American Fortune Life

Chapter 241: Getting Started

Thanksgiving, the fourth Thursday of November of each calendar year, is a holiday shared by the United States Emperor and Canada.

As for the history of festivals, Westerners themselves shamelessly consider them festivals. Beginning with the landing of the Mayflower, the Indians rescued a group of white-eyed wolves, treated them, fed them, and then fed them, and the group of white-eyed wolves picked up their knife guns and began massacring the Indians in exchange for money by cutting off their Indian scalps.

When the massacre was wiped out, their hypocritical beginnings of gratitude to the Indians who occupied the land of the American Emperor were thankful for their lives, and this was also the anniversary of the American Emperor's celebration of the victory of the Indian Holocaust...

Well, after all, Andy is an American now, even if it's the soul of Heavenly Dynasty, turkey chicken sucks to death, but he can take five to seven days off, and college is naturally seven days off.

On Thanksgiving Day, the American Empire people would go shopping in supermarkets and shopping malls, and the HSD White House would kill a turkey to celebrate.

Andy ended his morning fraternity celebration by entertaining foreign students who were unable to return home for a short vacation, and of course, at Los Angeles, more Asian students let them also feel the festive atmosphere of the American Emperor, which is sort of an annual Pad fraternity retention show.

Back in the fraternity dorm room, Andy turned on the TV, found the Allen Show reruns, and started packing his bags.

Watching Lima face some of Alan's questions, the answer was surprising, Andy couldn't help but shake his head and smile. This was his second time watching this issue of Alan's show, and the reason he watched it repeatedly was because Adriana Lima was quite frank and bold about her chastity cao view and revealed the reasons for several love failures. In the audience and Alan's exclamation, she said that she was still bleeding.

Andy especially liked the look on the face of the audience in this issue. It was so funny. Allen's attitude towards Lima also became friendly and full of laughter. The next show was filled with laughter, listening to Lima introduce her childhood, and at the age of 13 she entered the model circle with some interesting things.

The show was very successful, the image of Lima was clearly recognized for the first time among the American Emperor people, and it was also attracted by the cheerful Xing-guard of the Brazilian girl, who laughed a little harshly, but had a glamorous wolf's eye.

Thinking about going on a holiday with Lima to Yellowstone Club for Thanksgiving, Andy would be very happy, what a great opportunity, two alone, a strange environment, my God, just the best way to put an end to it.

Someone with a lot of misgivings had already left the others behind, and in preparation for the vacation, Andy had almost appeased everyone, moved to HSDdc's parents, New York workaholic Ivana, well, and the widow Scarlett, who had driven back from the crew to New York to spend the holidays with her family, and her mother had been here for days after the shadow.

Flowers, gifts have been booked and will be delivered to these people today, and they know that Andy is going to the Yellowstone Club because Andy uses the most powerful reason to find inspiration.

Pack your belongings, put your backpack on your back, take your Bluetooth headset, sunglasses, baseball cap, lock the door, go downstairs, ride a bike, and head straight to the school door.

Bluetooth was brought because Andy had been waiting for a phone call, and it should be coming in pretty soon.

“Is it done?” Andy asked while riding and answering the phone.

“Oh, my God, you are absolutely insane! Is it worth it for a model? God, I really want to call Ivana and tell her to stop you! Damn, I don't even have her phone... ”

Andy, listen, Rical on the phone, with a little hysterical howling, seemed really excited.

“All right, have we done this yet?” Andy had a little earache when he was shocked and asked in a chill.

“Hey... Oh, my God, millions are gone. Damn, what did that woman give you with the mi pills that made you so crazy about her? Is it just because she said so herself? Oh, my God, is she too much blood? It's worth it! ”

“Shut up! You fat bastard, I just want to know if it's over. I'll fire you, Rory!” Andy's a little angry, and this fat fuck is so annoying, well, even though he let Carl do it, it was really exciting to Carl.

“Cough...” Carl almost didn't get choked to death by spit, knowing that Andy, the son of a bitch, couldn't hear the persuasion, said a little frustrated: “Done, the other side signed a confidentiality agreement, valid for 30 years, he? s not happy with them, damn it, I became a fat sheep in their eyes! ”

“Well, I'll have Joseph pick you up later, go straight to the airport, and you talk too much...” Andy hung up the phone and speeded up the bike and came to the school door very quickly.

Give the bike to Joseph, who stands by the car and waits, and Andy gets into the car without stopping.

Close the door, Andy takes out the phone and calls Lima, who's still at the hotel.

“Hey, you ready? You don't really need to prepare anything, just bring all your luggage, I have everything arranged.” When the phone was on, Andy said.

“Well, I know, I already gave my assistant a vacation and told the company I was ready to go on vacation and relax.” Adriana Nalima looked at a picture of Andy interacting with her on the Wimmi show in an gossip newspaper, and five or six days after the show, the Hollywood newspaper was still speculating about her and Andy, and even though she had clarified it on the Allen Show, it was still useless.

“Well, you wait a little longer. I'll have Kenny pick you up later and take the elevator directly to the underground parking lot. ”

While passing an outdoor supply store, Andy pulled Kenny over, told Joseph what size clothes he needed, and asked him to buy some cold resistant clothes, including him and Kenny, where the Yellowstone Club had temperatures below zero.

Private apron at LAX, Andy stands on a portable ladder of a Bay Stream private jet, looking down at the just-stopped Cadillac SUV, in a black suit with sunglasses and a cool look Joseph walks out of the car and nods his head towards Andy.

Andy looked at the time and felt that Lima needed a little time to get here, and Joseph was just around the corner, "Is that okay? ”

“No, Carl stayed in the office until I got there.” Joseph replied.

“Well, that's good. Let's advance to the cabin, Kenny. They need some time.” Andy laughed with satisfaction.

About half an hour later, a regular black Chevrolet business car parked at the door of the aircraft warehouse, and Lima stepped out of the car, looked up at the bay plane in front of her, looked back at Kenny, who had dropped his hand luggage, and then nodded and confirmed, walked onto the gangstairs in a gentle foot.