American Fortune Life

Thank you and kneel for letting me fly.

It's been more than a month since the showdown, the little devil, as a little new, has been trying very hard to write, of course, I know your bosses always don't feel enough, but it's slowly increasing.

From day one to day two to perseverance, now basically guaranteed to be more than three, the little devil needs to grow, thank all the bosses who supported the little devil all the way, especially those who subscribed after the shelf, thank you very much, thank you for the old iron!!!!

At the same time, thanks to the rewarding bosses, thank you, no reward, I can only write more to satisfy you!

Of course, there are some readers of other websites. Again, the book is originally published and copyrighted in Chinese. I hope that the readers of other websites can subscribe to it at the beginning. I also know that some readers are used to watching pirated copies, and the little devil has nothing to say about it. As a lowercase writer, there is no other way. After all, it is not easy to support the original version. After all, it is pointing to this business as a meal. We must not let these people eat dirt, or promote positive energy.

Cough, sounds a little tall, huh, but it's understandable that some readers really don't have to spend money, or for some other reason, the little devil understands, but still wants to be able to subscribe to the original version, whoops.

At the suggestion of some rewarding bosses, I also made a vip group, mainly to run my own readership. Currently, I only recruit 2,000 + fan disciples. Of course, the readers of the booking don't have to rush, they will soon pass 2,000 fan value. Currently, it's just to build the group, not to be confused. The little devil has entrusted it to several clothing parents to manage, they are old drivers, nice people, subscribers don't rush, is it really under construction, people chat or chat in the group, hey... I blame my lack of publicity. I was wrong. I'm guilty!

And then the most important thing!!! The most important thing!!! The most important thing!!!

Make sure you book it all, especially if some of you guys like to watch the headline subscription, my goodness!!! The little devil kneels for the full order!!!! This book is almost 100 + bookings away!!! 5555555 Send me up!!!! Kneel for full booking!!! I want boutique!!! I want to go into boutique channels!!! Eating parents, bosses, sisters, little devils on the floor asking for a full subscription!!! Let me fly!!!

Cough, cough, cough... Yan Bi bows down!!!!

Oops!!! Request a subscription... Please book!!!