American Fortune Life

Chapter 358: Primary Fist Game

Los Angeles Santa Monica.

The Fist Games office is located in an old factory near Santa Monica Beach, and when Andy sees a rectangular tablet standing at the door through the window, a deformed font sign of Riot appears on it.

Driving along the cement road into the factory area, stopping in front of the factory door of a black wall rectangle, Andy opened the door and walked down, looking around, the factory surrounded by low vegetation, empty ground with some small round tables and red art seats, sea breezes from time to time, blowing gently the leaves of various plants.

“Mr. Smith, welcome to Fist Games.” Brendan Baker waited a long time at the door with a pedestrian, and when he saw Andy get off, he greeted him with a smile from a team of founders.

“The air here is really fresh, you guys have found a nice place...” Andy smiled and shook Brandon Baker's hand and praised, under Baker's introduction, for shaking hands with key leaders and teams of fisting companies.

As Baker et al. entered the company, they saw a white wall with no decorations other than some game effect diagrams. The ground was covered in gray white marble and was very empty.

As Andy walked into the middle, he paused slightly, pointing to the open space and said, "Here, you can make a one-on-one hero doll sculpture right here... By the way, I think that little Lori Annie and her bear will do it! ”

Andy's words keep fisting companies' eyes open, not just for Andy's decorative proposition, but most importantly for Andy, who has really looked closely at their creative schemes and is able to speak voluntarily of a hero, which is definitely an investor who recognizes their work.

As he entered the office area, Andy looked up at the ceiling, and to be honest, it was a mess, full of horizontal plumbing and iron shelves, the roof was full of wooden slabs, and although the lights were bright, it still gave a sense of repression, the office area was huge and empty, with only one area with twenty computer tables and computers, near the weight-bearing wall in the middle, a refrigerator, shelves for food, and a few barrels of water, a coffee pot on a table and some mess.

Andy frowned slightly, lifting his fingers to the ceiling, and said to Brandenbeck, "Remove the roof, replace it with a glass roof, let the sun shine in, and now it feels so depressed that it affects your mood; here, build a few rooms around the weight-bearing walls, lounges, drinking water areas, coffee shops, food areas and conference rooms. ”

All fisting company people don't even know what to say, now the big boss is so god, say their thoughts, one eye to the other, they see the joy in each other's eyes.

“Well, Mr. Smith, it used to be because there wasn't enough money to care about the work environment.” Brendan Baker had an unspeakable smile on his face, and he knew the working environment was not very good, but who left their company without money?

The founding fathers of Brandon Baker didn't have a separate office, they worked outside with everyone, and they went to sit in a round computer chair.

As the number one shareholder, the actual owner of the fisting company, Andy first introduced himself to the practice and praised the creativity of the punching game company, after all, for these program apes, recognizing their work made them happier than praising themselves.

“ So, apart from a large number of shareholders, the company had money accidents, and nothing else changed, and Brandon was an excellent leader and manager, and I think fist companies will achieve extraordinary results with your efforts... ”

In the warm applause of excitement and joy, Andy ended his first meeting with the leading fist gaming company, led by Brandenbeck, and took a look at the continental model of the game he had begun to make, along with a few simple animated masks of heroes, and sketches of some game maps.

At this early stage, there's not much to see, to be honest, but Andy is very satisfied with what he sees, and there's not much of a difference from his past life. Basically, this game has been shaped and can only be done by recruiters now.

After visiting the company, Andy didn't want to continue to disturb people's work. After all, he was here, there were not many production teams, and several key leaders had to stay with him, so he didn't stay much longer.

Stepping out of the office space, Andy said to Brandenbeck, "Treasury and Legal are moving in today, and they're going to work with you. ”

“I understand, boss.” Brandenbeck doesn't reject the two divisions that Andy wants to grab, and now that Andy's the big boss of the company, to be honest, 70 percent of the shares, even if he takes his CEO position now, he has no choice.

“By the way, what's going on around here?” Andy asked pointing to the open space surrounding the open weeds.

“This used to be a warehouse for loads of goods, but it is now abandoned. ”

“Know who owns this land?” Andy stood in front of the door and looked around to gauge the environment.

“belongs to a freight forwarder... ”

“Give the contact information to Karl, and I want to build it here as headquarters when the game succeeds in the future.” Andy said faintly to Brandenbeck.

Brandenbeck smoked at the corner of his mouth, looked back at the vast open space around him, swallowed his saliva, watched the owner sit in the car, lowered the window and waved, and went up.

Cough, the big boss is not bad money, this piece will be the headquarters area of the future fisting company, oh my God, happiness came too soon!

Andy didn't know how happy and excited Brandenbeck was because of what he said, and he didn't care about that little thing. After all, the land area was a little remote and not worth much.

LOL is already his own, wait for the game to be made now, but will the fist companies that no longer finance it attract fat penguins? Without the general agent of the fat penguin rabbit country, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as it was in previous life on the road to promote it. It seems like we should still do it.

As for whether fat penguins will acquire fisting companies from themselves in the future, Andy didn't care. Selling them or not is just a question of not getting the right price. Of course, if you still want to use a knife, you want to take LOL. I'm afraid it's unlikely. After next year, he won't be short of money. Perhaps a delicious fat penguin stock would be a good option.

It's also time to go back to New York, complete the purchase of CDS as soon as possible, wait for the collapse of the US Emperor's two rooms, and then let Li Xiaoying take the money back to the rabbit country, whether it's a fat penguin or Mababa, which may be a good fit.

However, it may not be that simple to take shares out of Sun Justice's old boy, but Mababa has been reducing his controlling shares, but he can get a little. He would also like to have a stronger background of foreign capital to form a certain constraint on soft silver and Yahoo.

Ma Baba is still very good at playing, I have to admit, the old horse is an excellent strategist, but from his pressure, hard steel, soft silver and Yahoo, separate Alipay, set up a company alone, died and caught in the hands, very pitted Sun Jingyi can see that his killing decisive, of course, although the things he does are a little unfair, the breach of the spirit of the contract is still disgusting.

Let Li Xiaoying, a talented beauty, fight with Ma Baba, who is invincible in her mouth. I don't know if she will come to dig her own corner. It's hard to say, but Andy is confident that giving Li Xiaoying partner status is not so shaky.

With pure capital operations and vague shadow capital, Li Xiaoying, who hates internal struggles, will make the right decisions. Of course, Andy has the best solution in mind to make her one of her own. Unfortunately, this is not an easy thing to do.

When Andy got back to the apartment where he was hanging out with Charlize, he found no one at home, and he saw some cigarette boxes on the porch in a garbage bag, and Andy flipped over and there were no open cigarettes inside.

Andy knew that Theron sometimes smoked, asked her to quit more than once, but with half the pessimistic thoughts of Theron, it was hard not to get irritated. Luckily, Andy got tangled up when she broke up the hardest, didn't make her an alcoholic, and rarely saw her smoke with his companion.

But now it looks like, in order to have a child, she really spelled it out, and Andy understood Cylon's mood, took off her suit coat and hung it on the hanger, kicked off her shoes and walked into the living room.