American Fortune Life

Chapter 276: Baggage Check-In Daily

When Ivana showed up at Andy's door, it was 6: 00 p.m. with an LV bag in her hand, dragging a trolley case, smiling at the maid who opened the door and thanking her, she and Andy stood by and smiled at each other with an intimate sticker gift.

“Welcome, darling.” Andy took the trolley case and reached for her slim waist and laughed.

“What's so good about it? I'm starving!” Ivana smiled.

Andy picked out his eyebrows and left his mouth open and said, "Then you're going to ask Claudia. ”

“Pineapple roasted ham, vanilla steak, fried bananas, nai toast fruit acid, sweet spicy almonds, and fresh fruit salad, I hope you like it.” The maid is a Mexican, a young fu in her thirties, very generous, and has a good body. After all, too pretty maids can cause a lot of trouble to the owner. For example, seducing the male owner or something. This kind of thing is common. After all, the so-called upscale socially successful people, most of whom are decent outside, do not do too much in private.

Think of the Terminator Governor, I strangled her, the maid grew up like that, Dunima could chew on her mouth and have a baby, I can't bear to look directly, I can only exclaim, the Governor tastes so heavy!

“Oh, Claudia, right? Can I have some salad first? I'm really a little hungry. I've been having a whole day of meetings, honey. Help me pack my bags. It'd be better if I could get some room in the hat room. Thank you. ”

Ivana stepped on her heels, stood on one foot, her other leg curled up, reached out and took off her heels, then the other, and held her head up, commanding Andy and the maid.

Andy shrugged his shoulders without a word, and he couldn't help but throw up. This Nima was a hostess!

I didn't say much, I lifted my luggage and walked back to the hat room in the bedroom, looked at it, moved my clothes on a hanger together, left a spot empty, walked back to the living room, Ivana had sat on the sofa in the living room, held a basin of fruit salad and eaten it, a pair of long legs curled on the sofa, watched the entertainment report in the TV.

Andy walked up to her, put her legs on her own, massaged her gently, and asked, "Heard 666 Fifth Avenue in New York was for sale? ”

“Um... Why do you suddenly care about real estate? Yes, our group would have liked to participate in the bidding, but the price was too high, this time it was likely to set a new record for the office building, and the real estate market continued to go down, so the board decided to give up. However, I heard that KSN Properties in New Jersey seemed promising to take over the project, the one who was competing with you for The Observer newspaper.” Ivana explained as she forked the fruit into her mouth.

“Um...” Andy is going to take a head start and successfully rely on this big acquisition to attract the attention of the entire United States. The KSN family that stood on its feet in New York is still very interested. Whether Andy is unhappy or unhappy, Judd will join the upstream society in New York smoothly, and this circle is not big. Sooner or later, it is important to note that Ivana and Judd from previous generations were matched by D Wendy, the Chinese wife of media giant Hammerdock.

Andy, however, was certain Judd would continue to acquire the building, not to celebrate the success of potential enemies, but rather that it was a bit overpriced, followed by the global economic crisis, which forced Judd to sell some of his property at a lower price.

Well, just to make sure Judd keeps jumping, he's relieved and happy to see the bad luck of Qing.

What is a workaholic? Ivana explained it perfectly. After a short break after dinner, she went for a hot bath, and blocked Andy from the door, then wore a nightgown, and her hair was dried with water beads, and she took her handbag and walked to Andy's desk and started picking up a folder.

Already ready ready, Andy lay flat on the queen bed, sighing.

“Giggle, wait a minute. I'll finish these files. I'll be right there. You need to find something to do...” Ivana smiled with a slight apology on her face, soothing.

Unspoken Andy could only open the notebook and start writing the script of "The Gossip Girl," switching directly to the superdivine state in order not to be influenced by his emotions.

“Hey, finally done!” Ivana stood up and stretched her lazy waist.

Andy also switched out of the superdivine state at the same time, looked down at the watch on the wall, Nima had 9: 00, saved the documents, closed the notebook, climbed from the head of the bed to the tail of the bed, grabbed Ivana's robe and pulled it hard.

“Yay... ”

Ivana's pretty face was drenched in red, her arms clutching her boyfriend's head tightly in her arms, looking at the ceiling, and a sweet cat screaming in her cherry lips...

The unspeakable took place in the second half of the night until Ivana, wrapped around Andy like an octopus, entered the dream country and the room was quiet.

In the morning, Ivana and Andy each wore tight sportswear, a grey hoodie on their upper bodies, and walked out of the apartment building with 10 fingers tied. The winter temperature in New York was around 4 degrees Celsius. Andy had to say a word about the dogs who were squatting outside, how come they didn't freeze to death.

Andy and Ivana walked quickly across the road into Central Park and started running in the morning. Andy didn't want to get up and run in such a cold weather, he couldn't stand the irrigated flower Ivana climbed up early to run in the morning.

Nima, the winter is no longer lazy in the nest.

Andy brushed his teeth like a ghost, whispering, and of course, he was the only one in the bathroom...

The exhaled breath immediately turned hot, and the two of them rushed this winter morning for a new day.

For Ivana, the runner, who runs at some point, misses a morning run, and runs at night, no wonder she never stays in shape by dieting.

Breakfast was quite abundant, and Ivana looked at Andy and drank the mixed juice drink she had made herself, and her bitter mouth snapped, "Shh, it was so bad... ”

“Bravo, good boy! It's good for your health! Look, didn't you drink it too?” Ivana picked up the napkin and rubbed off some of Andy's drinks in the corner of his mouth, smiling, squeezing her eyes, kissing him on his cheek, smiling and soothing.

“Hi, I'm not a BABY...” Andy turned his white eyes in silence, protesting.

Ivana giggled and the smile envied by the maid rang in the restaurant.

A pair of talented women, white and beautiful, hand signed, under the siege of the paparazzi and the gaze of the passers-by, sat in the car.

A paparazzi looked at the car and left, looking over at the photo he had just taken in the camera and saying, "This should be cohabitation! What an enviable couple, I just don't know how long we'll be together... ”

“Tsk, Ivana's body is getting more and more xing. Such a thick coat can't hide her curve. What an enviable kid... ”