When the Warcraft noise also subsided, Senior Sana was taken to the treatment room by Master Elva, who was worried about his health, and Seniors Rieti and Lord Tim also followed the two.

Remaining on the spot, I decided to hear from the woman Albione had brought, but when she was caught in the water jail, she answered her questions amazingly well.

To sum up the story briefly, the man I met in the basement is with her. But it wasn't that close that I met a man since I left the inside.

She herself has lived in Edelstein for several years under the name 'Julia' and is now a maid with His Royal Highness Prince Brio. He retained some of his hiding skills and admitted that he had done the trick of deceiving the pharmacists about the presence of Phoenicia and the breaking of a sneaky magic prop in the magician's quarters.

The Feniche thing was sneaking into a collection of information to stick Claire and Her Royal Highness Brio together, and she wanted to distract the medic who had bowled them in.

As for the magic props, it seems to be the reason that they are from inside her. It seems that her hometown is currently in a state of hiding, and she wanted to make sure that the location was not identified from the materials and magic formations used for the magic props. She said it was the duty of those who went outside inside to break it if they found something about the village outside.

And what happens two days after the heart, it seems, is a massive amount of warcraft, or perhaps warcraft of the Demon King class, coming from the Abyss Forest towards this king's capital.

If I asked her about too vague a content, she would return the answer, "I don't know the details, because that's what he planned to do alone."

Albione and Lafar's inquiry didn't change the answer, so she probably really doesn't know anything more than that.

When it comes to other stories, I'm under the impression that I'm not lying but I'm not telling you everything.

I just want to pursue it in a lot of detail, but I have to do something about the Warcraft that come from the Abyss Forest before that.

That's how Lord Joyeh, who was listening with him, went with the sorcerers to report a series of events to His Majesty and Prime Minister Libro.

As a result, the castle has become noisy and is now in the process of circulation and confirmation of details to each side.

Looking out, the black sky was white with the blue horizon shining. The white light gradually increases in thickness, layering yellow, orange and color, and eventually the bright red sun peeks into his face.

The night was dawning and a new day was about to begin.

As the sky dawned, I was in a room close to where I fought the Warcraft.

Inside the room was me and Albione, Lafahr, Lady Gray, Gin and Ballado, who rendezvoused after hearing a series of reports, and then the woman who named herself Julia. I had Gardi and Scion earlier, but I asked the two of them to run errands, so I'm out of the room now.

In the center of the room floated a water cage made by Albione, in which the woman, wrapped in dark crimson as dark as black, was trapped.

"I really don't know. I told you everything I know, and that's enough, right? Let me out. Look, I'm a maid with the Honorable Brio, so I have to prepare breakfast or something."

"It's not up to you, is it? If you can't hear me very well, I'll punish you. '

Albione tells her that he demanded to get her out of the water cage with a flashing face. Then, as Tsutsu or Albione moved his fingers, the thumb-sized droplets jumped momentously in the water polo.

"Huh? Hey, hey, it hurts, it hurts! I'm sorry I said business! Stop because I apologize."

You can hear Julia screaming, along with the bees and the sound as if they were even descending. It doesn't seem to hurt enough, but it is quite powerful because the area where the skin is exposed is red, such as the hands and feet.

"Grow up?

"I will! So stop this!

To her answer, where desperation seeps, Albione erased the droplets.

"Tingling and plain painful... why am I in such an eye"

'Cause the culprit got away with it. What choice do you have?

"Most of it is unreasonable, even though 90% of it was done by him..."

"The spirits and the world of men are irrational, aren't they?

Take your gaze off Albione and Julia, who drop their shoulders and mourn, and turn your gaze toward Master Gray.

In Lady Gray's hand, there was a magic prop used to communicate, and he was about to give the telecommunications machine magic and permission to communicate and emit a light of green.

"You got something?

'Ha! I explored the neighborhood where a knight stationed in the abyss forest was reported, and he said he sensed countless signs of warcraft. He also said he could see some strong individuals. About half an hour later, I want you to attend the meeting with Doyle and Jin in order to conduct the meeting between the round tables!

"Okay. Let me know if anything happens again."

'I'm in awe. Now if you'll excuse me.'

Along with the voice of the soldier who conceived the tension, the comms machine loses light.

Lady Gray turned to me when she remembered the comms that ended her communication.

"- Yeah, but what are you gonna do? Doyle."

"Of course, I'll go to the Abyss Forest after the meeting"

My immediate answer gives me a wrinkle between Master Gray's eyebrows. But there was no complaining or stopping words coming out of that mouth.

As it stands, I'm the only one who has a choice.

Speaking of fame for the power of the Majesta, he is now the leader of the Kingsguard Knights, the brave Thunder Spear, the brave Fiery Spear and Master Celery, who can be counted as Four Yingjie.

But the brave grandfather of the Flaming Spear is not on an expedition to the Abyss Forest because he is being treated.

Or, you can't let your father, the Knights of Kingsguard, out of the castle. The paramount priority for Kingsguard should be the guardianship of the castle where the royal family and king are located.

The rest is Master Celery, but there are currently royal bondmen and executives from various countries in this castle. In front of them, Master Celery must also remain a defensive factor in the castle. Even if we leave the Herd of Warcraft safely, it will hinder later diplomacy in case anything happens to the messengers.

... don't worry about messengers leaving Majesta Castle.

Normally, you would know that it is more dangerous to go home, but you do not know what action humans will take if they are in the process of staying in other countries where only such emergencies have few places to rely.

Although it is honestly difficult for Magister to ask for human blame for not being able to make a calm decision and putting himself at risk, it is clear that if harm were done to the messenger in this matter, the Magister's crisis management would be considered inadequate.

We must have them stay in the castle to ensure the safety of the messengers, and for that reason the famous power must remain in the castle. If it were a castle protected by your father or Master Celery, you wouldn't want to leave voluntarily.

When that happens, it is the active Knights Commander and the Mages Commander who move, but the people and nobles of Majesta are not convinced in them for lack of track record. In order not to disturb the people, we must surely turn to as much force as we can to destroy the herd of warcraft and return.

Speaking of fighting forces whose names are quite well known apart from the grandfathers, it would be me. Master Gray understands that too, so he doesn't say anything inside.

Perhaps His Majesty and Father won't say anything either. I don't have a choice.

When it comes to obstacles as we head to the Abyss Forest, it's about the nobles of Majesta whose activities are not interesting to me.

With that in mind, Master Gray opens his mouth at a time when he sees through my insides.

"... I do not deny that it is appropriate, but you withheld your engagement to Claire two days later, also after fighting Lord Xeno flashly yesterday. I am refraining from the important ceremony, I can pretend to be in good health today yesterday, but on the surface I am showing you the way. There will always be fools out there complaining about your appearance beyond what is indispensable for a reason to pull."

There's probably the same face on Master Gray's brain that gives him a annoying look.

Many nobles do not want my work.

Some people hate myself for being trustworthy of Master Gray and even getting Claire, but the biggest reason they don't like my work is because it involves profits that come from running the army.

The military moves a lot of money just to keep it, like food, weapons, weapons care and entertainment for the soldiers. It would be of great benefit if you could screw what you produce there in your own house, or you could receive a sleeve under it instead of purchasing it from a particular merchant.

Until recently, Grandpa was assigned to the Grand Marshal and father to the Commander of the Kingsguard Knights. Naturally, it was up to the two of you to make the final decision on the armaments relationship. But the grandfathers used their position to imitate that there was no way to devour profits, and even though there was a technique that made it easier for them to taste good, they couldn't even do anything about it to me.

In the meantime, the top of the Knights took their place in Grandpa's retirement. If you can count on me to buy armaments and so on to be flexible or good, I can make a huge profit.

My joining the Knights is a decision, but that's a story for the future.

I have no right to speak inside the army right now.

Before me or Jin officially joins the Knights, I want to occupy positions that are well attended by those who are close to me, and organize them so that they cannot be swept away. For those who think so, the years leading up to our graduation from Episcopal School are a battle.

But if I were to show remarkable activity here and get a military position as a reward, it would all be a picturesque cake. Therefore, my work is not to be welcomed.

The rights you can get in an army operation. This is not the situation I'm talking about, but it's troublesome because there are fools who don't read the air.

"Sadly, there are those who can only think of themselves rather than the future of their country. Is there any way to shut them up? If not, you should ask His Majesty or Chancellor Libro for a play before you go between the roundtables."

That's how I figure out how to answer Master Gray, who stares at me.

If you look to the future, annoying people would prefer me to shut them up on my own. If we show our presence here, we might be able to bring in those who are watching.

But it is also a situation in which time is wasted. Therefore, Master Gray is telling us to use His Majesty's help if we don't have a clear hand. So there's no time to hang out with the farce of the nobles who take precedence over the future of the country.

It seems like it's time to come back...

Waiting for my answer While Gray is in a hurry, use [Signal Detection] to find any signs of approaching this room.

There's only one way to keep them quiet. Now it's like waiting for the result.

I think it's all right because I offered enough conditions for Scion to go to the negotiations, but I can't report it to Master Gray in vague conditions.

But time is running out to the meeting. If Zion cannot make it, I must ask His Majesty.

Now, what did you think you were going to do? At that time, there were signs of approaching the room.

Adult male in size, probably Scion.

Then it won't be long before the sound of knocking on the door of the room where we are.

"Come in, young lady."

Ballad frowns at Scion, who came in knocking. But there he was reading the situation and swallowing the novel, even as he turned a hard eye to the boulder Balad, Zion.

Side by side with Ballad, who refrains greatly, I ask Zion where the negotiations are going.

"How'd it go?

"He said it worked. They say all the guys around the woods are hired by young people to do what they say."

"That's good"

Scion also has a prank grin if he puts a grin on the content of the whispered report.

It is a matter of decision for the Knights and the Sorcery Division to head to the Abyss Forest. And it's supposed to get in the way of me trying to accompany you.

Then what? The answer is simple, you just have to create a situation where I have to go.

Neither the Knights nor the Magic Division can take all of them. Besides, lacking the grandfathers, they will be replenished with mercenaries for less.

Warcraft hunting around the Abyss Forest is recommended due to the impact of the emergence of Marnagarm last year. In that connection, there are many well-equipped mercenaries gathering around it. Of course, the captains of each regiment will be counting the mercenaries that His Majesty and Chancellor Libro are also around as a force of war.

What happens if the mercenaries you trust don't respond to your demands because they don't want to break their contract with me? You'll have to send me, the mercenaries' contractor, to the Abyss Forest. That's why I asked Pale James and the others to buy mercenaries so I could get there. Just in time, she also earned a living in the Abyss Forest.

The mercenaries on the ground by now would have been hired and dispatched by me.

It was possible that Prime Minister Libro and the others who received the report released the advance troops and had already begun negotiations, but it seemed like I was one step faster just to contact them through Zion.

... more than anything worth paying that much and keeping Zion and the others on hand.

With that in mind, Scion, who was still on his side, whispers to me.

"And yet, young lady, when did you get to know the grandfathers of Argo? It seems they were able to negotiate easily thanks to their cooperation, but they were surprised, too?

By the name of Theon, I twist my neck. Then I searched my memory for the name Argo.

That's how I remembered the mercenaries swallowed in the inn that it was Waldo's home. He seemed close to his grandfather's age, but he was only strong in declaring himself active for life. It seems to be a medium old stock in that inn, and I remember having good information.

"I had a chance to compare swallows. Was he such an influential mercenary..."

"Argo's grandfather is the face of the mercenaries based near Majesta, right? I was taken to greet you too."

"... you were lucky"

I'm surprised he was such an amazing person while answering Theon's question in a low voice. At the same time, I carve it into my memory to go and thank you when this is over. The fringe with the faces of the mercenaries who are rooting for Majesta will continue to be useful.

I turn back to Master Gray, who was waiting for the conversation to end while I thought about letting Balad arrange for a drink as well.

"Master Gray. I bought all the mercenaries near the Abyss Forest, so there's no problem."

"............ I see, then there's no problem"

Once I've thought about my report, Lady Gray answers in a few moments. Then he gave me a delightful look.

"Mercenaries take care of their contracts. During the execution of the contract, it will be difficult to negotiate itself unless it is also the mouthpiece of their contractors"

"Many mercenaries have difficulty contacting us, so I need to meet and talk to them in person"

"That's tough. We have to let everyone know."


Have a farcical conversation and laugh at each other.

Thanks to the mercenaries, the problem is gone. All you have to do is shut up the annoying guys and go to the Abyss Forest.

"Let's go, Doyle"

"Yes. I asked for this place with Balad, Zion, and their girlfriends. I'll be right back."

Responding to Master Gray, who turned off his grin, I entrust this occasion to the Ballads.

"Yes, sir."

"Leave it to me."

Dropped off by Ballad, who broke his hips deeply, and Zion, who responded gently with his hands up, we left the room behind to head between the roundtables awaiting His Majesty and many nobles.