Running through the woods after Ains for a few minutes.

Me and Theon got to a giant stump that we didn't know was centuries old.

The torso of the stump is large enough for five adult men to spread their hands, and a decaying bark peeks through the soft moss gap covering the surface. A number of new trees had already grown from the cross section, making me feel that many years had passed since they were cut down.

"- Master Doyle! This way, sir. '

If I raised my face to the squeal that rang from the top of a tree stretched out of the cross section, I would have swung my feathers and urged Zwei to come to the back of the stump with a gesture of his hand, so I headed with Zion, where there was a dry pressured not to let the humphs lay low on the ground escape.


Dry, who was on top of Humph, who was like a crushed bun, when he found me, stepped on his youngest brother and flew up fuzzy, stopping at one of the truncated roots stretching in all directions with Zwei, who stepped down at the same time, showing the root part.


"... hmm?

"You're coming, too."

If you retrieve the humph that is snagged on the ground while proceeding to the two wings as they are called, the weight of more than the fier you just received runs on your arm.

You're a little overgrown......

Unteachable and heavy.

But if you leave it alone, you don't know what you're going to serve, so you step across the rocks and roots while holding the humph to go for the place that Zwei shows you. Then Ains and Phea also rendezvous, so I put Humph on the rock that was fortunately on the road and asked them to monitor me, and I hurried to the root of Zwei and Dry's waiting stump.

As I peered between the thick roots I had thus reached, the flowers of the bearded moonlight tree were buried in the mossy earth as they had been trampled.

- Elves' inherent skills?

Reminds me of the unbalanced situation of crushed flowers and blue moss, the figure of Ries, who brought the dried medicinal herbs back to life. I guess I was using the same skills I had then to regenerate the trampled moss and erase the traces of walking. It should be hard to find a clue.

If you extend your arms to the bark directly above where the flowers were falling, your hands sink into the stump without touching anything. I checked by hand that the holes hidden in hallucinations are so large that adult men seem to be able to pass easily, and I guess Lord Pinez and Lord Velco are captured underneath because if [ground exploration] is used, there is a wide space shaped like a triangular flask beneath the stump and two signs in it.

"- Well done. It's a trick."

"Humph's eating spot helped"


If I looked back to say thanks again to Zwei and Dry, who rang as surprised, to summon Theon, I could see Albione and the elves climbing the rock with Ries as if they had also arrived.

"... were you hiding it with a stump of holy wood? You can't possibly find it by reason."

A big hole appears with the sound of Paris and breaking as Ries reaches for the stump and whines something smaller, with a bitter look on his face when he says so when he gets there.

I guess I solved the hallucination I was being put on. There was just one thick rope in the pompous hole, and it continued deep underground beyond.

"There's no stairs, but it's the basement... I have to carry two men. Do you want me to go? I'm going to change it somewhat with dirt magic."

Ries frowned upon that word of Zion, slightly obsessed with the magic of seeping out of the elves who were listening.

That was a bad sign, considering we were headed inside the elf after this.

... I want to avoid making the elves' hearts bad here.

The situation gave me permission for the chiefs and elders to walk around the woods just because of the situation, but it didn't seem like they meant it. We were all tingled when we brought back the elves we caught at the Schultz Chamber of Commerce, and we better not be as excited as possible.

"No, I want to avoid roughing up the woods, so I'll go. With wind magic, I can carry him out, and I know Lord Pinez and Lord Velco, because I'll be more alert."

It was a caged word of intent, but it seemed to have worked, and I felt the atmosphere of the elves had calmed down.

No one complained directly because of the decisions made by the chiefs and elders, but they probably cared if humans moved around and damaged the woods.

"I'm sorry. A lot of people are concerned, so it would help if you did."

"Don't worry about it. I guess you were just lucky to have me and Theon added to your exploration of the forest."

I take the rope that falls into the hole, answering that to Ries, who exhaled in relief as she seemed sorry. And although his earlier remarks reduced him somewhat, he snuck out into the gaze of the elves poking him in the back.

You were right to let King Plata keep you in mind in this situation......

Even those of us who visited the interior with Ries' guidance and obtained immediate permission from the chief have been so vigilant.

If Handel's soldiers had gone into the woods without permission and carelessly searched for both of them, that would have been the only thing that would have bought Elf's wrath.

I am grateful to Lord Sumba for persuading King Plata.

- Soon the moon will cross Jomtien.

Then we have three days till the promised day.

We have to get the two of you back to Handel quickly.

"I'm coming."

Theon and Ries, and while I was being watched by Zwei and Dry, that's what I said and stepped into the basement where Lord Pinez and the others were captured.

- An hour after I discovered Lord Pinez and Lord Velco.

Four young people in captivity and those who monitor the sinners with their weapons in their hands, chiefs and elders who give a harsh look a short distance away, young and old men surrounding such faces. We were in a square filled with many elves.

"- The only trauma is abrasions, right? Is there anything you feel bad or uncomfortable about?

"It's okay."

"I don't have a problem either"

Currently, Lord Pinez and Lord Velco are being examined by Senior Leo, who was waiting inside.

I checked it out by the time I got here, but I figured I'd better get an expert to look at it.

What I recall is the basement where the two of them were captured.

Diving between the roots of a tree, at the bottom of a slipped hole, was a manhole-like door made of wood. Moreover, even though the traces to the stump and the entrance to the hole were hidden in mind, there was only one lock to protect the door. Maybe it was something sturdy because it was prepared by the elves, but let's just say it was pointless in front of the Holy Knife.

I guess the lack of locks had made it high that Lord Velco or Lord Pinez could not escape. It was a simple door that made me want to tilt my neck, not knowing that I would even think so given the amount of magic between the two of them, but wondering if anyone would have considered the possibility of coming to the rescue.

But it's better than an elaborate trick or multiple seals.

After the two of them downstairs knocked on the door to warn me not to get hurt, I broke the lock and stepped down into the room, and I could see the two of them safely, though they were tired.

Although the room was simple, bedding and other amenities necessary for life were in place, and as the merchant at the Shultz Chamber of Commerce said, water and food were kept, so it seems to me that they were going to keep the two alive to some extent.

Both Lord Pinez and Lord Velco were captured shortly after they resisted, and there were no noticeable injuries, and I exhaled in relief because I could hear the words from both of you that there was no problem.

Nevertheless, amateur judgment is dangerous in these circumstances. No matter how much he/she says he/she is fine, he/she may still not be concerned about his/her ill health if he/she is in an excited state.

That's why I'm keeping an eye out for Senior Leo's medical results.

"Senior Leo. How are you two doing?

"It's not a problem, as they declared. Disinfect the abrasions and seem tired enough to give them healing pills."

"Okay. And then, please."


Just in case you asked about Lord Pinez's health, he taught me that it would be fine, so I left the scene safely.

That's how we headed for Ries and the sheikhs looking out for the detained elves.

Even though that place, where the Elf's leadership was gathered, was only a few steps away from Lord Pines, who would be examined by his predecessors, he was surrounded by so much silence that his breath seemed stuffy.

- Thank you for waiting.

"No. Is Handel's former king safe?"

"Yeah. He said there's nothing wrong with the abrasion."

Answering the question of the elves who named themselves chiefs leaked relief from the elders and the elderly, and the expression of the elves around them, who were anxious, was also relieved by the air of relief flowing between the leaders inside.

I know I was right about that change, but I'm just a little out of my shoulder.

Although Big Book is the plan of the Maris and the others, the percentage of responsibility varies dramatically depending on whether the person at the Shultz Chamber of Commerce instigated it or whether the elves took cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, but if the elves don't want a dispute in it, they won't get along so badly with Handel.

From the appearance of the former King of Pines, who is secretly recording the upcoming apostasy with his demonic props, and the elves who are silent about it, we can foresee a calm convergence, exhaling with Zion and Ries.

But there are those who hate the air.



―― ――


The voice emitted over the covered cloth can only be conveyed by a creeping sound.

But the floating expression and the leaking magic make the surrounding people know that they are cursing.

"Shut up, you morons."

If those who surround them in captivity stick their weapons around their necks and blame them, the loose air will freeze instantly.

Still they don't lose their temper, I suppose they think it's right to sincerely wish the clan prosperity. Julia also said that Maris and the others must have used the grudges that pushed her into the woods.

... Still, what is this temperature difference?

Regardless of the toddlers who do not understand the explanation, the elderly are always oriented towards young people with tough eyes. If you've been locked away in the woods for years, I don't think it's weird that someone agrees with the youth, but what the hell is this all about?

And more importantly, the concern is that there are unusually few of the assembled elves around the same age as Ries and the youth.

Ries and the youths are around twenty years old, but there are a lot of children about ten years old underneath, and there are significantly fewer around fifteen years old in between.

The difference is remarkable, as other ages can be seen in some cohesive numbers.

Sounds like it has something to do with the big move inside that it was a hundred years ago...

Ries was a hundred years old at the time, about ten years old in human terms.

If we think that the children were forced to abandon their habitual land and move to this forest because something very damaging happened, we are also convinced that there is a place in this place that is highly dangerous surrounded by the nations of man.

Until then if I tell you there is a race wall......

Of course, I don't know the history of the Elves' presence in the land, nor do I know the insights of the kingdoms of the Beasts, nor the thoughts of the kingdoms of the dragons.

They were too indifferent to non-human species.

I guess it's because Maris and the others used that well that I can't read in Maris' hands so much.

Write it down in the corner of your head to try to advocate interaction with other races when you return to Majesta, and if you regain consciousness of the elves, the chief orders the elves surrounding the youth to be quiet.

- Unshackle them.


"We must ask forgiveness of the former King Pines and make everything boring in order to reward the labor of the Son of Man. So I'm going to listen to you before I say no to this crime."

That's how the strained air began to question the youth.