American Fortune Life

Chapter 183: Happy Farms and Native Calves

"Did you steal?" ”I don't know how many netizens and even people in real life were the most talked about at the time, from elementary school students aged seven or eight, to young white-collars in their twenties, to middle-aged people who had lived the years of their lives. The magnitude of the explosion at that time was an indisputable fact.

Because the fun farm is based on the low threshold of free play, listing attracts tens of thousands of players, and once you have a huge player base, you naturally have players willing to spend money on the game.

Development, operation, and sales, taken together, can form a complete chain of interests for a happy farm, without the problem of piracy, and Andy is confident to use the Facebook platform to quickly expand this simple and ultimate game to North America.

In Andy's plan, this game idea, if handed over to Facebook for operation and sale, would require a minimum of between one and two percent of Facebook shares, and Andy's share of sales profits, after all, the game was a money printer for the first few years.

In the case of a pirate plagiarism at the rabbit, no one gets a million dollars a month, and the best part is the penguin, who gets 50 million a month.

This game pairs with Facebook, where most users are college students, and Andy doesn't have to guess, a world-class leisure game that frees up the mental darkness of everyone and frees up the sense of achievement and curiosity in the virtual world to unleash all the pressures in the player's real world, undoubtedly the greatest obsession.

This has to do with a sociological problem, Andy is a game player and naturally knows the root cause of obsessing the player with a game. To be honest, it's a stress release.

Andy pulled out a piece of paper, picked up a pen and started writing the Happy Farm project, and picked up a pencil to explain every aspect of the game on paper with a detailed diagram.

Soon the plan for this game was completed, Andy bit the pencil's head and recalled "Happy Ranch", which expanded after "Happy Farm", and that "Car Robbery" game, which started to write quickly on paper without going on and on.

Looking at the seven or eight pages of blank paper in his hand, Andy's mouth couldn't help but smile. This is a beautiful green oil knife. Although he can make this game independently, after all, it's just a web game, but it takes time.

It's not that he doesn't have a company, he doesn't have any people, he certainly doesn't need to be so hard, and he can't have time. He has to let the gaming company draw out people and make the game as soon as possible, and then he will negotiate with Facebook, and he will have another killer of his own.

Little Asako is an absolute genius, which is unquestionable, so he won't be able to see the value of what Andy came up with. He sees Facebook as his career for life, and for that reason he refuses to buy many big groups, like Google, like Microsoft. When he sees these things, he will never give up easily, and then Andy will take the biggest initiative and get the best out of it.

Andy looked at the time, it was over 9: 00 p.m., hesitated a little, or took out his phone and called Blair in San Francisco.

After the call, Andy said with apologies, "Sorry, Blair, I'm interrupting your break. ”

Americans care about their breaks, they are very clear about their working hours and breaks, and most people refuse to talk about their work.

“It's all right, boss. What can I do for you?” Blair wouldn't dare shake his face to the big boss, and at this time, if nothing important happened, the boss wouldn't have called him.

“Here's the thing...” Andy started to tell the story and introduce the idea of Happy Farm, and there was nothing to hide from Blair. After all, he was the CEO of his own gaming company, but Andy simply said the plan of Happy Farm. As for Happy Ranch and Car Robbery, he didn't rush to say it, or he pressed the two games first, and when the development of Happy Farm stagnated, he took them out as an upgraded version, so that he could extend the life of the game and maximize his interests.

Blair was so excited to hear Andy's introduction that he said, "Boss, this is a genius idea. God, I can imagine what you're talking about right now. Boss, you're amazing! ”

Andy smiled, listening to Blair's admiration on the phone, he couldn't help but be a little proud. Well, as a porter, he had long since lost his shameful consciousness of the cottage, and now all the ideas in his mind, he chose to default to his own.

“The purpose of my call is to ask you, is there a suitable person in the company, other than Bill, Holden and Toby, who has the talent to lead the team in the development of the game?” Andy knows very well that a good team leader is not only technically demanding, but also needs leadership, and it's not easy to find this kind of talent in a group of IT technology homes, although it can also be nurtured the day after tomorrow, unfortunately Andy needs to hurry now.

“ ”Blair silenced and ended up talking:“ There is a man, I would have liked to wait for the boss to come back to the office, but now that the boss is in a hurry, it doesn't matter. ”

Andy listened to Blair's words and had to frown slightly. Looks like there's another story in there.

“There was a young man named Syrie, a new employee of the company, but he joined Toby's" Under the Legend "team, which was going well at first, and Syrie's technology was top notch, but in the last few days, he and Toby had a conflict of mind. He had four or five arguments with Toby, and I wanted to fire him, but Toby found me. Toby told me that Syrie was a talent, only that he objected to the difficulty of the" Under the Legend "game setup, thinking that it was too high a game level difficulty to make the game classic and playful, but at the same time it would keep most of the players out of the door, a small classic game, even if classic, without a huge group of gamers, unable to make money, it was also a piece of garbage in his eyes... ”

“Pfft... Oh." Andy, listening to Blair, had to laugh. For this newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, he dared to publicly question his boss at the top, and called the big boss's personal involvement in the game rubbish, and nobody else in the affair.

But since Toby's genius has come out to acknowledge Cyril's talent, then this kid's talent should be very good, listening to Blair explain Cyril's philosophy, but this low-threshold free game planned by Andy fits perfectly.

“Tomorrow morning there will be a video conference, and I will have this Cyril in attendance. If he is really talented, his temper is a small problem, I will talk to him...” Andy quickly made a decision, he said to Blair. Okay, we'll need to talk about this tomorrow before we know.