In the deep, dark woods.

Feeling the scent of damp soil and blue leaves on my nose, I was kneeling in to protect myself and shrinking.



"Gah! Gah! Gah!"


"Gee? Gah"

Speaking in a cloudy voice, I will kill my breath only to see the goblins looking for me. In their hands walking around with urchins were weapons that they would have taken from the adventurers, such as sticks, rusty daggers, and broken swords ahead.

Weapons are weapons, even if they are worn out. And there are five of them. If they find us, we'll probably lose.

Sweat seeps into the answers that my head calmly begins to answer. I knew I couldn't do any more, but I still wanted to be as small as possible so they wouldn't find me, pulling force into my arms and feet and pulling me to my torso.

- Grandpa.

The goblins, one minute bigger than me, are swinging grass bars and other things to hunt for their weak prey. Seeing the sight from the bushes nearby, I call upon the name of someone who has fallen off in my heart.

I'm sure you'll come and help me. Believe that, kill as many signs as you can and grab the crimson spear you just got for your birthday. "Don't come, don't come," I prayed in my heart, stealing a glimpse of the gradually approaching goblins.

You were frustrated on your way out, your bumpy, painful feet are hot.



"Gah, gah, gah."

A stick swung down to the side between breaks the branches with vacillation. The loss of the grass trees that were hiding me increases my speed with great heart tone momentum.

The moment my eyes met, the joyful goblin grin was just horrible.

The other goblins gather their weapons in the delightful voice of the goblin. The goblin in front of him was squeezing his teeth and waving up the stick with great pleasure as he shimmered his face.

- I'm sorry. Grandpa.

I look at the stick slowly coming down, apologizing to my grandfather for being distracted.

At the next moment, my vision stained red.

Hot winds that I remember and goblins that were caught in flames in an instant shortly after I raised my voice. In front of me, there was a burning road, wide enough for the carriage to pass at leisure.

"Doyle! Are you all right!?"

Moving his face to the voice he heard, he had a terribly hurried look on his face and his grandfather, with many leaves on his head and shoulders, stood holding a love spear.

- You're very, very relieved.

That day, for sure, I think it was a Knights rookie exercise or something.

I got my first spear for my birthday that year and had just started working out. I didn't even remember how to handle spears, it wasn't dimensional to fight, but the forest my grandfather took me to: 'You should have seen the Warcraft at first sight'. No, it could have been the woods.

I honestly don't remember where that was. Perhaps what caused it to slip away from your grandparents.

I just remember clearly that I was so relieved by the way my grandfather came to help me, and that my grandfather carried me home when I cried out.

It was warm and a huge back that I could afford to cling to.

I'm not disappointed, I guess.

The sight is almost the same height, and I no longer feel intimidated from that flesh, naturally because I grew up. Physical differences are filled if they grow.

Then what the hell have I been shocked by? What's so, so caught up?

Ask yourself repeatedly about your emotions that you can't even think about and answer.

Con, con, con.

Faced with my most unclear feelings now, I heard a modest knock on the window.

Interrupt your thoughts and give your face to the sound you hear. And when I looked at the window, it was stuck in a narrow window frame as the Ains pressed each other.

... Sounds like all-you-can-pack bread.

I hold that sentiment against the Ains, who are sticking in the small window of the dorm and trying to peek inside ahead of us.

It's very surreal from the inside to see Ains growing from chicks to pigeons about the size of little pigeons hanging out in places that have only grown heads, tearing each other apart, crushing each other, and turning into letters.

Bad for desperate girlfriends, but kinda funny. Soft wings such as hers in the narrow room between the chick and the adult bird are pressed against the window, and the density in the small window frame is the very bread tightly packed in the plastic bag. I think I hear a beep coming from somewhere.

Or how do the Eins stick to the window in such an impossible position? Again, are you magically aiding me not to fall......

Con...... con...... con!

I can hear an understated knock once again when I am unintentionally fascinated by the sight that makes me smile or even seem disgusting. With a trembling mouth about whether his posture was painful, Zwei was knocking on the window desperately.

I finally lift my hips to the likes of Ains who seem to be at their limit. To the habit of birds: 'Fall!' 'Hey, pack more!' Someone will be able to represent her and others. '

He puts his hand on the handle of the window as he sighs at her and others who carry out pointless attacks. The window of the dormitory has a key and a handle on the lower side, and when pulled inward, it has a mechanism for opening under the window. The knights said only about twenty centimeters open is escape and intrusion prevention.

If you open the window to the eye-opening Ains, they will fall into the room rather than enter through the gap. The sight was like a can coming out of a vending machine while still.

'I finally let you in!

'It would have been dangerous if it had been a little longer!

"I thought I was going to die!

"Uh, already! My beautiful feathers are ruined."


"Morning. The others are still asleep, so be quiet. Then Fia, get him down because the humph is crushing."

"Oh? Sorry."

Morning greetings to the prickly angry Feer that Ains, Zwei, Dry and Feathers have been disturbed, delighted to be free from a tight posture. Then I'll help you out with the humph that was underneath Fier. Humph looking around after being rescued is as dull as ever.

Phea and the other brothers who didn't even look to me until I helped. And I think it must be my fault that I caught a glimpse of their sequences and routine at how Humph was not concerned about that at all.

"'Good morning! Dear Doyle' '


"Morning, master!

"Gyoshi Junsama"

"" "" "" Dinner, please!

"A little. Raise your own money for what's missing."

"'' 'Yes' '' ''

I'll regain my mind and gather my magic in my hands and offer it to you.

It seems a little unhappy, but still, the Eins who follow my words very carefully are the gift of a month of discipline.

Ever since I asked Rafael about the shock, I've changed my perception of the Eins. Of course, I stopped feeding my magic to a full stomach.

For what it's worth, I'm very satisfied right now because I've succeeded in changing my name from "Mom" to "Master" and making it somewhat submissive.

"Ains, Dry and Feer gather the rumors of the town. Zwei and Humph are the homes of the mercenaries. Even so, you won't be able to distinguish between mercenaries or adventurers yet, so for now, look where there are more than ten people with weapons. It's dangerous, so be careful not to get too close, okay?

After a brief meal, ask Ains and the others to gather information on the town.

The recent growth of Ains has been remarkable. Long distances outside the country and elsewhere are still not possible, but the distance from the school to the Wang capital allowed me to fly, and my knowledge of humans increased. This gathering of information will be a good practice if we think about the future.

Besides, there's always one knight to follow during the patrol. Considering the curfew in the quarters, I don't have much time to move freely during my two weeks in the King's Capital. It will be difficult to get all the information you want if you don't get some purpose and then move.

He also asks Rafael to ask the spirits in the king's city if they have changed anything.

Grandfathers, knights, information-gathering and a lot of things to do while you're in Wang Du.

"I'll take care of it, Master Doyle!

'There's also a humph. I'll just look from afar!

"Oh. And then everybody watch out for bows and magic, okay? Wangdu has a lot of handiwork. Stay away, but don't be alarmed - be careful."

"'' 'Yes' '' ''


There is no su and no sound, and I drop off the backs of the young Phoenicians who fly away gracefully. I shut the window quietly, confirming that Ains, who was flying without a line, broke up second-hand and and disappeared in the morning sun, which began to rise.

"I'm coming too"

"Welcome aboard, Master Doyle"

The rest of the crew is still asleep.

Soon he woke up, received a towel from Balad, who bowed his head, and left the dormitory room behind.

There were people at the training ground who said the morning sun was starting to rise when they broke up with the Ains. Have you all just arrived? Get ready to train in a thoughtful place. To the point of being counted with one hand, but I was a little surprised because I was going to leave early.

Tomorrow I make up my mind to come sooner, and I'm going into the workout to get a place too. Sometimes a few people noticed me, but ignored such a gaze and proceeded to the back of the training ground. And I unwrapped my body.

arms, feet, hips, back and slowly, firmly stretching and untying the muscles. He also helped in the summer season, and by the time the flexibility was over, sweat was dripping from his forehead.

There's a break, and I soak up the sweat that flows as I sit on the floor.

That's how I took a breath, and I finally spoke to the guy who had been sending me a hot glance from earlier.

"So what the hell are you doing, Waldo?"

"Let's make it work, Aginis!

He said to my voice, "I've been waiting!" The temples catch on to Waldo, who just stopped by.

I stepped into the workout, and since I realized I was inside, I've been waiting on the side, so, well, I thought you wanted to work with me, but it's the answer I expected.

"Even if you don't ask me, there will be knights. It's a corner opportunity, please."

"The knights can always join hands if they want to when they're free. Our opponent seems to be part of this internship. - But now's the only time I can get Aginis to deal with me absolutely."

That's how Waldo takes the bag out of the subspace and shows it to me.

"I kept it from Lute." Give it to me as soon as you can, "he cautioned."

"... I see"

If you want me to give it to you, you mean go with it.

Now that I understand what Waldo's trying to say, I'm gonna stand up and take out Esperda.

Having sparkled my eyes at my actions like that, Waldo was instead taking out his own weapon when he treated the sack he had deposited from Lute to subspace.

"You, what's your schedule for today?

"Same as Aginis, knights chores in the morning, patrols in the afternoon"

"Right. Then you don't have to use it in the morning."

"You got me motivated?

"Oh. Sometimes I'm serious about you. He even imitated me like he was threatening me."


Confirm the feeling of espada familiar to your hands and proclaim to Waldo with a grin.

I'm glad you want to do this with me, and threatening what Waldo did is an exaggeration. However, it would be difficult to get flavor accounted for in these ways, so this place would need to be treated clearly.

You can't just flinch things at me and rush to your advantage ten years early.

"Are you ready?

"Oh, be gentle."


It goes without saying that Waldo enjoyed the match and quickly stopped beating me up, as he drew attention to me and turned his eyes to expectations.