American Fortune Life

Chapter 348: All Star Weekends

“Shit, how's Dayao doing in America? How dare you have dinner with the goddess Charlize Theron and laugh? ”

“Yao laughed so badly! ”

“Yao Hei can shut up now, Dayao is a real cow, not a blowout... ”


“I just want to know who that little white face next to... ”

“O God of Men! ”

“Upstairs, idiot. Identification complete! ”

“Looking at the photo, Dayao obviously has a good relationship with that handsome old American, and the shadow is with that handsome guy, this old American is definitely a character... ”

“Andy Smith, 22, of a quarter rabbit origin, famous American writer, singer, newspaper owner, father of the talent show, founder of" My World, "billionaire, youngest billionaire, girlfriend Ivana, has spoken with Theron, Scarlett, Super Molly Lima, the main work. ”

“Blind my titanium dog eye, it's open and hanging! ”

“My rabbit bloodline is really bullshit! ”

“Yao has entered the upper class of the American Emperor, cowboy! ”

“Just fucked Ivana, dog RI's, so big, so big... saliva.”

“Typing with both hands to prove innocence! ”

“Life wins... ”

All the major websites in the rabbit country put the photos of Dayao and Hollywood after the movies on the headlines. This is big news, Andy became a complete companion, little white face...

But with the skinning of beauty and entertainment fans, everyone gave Andy information to Zhen JING. The good guys gave Andy a "hanging brother” title. When Andy stepped onto the land of the rabbit country, it surprised him that he actually had a fan group in the rabbit country, and he couldn't laugh bitterly at the love name of the hanging brother.

McGormey Hotel, Las Vegas.

“Wow... ”

The swimming pool in the Deluxe Suite is splashed with huge waves of water and Charlize swims to the shore in a dramatic change of color.

“Come here! ”

Andy grabbed Charlize's ankle and pulled it back. Charlize couldn't help but stop struggling, stood up and looked down at the 28 floating eyes in the water. He couldn't help but add a red lip and looked up at Andy, who was on fire in his eyes.

“Didn't you just say yes? How to get out of reverse... Ah."


“You were the one who tried to escape. No wonder I did. Weren't you great last night? Look how tired you are, ending the battle early, how dare you laugh at me, look at me not to kill you... ”

“Um... ”

Changing posture, the scene is constantly changing, like a life of great rise and fall, with all kinds of begging for forgiveness and rapid crackling, in a crisp scream, the luxury suite restores quiet, leaving only a clear breath.

An hour later, Charlize Theron, bright and moving, looked at Andy, smiling badly behind the mirror, with a soft, watery glance in his eyes, “Is it that hard to pull a zipper? ”

“My legs are soft, my mouth is stiff, and when I get back at night... ”


Charlize Theron took a delicate sip, picked up the pink lip gloss and began to apply it, but the corner of her mouth had not faded, indicating how well she was in the mood now, her red face, a lazy brow between her eyebrows, and after two days of uninterrupted pouring by Andy, she swept away the previous tiredness.

Las Vegas became more lively with the arrival of all-star weekends, with star faces everywhere, refreshing entertainment news.

Andy and Charlize Theron are some of the biggest players in the game, with daytime connections to great shows, all-star rookies chatting with Kobe Hot, who is also an audience member, watching sophomores kick ass and making the highest score in sophomores' history.

Though David Lee got the MVP, Andy felt like getting three pairs of Paul was the best.

Every time Andy and Theron join forces on the field, they point the shot at them, especially the gorgeous Queen Theron, killing so many celebrities straight away.

The front row of the race was the happiest feast in the media, and seeing the equally beautiful Beyonce and her drug dealer husband, Big Z, made Andy a little bit depressed.

The most wonderful basketball contest, detonated the whole scene, Jordan the Great, Green's Thunderbolt Wanjun, Dayao's various ravaged little Howard also lifted the weight to perform, dwarf Robinson's aerial drift...

Ultimately, Green Buckle won the championship.

The all-star finals in the East and West attracted a lot of entertainment celebrities to the field, and the organizers deliberately held a red carpet ceremony.

Buckley Big Ass was captured from the table and greeted at Thomas and Mark Center's doorstep. Pay tribute to the celebrities who walked past the red carpet at the entrance to the stadium and give them a hug.

Andy had a great appreciation for Barclay, although he had a big mouth, but he was still quite straightforward and talked in his heart, though offended, but expensive and real.

Andy said, “You're my idol!” Making Barclay very happy, in his own words, as an old thing and as a young man, is already very happy.

The star enters the game funny, the game is to watch the fat shark laugh, pretend to be the rear guard crotch down the ball, all kinds of funny moves, causing the whole game to laugh; Kobe flies furiously, divorces himself from the fat shark, the fat shark kiss to Maddy...

At the midfield break, the show was also very lively, with Braxton singing, a solar circus with some elements of the Rabbit King drama, and sexy female singer Aguilera on the table. The annual NBA All-Star Game was originally a performance, an entertainment, and now the All-Star Game is not held for the first time in a city with an NBA team, but is run by Las Vegas, making it a big event.

Andy sat with Dayao in the back of the shadow and the same suit of leather shoes among the western stars, and of course, the most popular nature was Charlize in the back of the shadow, an incarnate fan asked for his autograph and snatched into the wind.

Since the Western stars have long established an absolute leading edge, the game goes to junk early and many viewers leave early. Unfortunately, these viewers missed the NBA player's pre-recorded show paying tribute to Las Vegas.

When the game paused, all players stood up, looked up at the big screen, and rejuvenated their blessings for the city, with only one word of blessing expressed in singing: Long live Las Vegas!

Kobe killed the Quartet in the second half, pressed the 03 generation, and finally took down the all-star MVP, this time without a shriek!

Testimonials have been humiliated by shouting. Generation 03 Flower Explorer exclaims. Of course, Flash faces the camera, sarcastically, Flash plays too lonely...

At the end of the all-star feast, the big shark shook his head and ran over to Andy, Theron to photograph him, bidding farewell to Big Yao in a crappy plain language.

As Dayao was going to fly Houston for the night charter, Andy hugged and said goodbye to the racetrack, he once again got acquainted in front of the rabbit people. At the invitation of Dayao and TV, he also greeted the rabbit people in pure Mandarin “Happy New Year! ”

Out of the field, Andy and Theron were surrounded by daylight flashlights, field security and Joseph's four dead to withstand the rising pack of puppies, and strange problems rang on the scene, squeezing Theron's little hand tightly, rushing out of the siege and quickly entering the car to relieve themselves.

At night, Theron was taught by Andy. Hi, Peppy. Spent the night, but listening to the siren buzzing outside all night, Joseph and the four of them knew something had happened and raised the security level.

The following day, it became apparent that violence began frequently in the early morning near the main casino after the all-star weekend rave.

Two shots were fired and four people were injured, three of them dying, and police arrested 362 people early in the morning, ending this All-Star weekend with violence, leaving Andy and Theron in no mood to continue their vacations in Vegas.