American Fortune Life

Chapter 378: Sweet Daily (Ergong)

Get a weekly magazine without spending a penny, that's a takeover; now if you buy a dollar, that's a takeover. Though symbolic, it is also a business deal that many people will never forget, and perhaps when the weekly magazine turns a loss into a profit, it will become a classic business case in the textbooks.

Since Ivana was tired of figuring out what was going on, Andy naturally wouldn't hide it from her, and told her everything about the phone call she had received in the car from the afternoon after meeting Jon Micham at the banquet.

After listening to the original committee, Ivana frowned slightly and said: "Honey, although the weekly magazine has such a high debt, you have to know that this is Newsweek after all, in case of leakage, someone might actually be willing to pay for it. ”

“Oh, honey, this person you don't have to worry about, who really knows the details of Newsweek, it's hard to make the decision to take it over, first of all to be prepared to compensate for the possible loss of 50 million dollars in three years, and then to repay the bank's over 300 million loans, which is unacceptable to the average person.

There are also 22 branches of the weekly magazine worldwide. Nine of them are in the United States, with the remainder in Tidu, Cape Town, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Jerusalem, London, Mexico City, Moscow, Paris, Tokyo and Warsaw. Many of its bloated institutional departments have to be cut, and in the face of a requisition, trade unions will never compromise, which can depress those who want to pay for it! ”

“Even so, before the handover is completed, it would be better to block the message. Since the editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine is on our side now, can we first understand the specific financial situation of the weekly magazine and, once the negotiations are completed, we can send the finance staff directly for a seamless handover?” Ivana suddenly stretched her hand over Andy's chest, supporting her body, and her eyes sparkled with wisdom, not paying any attention to the enchanting view of the big, round baby overhanging Andy.

“Oh, just you smart!” Andy smiled and pinched Ivana's john's nose, reached out and held her back in his arms and said softly: “Don't worry, Jon Micham is more anxious than anyone else, he won't let anyone else sabotage his plan, worked for more than 30 years in the weekly magazine, this can't be handled properly, I want him to have no use! ”

“Well, honey, it's amazing, first The New York Observer, and now Newsweek. Oh, my God, Andy, you've got a huge voice in the media!” Ivana wrapped her arms around Andy's bear waist and rubbed her cheeks around his sturdy, wide chest, murmuring with emotion.

“Oh, it's just the beginning, I have a complete plan, how about you come and help me then?” Andy grinned and caressed her glossy jade back, spoiled softly.

“The media? It's not very appealing to me to have two weeklies alone! Besides, um, I'm gonna get my own share...” Ivana grinned, but at the end of the day she thought of something, whispering in a softly cold voice, whispering in a slightly invisible voice.

Andy couldn't help but shake his head and say nothing. This woman is really ambitious and has too much power. Okay, isn't it because her unique charm attracts her the most? Drinking the strongest wine, riding the strongest rouge horse, is not unjust to this life.

In the morning, Andy felt a bit of chest tightness and a slight difference, opened his sleeping eyes, stretched his hand to scratch some itchy cheeks, and lowered his head to see a blonde dispersed Ivana head pillow on his chest.

More than half an hour later, Andy flipped out of bed and washed herself, ready to run in the morning. As for Ivana, who was still grumbling in bed and wiping her mouth with a soft cough, the drum threw paper towels under the bed.

The two people who changed their sports gear smiled at each other and walked out of the apartment with their hands. Seventy-eight paparazzi were waiting in the cold wind outside the apartment building in the early morning. Yesterday, the news of Ivana's return was sent out by the paparazzi. This pair of lovers, like princes and princesses, often dominated the news pages of the major newspapers in New York. Their gossip was that there were many people who bought the bill and would naturally be sought after by the paparazzi.

Andy stood in front of the apartment and felt the cold wind, turning her head to help Ivana zip the hoodie completely so she could cover her long pink neck against the cold.

Ivana's sweet smile of happiness, her eyes full of tenderness to look at her boyfriend, early in the morning red fruit sprinkled dog food, Xiu En Love, has reached the point of heartbreak.

In fact, Andy didn't like it, but unfortunately his girlfriend had this kind of love for Xiu En, and liked to show her mind. Since her own woman liked it, just spoil it a little, as long as she was happy.

Ivana is a runner who has great endurance and speed and won't, like some people, pant for a little while, not only that, but she also has the work and the sweet wave of a smile to take pictures around her.

The vegetation in Central Park is still slightly depressed. Although it also appears a little green, it is still dominated by dead yellow and brown. The squirrels here are not afraid of people at all. When Andy and Ivana ran past, the two squirrels playing on the black bench just stopped and looked at them for a few moments and started running and jumping again.

Halfway around Central Park, the two of them walked hand in hand in the park.

“It's still the most comfortable place in New York, and you don't know how many days I've lived in London, tortured to death by its rainy days, and the locals say half of a month is rainy, cold and wet.” Ivana looked disgusted in London and opened her arms, seemingly intoxicated by the New York environment.

“Compared to Los Angeles, New York... Oh” Andy skipped his mouth, and the same disgusting face provoked.

“Hey, you're from New York, too! What's good about Los Angeles, a bunch of hillbillies...” I haven't spouted that word yet, as if I thought of something, but I still had some embarrassing red flutter on my face. I smiled and vomited my tongue.

“Oh ~” Andy smiled and dragged the long cavity, “turns out you're also a geographic black! ”

New Yorkers and Los Angeles tear each other apart, discriminate against each other, and it's not two days a day, but America, New York and Los Angeles tear each other apart the most.

“Shit! Ignore you...” When you're done, pout out your mouth and walk ahead in a big, drummed step.

“Hey, hey, you ignoring me? I don't care about you!” When she was finished, she caught her with a smile, reached over her shoulder and held her in her arms, leaving Ivana, the drummer, to struggle.

“You cheated... Woo."

Ivana raised her red fluttering face angrily. Before she finished, she was covered in red lips by Andy's big mouth and whimpered for a while, but soon her arms surrounded Andy's neck, moving QING's welcome.