American Fortune Life

Chapter 258: Christmas Eve

The American Emperor's Christmas Eve is about thirty years old, and most family members will be reunited at home for a full dinner. Of course, not as much as the rabbit people value tradition, they rush home for a New Year's Eve meal, and many Europeans and Americans do not have that strong sense of belonging. For example, the British, most of whom choose to travel, have very few traditional families who follow traditional customs.

Christmas Eve dinner was really too rich. After all, Andy and Ivana were there for Christmas this year. Grandma was naturally in a very good mood and did a lot of good food. It was really peasant seafood. Of course, some traditional foods were still needed, such as turkeys for Andy to spit in, grass chicken, pork legs, grandpa brought out wine, the '81 Cabernet Sauvignon, and Andy's favorite Grandpa's ice wine from Canadian winery. Grandma lived a busy afternoon baking desserts.

Of course, they can be prepared more or less, and the only food that the American Emperor has to eat for Christmas is dumplings equivalent to dumplings from the north, sour soup, which is a special food —— roasted corn porridge, topped with a layer of cream, and some fresh fruit and meat particles, sweet and delicious, with no flavor.

Andy started his tour of Taotie and was wondering, didn't some experts in the rabbit country say that Europeans ate apples on Christmas Eve? It's not what they say...

Ivana loves grilled corn porridge like her grandmother did, she's already eating the third one and doesn't seem to worry about her figure at all.

Andy watched the time and rushed over to the couch, turned on the TV and found the channel on the remote.

Grandma and Grandma and Ivana stopped, Andy amplified his voice, and in a few minutes, he started playing his Christmas mv, funny festivities, and beautiful music, Andy's crystal clear song, into every family enjoying Christmas Eve.

"When Christmas Comes to Town," accompanied by Andy's crystal clear voice and the vomiting of every word, coupled with the harmony of two children's voices, makes everyone who hears the song feel like a blank piece of paper in their head, very clean, and the sound of children's voices and sounds purifies their mind and is spotless.

The song sings the voice of everyone as a child, countless childhood children sitting in the sleigh of a reindeer at Christmas, accompanied by moonlight and starlight, coming to the roof of every house with children, entering the room from the chimney, stuffing gifts in the ready bedside red socks.

After listening to this song, remembering childhood, people who grew up knowing that Santa was just a fairy tale, but now look back, not silly, but rather beautiful.

Ivana walked up to Andy, lifted his arm, leaned on his shoulder, listened to a beautiful song, and said softly: "This will be a classic Christmas song that will be chanted over and over every Christmas in the future. ”

“Huh.” Andy just shook his head and smiled, saying nothing. He took Ivana's hand back to the table, and Grandma smiled graciously and graciously on her face, holding her cheeks closed with one hand and listening quietly to her grandson's song.

“Pfft... “

Grandma waited until the song was played and clapped softly, smiling and said to Andy: "What a lovely song. I didn't expect my baby Andy's musical talent to be so high. I'm sure that after tonight, many people will learn to sing this song tomorrow at Christmas. ”

Grandpa Li Dakang also smiled with comfort and raised a glass to show people how to celebrate.

After a full dinner, the family sat on a thick, soft wool carpet under a Christmas tree, beside a fire-burning fireplace, and Andy held an old guitar in his arms, smiling and singing, his songs, classic old English songs, and Chinese songs such as "Farewell".

Ivana leaned on Andy, her eyes barely left Andy's face, and tonight she drank a little too much wine, red cheeks, a wool blanket covering her long legs, humming along with some classic English songs Andy sang.

Grandpa and Grandma had a comfortable soft pillow on their backs, a serene smile on their faces, listened to grandson's beautiful song, and Grandpa Li Dakang sang along when Andy sang "Goodbye". His voice was low and seemed to carry countless memories.

Many families in North America are attracted to Andy's Christmas songs, adults and children alike, beautiful music and lyrics full of anticipation, fantasy, memories, it's easy to impress everyone.

Of course, the happiest is definitely the TV station that has just received the rating report and the worldwide music that is ready to sell a single ep for Christmas, well, during the holidays, let's just have a little less green oil ink!

When the late evening returns to the hillside villa a pair of dogs held for a day entered the bedroom... (500 words omitted below)

In the early morning, Ivana rubbed her sleeping eyes and her body aches were not relieved by sleep. He grabbed his long blonde hair and tied his ponytail part of his scalp still hurt a bit. He looked back at Andy, who slept like a child. He put his head pillow on the pillow again, closed his eyes and continued sleeping lazily...

“This is crazy! This is ridiculous...” Ivana closed her eyes and smiled bitterly at the corner of her mouth, recalling everything last night, her whole body would still tremble slightly independently.

Meanwhile, Andy's latest Christmas solo EP, which was on TV last night, started to go on the market all over the United States, and global music hasn't even hit the supermarket this time, with a shelf in front of every cashier, and they're holding their breath to make a fortune on Christmas Day.

After all, last night was not only the first broadcast of MV music on several channels, but also Andy's recording of the highly viewed Allen Show, with a guitar playing live, which is undoubtedly another good propaganda tool.

Of course, there are also major newspaper reviews, after all, it's Christmas, and the media are reluctant to clog the readers during the festival, not to mention that the song itself has reached the level of a golden song, which is not a one-sided compliment, but a good one.

Popular, look at the MV clicks on YouTube and the music downloads after midnight, the video clicks have been over 8 a.m., the music downloads have exceeded 500,000, it's a huge selling, the people in the global music market have been distorted, Andy Smith is now the money tree in their eyes, the two singles hardly make way with the professional singers Heavenly Queens.

The world's music executives are equally happy to hear, but unfortunately they know that for Andy Smith, the power they occupy is really not optimistic, okay, in their eyes, an equal contract with a signed singer, cannot effectively constrain the control of the singer, is a weakness, but there is no way, who makes Andy a billionaire first, the music is just the nature of playing tickets, always have to find a way to pull the money tree together, isn't Grammy in '07 to help him run a few awards? While there is little suspense in either classic song to get into the final list, getting a record player is another thing.

Grammy's judges are difficult, but if global music, one of the world's top three records, really needs to be publicized, and the music itself is outstanding, there should be nothing wrong with it.

Young people, who don't like fame. Even if Andy is not short of money, but fame, popularity, according to Andy Smith's observation, he seems to still care about this. Now who knows Andy Smith is very concerned about his blog fans and Facebook fans, and he often interacts with messages. This is not the account of the stars hosted by the company, and sometimes he draws lots among the fans who leave messages, and he doesn't enjoy playing with the fans.

Andy, who barely signed the book and held a CD signing event, was generous enough to hand out the signed books and music CDs for free in the form of a fan message draw, which also made Andy Smith's fans the happiest fans. And, of course, with Andy's handsome appearance, his perfect body naturally produces a bunch of brain powder, and Ivana's blog often sees some disharmonious messages, and Andy's scandalous few women, more or less, are verbally abused.

Andy couldn't help but leave a message asking them not to do that, which was a good promise, but these cyber-attacks and verbal abuse have not diminished at all.

Fortunately, Ivana doesn't care about the attack of some female brain powder. Instead, she is happy to see it. Anyway, she has let Andibai fall under her skirt. These people are also jealous. The princess's sick woman thinks differently than the average person. Besides, Ivana lived in a childhood environment and grew up like a princess. To be honest, she is no worse than Paris, who has always lived in a superior society for tearing up this skill.