American Fortune Life

Chapter 97 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW (below)

Andrew Thorkin looked at the tall, handsome young man in front of him, not as young and sophisticated as he thought, and his handsome face revealed confidence and maturity between eyebrows that were not commensurate with his peers.

When Andrew got the call from old Smith, he was still surprised, after all, that Andy was a wind and cloud figure. The Madida Show, his creative masterpiece, is a mess. Americans are always entertained, and it's almost every child's dream to be a star.

The Talent Show has undoubtedly become a shortcut for ordinary people on their way to fame, and as long as they have talent, they won't bury it. I hear that preparations have not yet begun for the second season, and the number of people enrolled has reached a horrible figure.

A "500 Miles Away From Home" sang how many people struggled for their dreams in the countryside. Before no single song was sold, the song had been preached by countless people. I heard it was about to start selling EP singles, and it might even be possible to rank airborne.

All three novels entered the bestselling leaderboard in four months, and even though Da Vinci Password, which has been a superior for many years, withdrew from the sales list in June, making The Hunger Games the second most surprising. Especially "Dream Theft Space," a delicate storytelling architecture and a tongue-in-cheek imagination, is Andrew's favorite book in recent years.

Love with Ivana, masculinity, so much so that entertainment reporters and paparazzi can rejoice.

Especially yesterday's acquisition caused a media outcry. Andrew himself felt that Arthur Carter was Alzheimer's and let a ru stink young man run a newspaper for 20 years, either Alzheimer's or crazy.

A lot of people were curious about the young writer, who began suddenly re-entering public view in May, except that he had refused to interview him, except for playing at the Allen Show, where he sang a wonderful song about Saturday Night Live, and then none of the media had been able to interview him.

As a Gold Medal reporter for The New York Journal, he has seen more celebrities, and Andy Smith has not been able to get him to try to get an interview with PR, but his old friend's arrangement is in full swing, and if he's not interested, even an old friend, he won't agree to do the interview himself.

Andy and Andrew close to the lounge area of the landing window, two large, soft lazy sofas, a square solid wood table in the middle with a beautifully decorated wooden box on the table.

Andrew couldn't help but smile and look at Andy with the same smile and say, "Havana cigars! ”

“Yes, this was given to me by Old Arthur when he left. How about you and I taste Havana's cigars while we talk?” Andy showed Andrew his seat and he sat on the couch himself.

“Oh, great idea, this good stuff se is rare nowadays, and every single one of them can't help but ignite at will.” Andrew knows how precious Havana cigars are in front of him, and probably guesses there won't be many in the wooden box.

These fantastic cigars, in fact, Andy took them out and blocked Andrew's mouth. He understood Andrew's own taste and knew that he loved them very much. Just when Arthur Carter moved out of here, he gave them to Andy.

Take people's hands short, eat people's mouths short. The words of the ancestors of previous generations are in the ears.

Pointy, sour Andrew smoked his own exquisite cigar, and I don't suppose he bothered himself on purpose.

Looking at Andrew, who looked intoxicated, Andy relaxed a little and pulled his tie with his hand, trying to relax completely and fall into the big, soft couch.

Andrew across the street opened his eyes and asked suddenly, "How do you describe yourself? ”

Andy glanced slightly and saw Andrew's glimmering eyes, confidently answering: “Genius. ”

“Are you calling yourself a genius because you're arrogant? ”

“I read a group book and never forget it. There's an amazing talent for learning languages, and I think it should be called genius, so young people have to be more confident. ”

Andy looked at Andrew with a satisfied expression and couldn't help but say goodbye, just pretend to be 13, who wouldn't. Andy wasn't going to come with him with any modesty, and these gold-minded reporters would definitely miswrite the story, not even mention the interview, and inject it directly into their personal feelings for comment.

“What made you wake up and decide to buy this newspaper? ”

“It's not like I woke up temporarily and sold my copyright to a talented talent show. I've been watching all kinds of business opportunities, and my interest in the newspaper has been one of them. I heard that Mr. Carter intentionally sold it. I gave up my vacation, drove back to New York from Hawaii, and the horses kept meeting with Carter, and finally reached a consensus. I started in the media industry with The New York Observer, and I felt it was incredible. Its brand charm was incredible. ”

Andrew is still quite satisfied with Andy's answer so far, then he asks: "What makes you think you can run this newspaper for 20 years? ”

“Well, I admit I don't have any business experience, but I always felt that life was about learning through constant curves to get to the last straight forward... ”

Andy was interrupted by Andrew before going on, “Like applying for suspension after a year of college? And use your spare time to hang out? ”

“No, no, I chose to suspend because I knew what I really wanted to learn. Through a year of study, I felt that learning French was too simple for me. After all, my language talent was still very confident, and I was confused... It was just a brief loss of self, and I'm sure a lot of people have experienced this loss of self...” Andy looked at Andrew slightly embarrassed, not smiling.

Andrew's own private life was not so good either. He was rebelled by General Andy. He was not angry and nodded softly. He agreed with Andy.

“You go on to say, how are you going to run this newspaper? ”

“I believe in professional things to be done by professional people, and I'm glad I have a great, experienced team, and I think we'll make a point. ”

“But according to the report, this newspaper loses $2 million a year. How do you intend to reverse it? ”

“I have a lot of different plans, and I'm already working on a comprehensive assessment of the newspaper, and I'm very optimistic that my main task right now is to make it profitable, and I'm sure people will see some changes over the next six months, and Pete Kaplan will make the newspaper better.” Andy felt Andrew's aura was a little tight and not aggressive, and he relaxed and said confidently.

“Will there be massive layoffs to reduce losses? ”

“No, instead, we will add brick and brick, to incorporate more resources, to add additional topics and authors, such as me, as a fairly successful writer, I have prepared a wonderful novel for series in the next weekly issue, we have the ability to meet the reading demands of a larger audience, and we will continue to cater to existing local loyal readers and expand our influence among young people. ”

Andy took the time to run an ad that was promoted by The New York Journal, the largest daily circulation in the United States, and would definitely attract more attention.

“How do you view so many media articles about your age? ”

Andy's mouth curled slightly, answering with a hint of irony: "Age is my advantage, and I thought they were afraid I had enough enthusiasm, energy and creativity. ”

“Will you ever go back to school again? ”

“Of course, I have already contacted my school, and I have found myself likely to invest in all my passionate professions in the future, and certainly not give up my business. ”

“Is Observer your business project? ”

“No, no, it's not a business. In New York, Observer is also an excellent quality asset. It belongs to a non-traded product. It's an outstanding brand, has an elite readership and best editors. In a general, conservative or liberal environment, it has always maintained the position of a bystander. It only tells the truth, it will always be maintained and continued, and it won't change with a new boss! ”