American Fortune Life

big push testimonial

Understood, the reckless colliding little devil built the book from the end of December last year, it has been more than six months now, the novel has also arrived a million words, as a new copy of the novel, honestly, the original score of the code word is enough, I don't think that on this memorable node, lucky to welcome the legendary wind blowing!

God, God, happiness has brought the devil no idea what to do, so roll all over the place...

The collection grew as the number of words grew, starting with what was supposed to be a poker. Recommend the starting point, let the little devil see the hope of the code word mix, here the devil I want to thank:

Reading Group, the starting point of the Chinese language network, drinking water do not forget the well people, this is the point, you should be grateful for this platform!

My responsibility editor, Wutong Da Da, is the second thank you, well, although I don't talk to the editor very much, after all, the editor Da Da Da is very busy, but Lord Wutong is really good, I can help solve any problems quickly, I also need to arrange a recommendation once, a huge thank you! And I hear he's a handsome guy!

The little devil is adorable and has little experience. It is not exaggerated to say that he understands and understands anything. Writing a novel relies entirely on a heart, linking what he understands. At the same time, he satisfies his fantasies and constructs a satisfying story. At the same time, he hopes that someone will like it.... This is what I thought when I started writing the book, but I didn't imagine that there would be so many people in the same group who would support it, encourage the little devil, all kinds of votes, rewards, for the first time for the devil, all very happy, the feeling of being affirmed, recognized, finding friends is really wonderful! It's addictive!

Demon I met a group of very good, very good bookmates, all old bookworms, they knew that demon I was new, helped me plan the group, maintained the readership, all very enthusiastic, here I need to especially thank NAI mouth kissing this demon king!

Our lead bookmate 20170328210959145 (take a nickname! Really) bjli, God_Sins, no nickname, formaldehyde, just have fun and entertainment, summer rainy season, old dogs are the most shady, dust, ghost king, ancient demon, bookmate 111201122157078, lql19810616, life is a road, Xiang Ling Yu, demon, angel, wood san, just love county P, corner, roman sky, angels team, zack170185, wind oil JING, demon clothing parents, blue babies and so on and so many other readers who have given me a lot of support and encouragement (can't enumerate them all, I'm so sorry!) Little devil, I can only reward the support and encouragement of our readers with hard work words! Thank you, sir!

The devil's name is called the shy little devil, well, it's basically boring to see from the name, hey, Thomas' little train goes up... Whoo-hoo!

Passengers, get in the car, please!

The devil writes novels and walks away with the flow of life, everyday, everyday! Witness the rise in everyday life, the legend in ordinary life, women and careers are the brightest gems embedded in this crown of life!

The slogan of the little devil is: "Keep it two more times a day, keep it going, don't take time off, maybe three times more, blast it, blast it! ”

Thanks again to readers for their support and encouragement!! Thank you, sir!

And, cough, can we talk about something? Weak, kneel down and ask your parents to book!!! Don't jump, little devil. I use my heart code for every chapter. Book it all!!! Whoo-hoo...

All right! Here's the testimonial. I hope your readers support the Little Devil as usual. The outline is complete and meticulously proceeded according to plan. It won't crash. I don't know if those on other websites will be able to see this chapter or ask you to support the original reading. After all, the Little Devil will also have children, woo woo,,, so pathetic!

Okay, thanks again! Thank you! Ninety degree bow thank you!!! Thank you, I'll go to the code word...

Shameful little devil.

July 5, 2017 at exactly 16: 00