American Fortune Life

Chapter 335: Laughing Victors and Celebrations

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith, hope we have a chance to work together next time, please stay... ”

Andy sends away a bitterly smiling representative of Rich Country Bank and turns back to reveal a sunny smile to the equally bittersweet winner, Bank of America Representative Lewis.

Only now would Lewis no longer believe how sincere the smile of this desperate young sunshine boy in front of him was, because he had already felt a bit of flesh pain, well, although he still earned steadily, it was heartbreaking, the interest had been kept to a minimum by him, and he had certainly won, but only a tragic victory.

“Still an old friend, Lewis, I think we'll be working together more and more, trust me, friend, you won't regret the decision you made today!” Andy laughed sincerely and was happy.

Surely the youngest billionaire could not measure his maturity by age, and Lewis, smiling bitterly, sighed in his heart and said: "I hope so! Mr. Smith, our sincerity is sufficient... ”

“NO, NO, Lewis, call me Andy, trust me, your sincerity will reap unexpected gains. You see, the first time we met, you were a credit manager, and now you're a big account manager, and I won't let my friends down! ”

Lewis was also very surprised by Andy's enthusiasm and understanding of what Andy meant. It seems that Andy has a lot of confidence in his big plan, suggesting that he could benefit from it all.

“So, Andy, can you tell us about your big plan? ”

“NO, NO!” Andy looked at Lewis on the side of the face, walking in the direction of the conference room and shook his finger and said, "My friend, it won't work until the time comes, but trust me, your board is grateful for your decision today! ”

Lewis couldn't help but smoke the corner of his mouth, Nima, this bastard is not ignoring himself, but he gave himself a blood book, didn't he see that the representatives of Rich Country Bank and Citibank were all biting eyes?

The problem is who doesn't know the other party's terms, but they all feel that they are already very low. The Bank of America actually won. Nima, don't be so shameless. This is how harsh the terms need to beat their two banks...

“Well, I look forward to your surprise, but, Andy, I think we should go through the next process, review your company's assets and financial rules, and I don't think you want to waste any more time in these places either. ”

Lewis shook his head helplessly and walked past the conference room door, which had been pushed forward by the staff, and just after he sat down, he said to Andy and his think tank across the street.

“Of course, everything is ready, Blair, for the treasury to cooperate with the banking review.” Andy smiled and said to Blair on the left, then went on to look at Lewis: "The next job will be fine with me, so excuse me, if you need anything directly with Alti, they'll work with you, have a good day. ”

Looking at Andy's tall, up-and-coming figure with a smaller lining, his lady assistant vanished around the corner of the corridor, Lewis said with emotion: “Mr. Smith's change has been amazing. In just a few months, it has been a miracle to have achieved such a brilliant achievement. ”

“Oh? Can you tell me your initial impression of our boss?” With a curious look on Alvitelli's face, he extended his hand to invite Lewis to take a seat and asked with a smile.

Honestly, for my own boss, there are all kinds of media reports, some blacks, always talking about the boss's various previous dead photos, especially the thin image, is and is like two people.

“To be honest, I was kind of underestimating Mr. Smith at the time, you know, comparing some of the things reported in the media too... With the novel copyright and the mortgage, we all thought Mr. Smith wanted to squander, but when we met him, we realized that it wasn't the same thing. At that time, his body was still a little thin. Although the whole person appeared a little melancholy, his eyes were very bright. At that negotiation, Mr. Smith was just sitting around listening silently and barely talking. ”

Lewis didn't think much about it, but praised it, and didn't say anything bad behind it, so it's okay to have a chat before we start the audit.

“Over the next few days, I've constantly seen Mr. Smith rise in a miraculous gesture in the press, staring at him, perhaps with genius... ”

Alvitelli also had to nod her head in agreement, and the boss's path to rise was clear, with no power deals or accidental xings.

Best selling novels, creative compositions, stocks, acquisitions of newspapers, gaming companies and investment firms.

Almost everyone can use it as a way of accumulating wealth, which is why he is regarded by the people as the latest representative of the American dream, because his path to wealth is replicable.

Of course, aside from the fact that this genius idea is accidental, it is inevitable, after all, that the idea is inspired by the content of the novel.

Maybe it's just genius.

Andy, in a great mood, naturally doesn't know what Al and Lewis are talking about in the conference room, and even if he did, he'd just laugh.

The pursuit of the successful is the same, regardless of race or nationality, and all the experiences and words of the successful will be pursued and deified, just like everyone else.

Think Mababa, Tsk, almost every word has become famous, successfully learned textbooks, and those things that used to be ignorant have become legends, which is what people want from successful people.

Sitting on the boss's chair, turning the seat like a child with a happy smile on his face.

“Oh, Nima, the Bank of America is so generous, the $600 million mortgage, plus the $300 million personal credit line, the interest is so low, it's so cool... ”

The assistant came in with a cup of coffee while she was mumbling alone.

“Come on, celebrate!” Andy patted himself on the thigh and said to Tory Black.

Tory lowered his coffee cup with a slight tremor and sat behind the desk on the boss's leg.

“Woo... ”

Tory shuddered and was a little helpless about the boss's nasty taste and could only lay helpless in his arms.

Having fun, Andy and Tory were interrupted by a sudden knock. Andy patted a blushing Tory Blake, leaned forward on the boss chair, watched as the little assistant standing beside him and tidying up his clothes, turned a white eye and whispered: “Go to the inside lounge, you look like a fool and you know what just happened! ”

“Got it...” Tory quickly walked to the lounge door, pushed the door open and hid in.

“Come in. ”

“Boss, Apple sent you an invitation, Jobs invited you to visit Apple headquarters.” Blair, who pushed the door in, quickly stepped forward and handed Andy the invitation.

“Oh?” Andy then opened up and looked, officially, well, invited as a shareholder holding a large number of outstanding shares.

Andy plays with the pen in his hand, his eyes squint, to be honest, he's meeting Jobs to talk business, and he's likely to break down, Jobs' control of Yu is too big to make him compromise, and most importantly, Andy, the business can't be separated from Apple, which makes Nima depressed.

“When you get back to the conference room, send Al over. ”

“Good boss, that's all right. I'll be there first. Bank of America audits very carefully.” Blair stood up and laughed.

“Just let them review, the real valuation is between 4.5 and now it is normal to lend 600 million to them, after all many third-party agencies have made this price valuation.” Andy said indifferently.

Blair laughed. He knew best how the valuation of this third-party assessor came about. It was the best day to get a loan of $600 million. If the bank was serious, it would not really give such a high valuation. After all, if the mortgage was lower than the loan amount, the bank's risk would increase dramatically.