyes gleaming slightly in my words, and I check his back.

After gathering the students in the corner of the training ground as ordered and checking the appearance of Lafar, who had finished putting up the wind protective wall, I looked again at my grandfather, who had waited for me to be ready.

I saw the accompanying knights rushing to find an escape, cooperating and trying to form a bond, but I dare not do anything. You'll be dissatisfied with being protected by me, like the Ballads, and they are the righteous knights, even if they are entrusted with the guardianship of the king's capital. You should do something on your own.

I'm in trouble if you don't do that. It doesn't make sense for those who can't do something about it on their own.

"And it's a corner opportunity. I know you want your grandfather to taste my own power!

"Well said!

Play the spear at the same time as you run out of power, and once at a distance.

I'll wrap the ice around Espada too, watching my belligerent grinning grandfather wrap the flame around his spear. It's been a really long time since I've worked with Grandpa. If my memory is certain, it will be the last time in the middle of the year.

I still remember the face of my discouraged grandfather back then.

I won't let that look happen again.

After this arrangement, I will make sure Grandpa says "Boulder, the grandson of Non" as he used to do. Even without Rafael's help, that's all I have right now.

"" No!

If we looked to Grandpa and stepped out with such determination, the air shook at the combined impact of the weapon.

Greetings and everything will be soaked up, weapons will be set up and confronted.

It's been a long time since we've been reunited, and Ballads and knights are watching each other relentlessly, but this is the reunion I and Grandpa deserve.

Exchange hugs, talk stories, etc.

I don't know if I can put my days to good use with this, and this one is faster than a bunch of words overlapping. I'm sure that's what Grandpa thinks.

Esperda no flaming spears, which follow the basic model of the spear, but are rolled out with unusual speed and power, and play. Without turning a blind eye to each other, we lay down our defenses as we speak.

This has been the case with my grandfather for a long time. The basic model shows the next attack. But that skill, which has accumulated over the years, doesn't make it easy to fight back, even if you know it.

You couldn't stay on your feet much, you're blown away.

Reminds me of my childhood matches in the same attack pattern. Grandpa was watching me grow up by repeating the same attack every time.

But I'm different now than I was when I was blown away by that shock even when I managed to get a spear. Feeling the weight that resonates in my arms, I hold the spear tight and I raise the end of my mouth.

My grandfather laughed happily when he saw me like that.

"What's up, Doyle! Just take it, you can't beat Non!

"Yes! I know you very well, Grandpa!

He says he's slowing down instead of loosening his hands, but he can afford to raise his voice to Grandpa. And at the same time, I slapped my grandfather on the floor with the intention of slashing his spear.


"- I'm coming, Grandpa!

By stopping the spear, I re-enforce the espada, which made a juicy noise and reduced my body, and step into my nostalgia. Then, to the grandfather who held the spear upside down or stopped the blade with a pattern, he immediately turns the ice that was wrapped around the espada into water.


I laugh bitterly at the water vapor that I was able to get into by turning it into water, at my grandfather, who gave me a pleasant voice. And then fly up on steam while defending yourself with the wind.

The water vapor made of Grandpa's flames is dangerous at high temperatures. My grandfather, who is at the source of the steam, is also dangerous when it comes to danger, but that guy won't suffer one burn about this much. Grandpa, who is highly suited for fire magic, is also highly tolerant. That is the same with gin, as long as I envy it.

"- But this degree of blindness and so on is futile!

... I knew it.

With an energetic voice, he gestures in the air while hitting a spear protruding from the steam with a paper weight difference. Not only did you stick out the spear exactly where I was, but the power of the flaming spear, which blew up steam with just one of those pokes, is boulder.

The floor of the training ground, which was supposed to be magically fortified, had been burned and decided so as not to break with a slight or gentle attack.

Just in case, I'm glad I left it up there.

I also had the option of being slashed by multiplying the steam, but I was right not to. Using [Flying Knife] 's skills, he lowers the ice blade over his grandfather's head, thinking that if he was eating that blow, it might have sucked. Then unwrap the ice wrapped around the espada and use the [flying knife] again.

"Up there! What, to this extent?"

An ice blade strikes Grandpa, who runs his eyes around him and instantly turns up, but countless ice blades are swept away by a spear without hesitation. And with all the poking out in return, the firepillar stretches straight towards me. Falls with an ice shield to avoid a direct hit, but still suffers some burns. There is no escape in the air, so there is no alternative to this.

But at the same time, my grandfather suffered the same amount of wounds from the wind blade that I let down by the time difference. My grandfather, who was armed with a blade of wind to protect his sight from my attacks that followed, was a little happy to see his eyes open.

Students and knights are screaming but if you care, you lose to the reward of an attack that is likely to hurt you badly if you make a mistake.

Gun! and a knife in with the landing, using the prevented recoil to take a distance, whirling and turning one turn to land.

If you pour in the magic to get in position and put in the last blow, Espada will also change the blade to its proper strength while sounding delightfully.

Fill the distance for Grandpa's nostalgia as he feels the change in Espada on his hands. Without being frightened by the heat of burning his skin at the same time as he made it in time, if he took the final step with all his might, he looked into contact with his grandfather, who gently broke his mouth.

Pitali, and attach an espada to Grandpa's neck.

A burning spear stretches directly next to my face in response to the gaze poured from above. My grandfather's spear, which sears his hair with chips, was ten centimeters away, and if it had slipped out to the side, my eyebrows would have been pierced beautifully.

The boulder is the brave man of the flaming spear.

"- You're strong, Doyle."

"Thank you, Grandpa"

"O grandson of Liu Shinon. Brilliant!"

We lay down our weapons against each other, facing each other.

It's a shame we have to cut up the matches in the right place because the place is there. I really wanted to get to the end of it anyway. I haven't shown myself all I can do, and I wanted to get all my grandfather's help if it were to come true. I thought so, but my breasts bounce on Grandpa's words that went on.

But it's not just me and Grandpa here.

When I remembered I had eyes, I tightened my slack mouth. I see you want to raise your voice to joy, and I deliver Esperda to my sheath in the guise of peace. And to say hello, which I was putting behind me, I set my posture right and turned back to my grandfather.

At that moment, my heart jumped.


Stared at Grandpa from the front and blinked at the impression he had.

Grandpa in memory deserves the name of a hero at all times.

A face you can't see unless you look up in your hand that grabs my head gently. The back of that desperate chase was so big that I couldn't see the front.

But the grandfather I tried again is smaller than I can remember.

A body that doesn't feel as intimidated as it used to be by the gaze that interacts at about the same height. All I've seen since I remembered my last life is a far-sighted look at it, and that's hardly the same as me when I face it like this.


"... Yes"

I answer with confusion at the shock I felt in my grandfather's appearance, which is difficult to say.

When I said it was about me, I didn't know what I was shocked by right now.

The skill and power of the flaming spear received today must be its name. As far as I'm concerned, it's still far from the experience your grandfather has had and the strength of it.

We worked together, and I did think so.

But a gaze about the same height as your voice with reduced voice, too different from your grandfather in memory. Increased wrinkles and floating neck of muscles. It is certainly my grandfather who was called [the fiery spear brave] in front of me, and the impression that his flesh gives at a glance that he is being worked out is ambitious.

But the back of the hand or neck, where the bone begins to float more than the muscles, evokes emotions that are difficult to describe.

"- I'm sorry for a long time. I made you struggle unnecessarily because I couldn't... I couldn't even open my name."

Unlike in my memory, I don't have a voice in the words I was told my grandfather looked like. My chest is tightened for some reason and my throat is stuck in the amber hair with more gray hair that goes into my eyes because I have my head lowered.

It's not like disappointment or disappointment. What the hell is this emotion that I feel so anxious to be broiled twinkly when I say it's in this chest with no change in admiration, respect or fear?


Leaning my neck at the inexplicable bitterness that occupies my chest, I answered that with a squeezed voice.