American Fortune Life

Chapter 170 Friends Can Also

Andy reached over to the side of the bed and smoked the paper, quickly pulling out five or six pieces and handing them to Charlize, then holding his head with one arm behind him and smiling and looking at his beautiful yan shadow with a glance.

“Aren't you afraid I'll get pregnant?” The redness on Charlize's pretty face still hadn't dispersed, frowning slightly as she cleaned up and questioned.

Andy grinned and said softly, "No fear! I'm not scared! I'll take care of it! ”

Charlize slowly turned to Andy, who was always laughing, but the smile in the corner of her mouth was so confident, and she continued with a little silence: "I'm sleepy, go to sleep! ”

After that, I rubbed the tissue, threw it on the carpet, turned my back to Andy, and dragged the silk over my body.

Andy's face got a little unnatural, his underestimation of Charlize Theron seemed like just a nap and didn't let the relationship get any closer, it seemed more like a temporary partnership between good friends - the weekend couple!

Andy Ping lay in bed, reached out and turned off the switch, hid a piece of the bedroom, and in the dark, his brain began to search quickly for information about Charlize, and Nima, indeed, was like this, a few relationships in the previous life of Charlize Theron, basically evolved from friends to love, engaged twice, and then Nima broke up with strange choices.

Charlize definitely had a serious psychological problem, otherwise she couldn't have tortured herself so much.

Andy really could not help but laugh at the woman who had just turned into a strange temper when she was beneath him. Stick her from behind and hug her into her arms. Charlize did not react. The two fell asleep peacefully.

The two people who were asleep were woken up by the ringing of a cell phone bell. Andy rubbed his sleeping eyes and saw that Charlize in his arms was also sleepy. He looked around to see where his phone was.

“It's mine...” Charlize lifted the duvet, nothing was on, she got out of the bed, and later on, while she was holding her debt, she said to the phone: "Okay, I get it, Gigi, I'm fine, you don't have to look for me, I'm fine... All right, all right, I get it. That's it. I'm hanging up! ”

Andy leaned against the bed, his arms wrapped around his chest, watched Charlize's mature QING, Charlize threw his phone on the bed and glanced at Andy white, "My broker's phone, go take a shower first, it hurts... ”

Andy leaned aside and lifted his quilt out of bed, smiling badly and following Charlize closely behind him, Charlize was not angry and said: "I'm about to break up, don't mess around... Whoo-hoo... Damn it!”

Andy, a princess hugged her and they ran into the warm pool again...

Well, the two really just took a simple bath, and while Andy took advantage of it, it wasn't too much. After all, Charlize was really tired of his face. Andy wasn't an idiot. He didn't know how to take pity on the woman. After the bath, he wiped her water stains. Then he hugged the princess and went back to his bedroom, where they held each other and went back to sleep in their cages.

Andy didn't fall asleep and looked at Charlize shrunk in her arms. Although she was the perfect queen, her expression was not very relaxed after sleeping in the shadows. Andy was also a fool to see that she was sleeping in a shrinking position, indicating that she was very insecure.

It appears that this cruel matter, in which her closest mother killed her father herself, will torment her whole life like a nightmare, even if her mother was defending herself and herself and was found by the court to be self-defence, but if that were so simple, no one could ignore the tragedy of a family and explain Charles Theron's aspirations and fears for marriage and the family.

Around 1: 00 in the afternoon, Charlize was woken up by Andy and saw Andy pushing the food truck to one side of the table, dragging the duvet over the chun light, leaning against the bed, slightly stunned for a while, then lifting the quilt, taking out a silk nightgown from the closet, walking barefoot into the bathroom, starting to wash, less than two minutes later, she had a protruding head, a mouthful of toothpaste foam, biting the toothbrush, her arms held high on the plate, her long golden hair, very smooth motion, took out the toothbrush, and said to Andy, "I want a glass of orange juice, fresh squeezed! ”

Andy turned back to see that she had retracted the bathroom, smiled helplessly, saw that there was no orange juice for her in the dining car, and had to walk back to the living room and pick up the phone and call the hotel service desk.

Less than five minutes later, the doorbell rang, Andy opened the door and smiled and took a large glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and tipped the waiter with a $20 knife.

After closing the door and returning to the bedroom with orange juice, she looked bitterly at Charlize, who had already begun to have a big mouthful, and sat in the other chair, picking up a fine glass and pouring orange juice on her, and just half way through, she picked it up and then saw her drink it.

Andy laughed and picked up a bunch of newspapers beside him and said, "It worked. Almost all the newspapers today are covering your auction, my date, and most importantly, the famine in Africa. ”

Charlize put down the glass, picked up a piece of wholemeal bread, tore a piece into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it down, and asked softly: "Did you scold me? ”

Andy shrugged his shoulders and threw the newspaper aside and said, "I just went through it roughly and didn't notice... ”

Charlize glanced at Andy, and he picked up the knife and fork and was ready to eat, and he said, "That veal is good. I can only eat a small piece of this. You can eat this. ”

Andy picked up her forked beef, pressed it against the veal with a silver fork, and the knife slowly cut it, asking, "What are you doing today? ”

“No, I came to New York to attend a charity dinner the night before, and I was supposed to book tonight's flight back to Los Angeles...” Charlize forked the only remaining beef in the plate into the entrance and chewed it as he spoke.

“Going tonight? Los Angeles is busy?” Andy had a slight lag in the hand, curious to ask.

Charles Theron squinted his eyes slightly, swallowed the beef in his mouth, put down the knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin, his eyes twitched a few times, his expression seriously said: “We should talk. ”

Andy also squinted his eyes with a smile on his face and said, "What do you want to talk about? ”

“ ”Charlize Theron looked at Andy's smile without any shyness on his pretty face and said seriously:“ We're friends, right? ”

“Oh, sure, you can fuck your friends together!” Andy guessed Charlize's thoughts almost a while ago and said with a smile, but his eyes stared dead at Charlize.

“ ”Charlize Theron looked into Andy's bright eyes and insisted with a hint of irrefutable insistence, she couldn't help but sigh, well, she had broken up anyway, although it was not very moral, but who let her have sex with Andy, also realized the joy she had never had, let her go, she was really a little confused, let it go for a while.

Andy saw Charlize bow his head for a few minutes and didn't give him an answer, but his face became natural, picked up the newspaper beside him, stretched out his long legs, and leaned against the chair.

Andy's eyes narrowed to a line and continued to eat his lunch, Charlize opted for acquiescence, which was enough, no matter how unreliable and weird the relationship between the two was, but this kind of weekend is really common in the US. Wasn't Milacounis and Ashton Kuche a good example in previous life? Generally there is only one result, which is the longevity!