American Fortune Life

Chapter 452: Wanting to Be a Conqueror

Warren Buffett's pupils shrunk, and he saw an indifference and a hint of destruction in Andy's eyes, and he was somewhat uncertain that the smart young man in front of him would run the risk of stirring the storm.

“The real estate market is the most emotional, because for most Americans, real estate is their most valuable asset and their investment in retirement pensions.

Continuously lower house prices “set" Americans who were initially rushing to buy their homes at higher prices, followed by mortgage companies in the United States, especially high-risk subprime mortgage finance companies.

Throughout 2006, subprime lending in the United States amounted to $64 trillion, roughly twice the size of three years ago. Subprime lending accounted for 20 per cent of the total size of the United States national mortgage market, and the total value of subprime mortgaged bonds in the hands of financial companies and hedge funds reached $1 trillion.

Twenty-two million Americans will be left without blood, a large number of middle classes will be wiped out, more people will be displaced, and when the pain continues to irritate Americans' nerves, people will ask, why? Whose fault is this? Who are we to blame for this? ”

Andy gracefully cut fresh veal with a knife and fork, a glossy stainless steel fork inserted into his mouth, his head carefully cut, and the voice with magnetic xing spelled out.

Much of what he didn't care about was getting an axe in front of Warren Buffett. When he raised his head, his mouth curled slightly, his white teeth revealed, and asked three questions in a row, Buffett's eyes flashed a hint of chills, not against Andy's chills, but worried about the tragic scene depicted by Andy's firm tone, after all, more than once and twice.

Warren Buffett, as the stock god who scolded Wall Street, now has more of a point in his life's worth, and he can donate 99 percent of his assets, seeing that he no longer has a personally conscious view of money at this age, more importantly, to society, to the people.

“When the whole world is pretending to be asleep, it's like you're the only one sleeping, and at this point, you even doubt an obvious answer, doubt yourself...” Andy dropped the knife and fork, wiped his lower lip with a white napkin, and pulled the corner of his mouth with ridicule and laughed.

“For me, it's a trillion dollar bet, I'm only 22 years old, and I have a long, beautiful life to experience, enjoy, it takes capital, so don't question my resolve, I don't care what kind of friendship Wall Street is, it's all bullshit, when does Wall Street have friendship, some of it's just profits, they go through the storm first! ”

Andy never despised Warren Buffett, and he was upset that Warren took himself seriously and tried to get rid of Andy's ten-dollar plan. How could that be possible?

Warren Buffett was silent and involved such a great deal that no one would give up. He looked Andy in the clear eyes and smiled softly.

“Does Morgan Stanley have an interest in selling gambling agreements? You know, a lot of people are interested in the CDS in your hand. ”

Andy couldn't help but lighten his eyes, pick up the glass and sip it in Warren's smile.

“To be honest, Morgan's people have been in touch with my people, and there are plans to redeem them, but, you know, there's always fantasy when the knife axe falls without the headrest. ”

“Yeah, I think Morgan Stanley would be very nervous about me suddenly inviting you to dinner, and I think my friends and I both have the ability to take the deal that you have, and I think they're gonna be up all night, don't you think?” Although Warren Buffett didn't know why Andy was rushing to sell the chips in his hand, he found the first opportunity to swap the interests of the two throughout the night.

“I prefer business on the ground, visible and touchable, makes me feel safe, numbers are not attractive to me at all, this crisis is a great opportunity. ”

“Competitors put pressure on them! Well, we sort of have a consensus.” Buffett said with a gentle smile on his old face.

“Cheers.” Andy laughed in the sun, lifting the wine glass and touching Warren, making a crisp sound.

“Cheers. ”

Crouching high heels stepped on the marble floor, coming from far and near, Ivana came back with a sweet smile and saw her boyfriend and Buffett laughing, knowing what a consensus agreement should have been reached between the two sides.

“It's really enviable to see you two young people, and next week I'm inviting you to a dinner at the Wall Street major investment banks and banks. ”

Warren Buffett smiled and looked across the street at Ivana and Andy and issued an invitation.

Ivana smiled like a flower, looked at Andy on the side, and Andy blinked his eyes, smiling and nodded his head. Ivana's red lips were slightly open, revealing her white teeth, and she smiled happily: "Thank you for inviting me. It would be an honor. ”

The next time, the atmosphere was very harmonious, Warren Buffett seemed to really like Ivana very much, and Ivana's charm was indeed lethal to men, talking elegantly, expressing vividly, sounding sweet, moving limbs, and thinking agile, very defensive, able to make people unconsciously attracted, quietly listening to her voice, that's what charm is all about.

At the end of the dinner, when the three of them walked out of the restaurant, the puppies chasing Andy and Ivana started shooting very surprising images with their cameras in their arms.

Frequently lit flash lights illuminated the front of the restaurant door, the three of them did not care about the paparazzi shooting, Warren Buffett distinguished and Andy shook his hand, hugged Ivana, and after the bodyguard opened the door, sat in the Mercedes.

The car went away, Andy held Ivana's little hand, smiled at each other, ignored the noise of the paparazzi, and got in turn and left.

“You've got a lot of charm tonight, Warren.” Andy caressed Wylie Ivana's back with a tone of voice.

Ivana nestled in Andy's arms, with a slight redness on her pretty face, and her eyes closed slightly, sniffing Andy's breath like a puppy, ignoring Andy's tune.

Andy rolled his white eyes and reached out and grabbed the little hand he was touching, knowing that she was a little flimsy, watching her smile, raising her pretty face and looking at herself, Andy shook her head and smiled, kissing her red lips with a hint of wine.

“What, you want to try it in the car?” Andy loosened his red lips and pressed his forehead against hers, smiling badly.

Ivana smiled mesmerized, her arms clasped against his bear's waist, her face in his arms, her comfortable rubbing, and her beautiful voice sounded, "That's not a good idea... I'm going up there tonight! I want to be a conqueror! ”

Andy smiled and patted Ivana's back lightly, excited about his girlfriend he could understand that some say power is the best chun! Medicine.

Evana, who has been with Andy since then, has been taken by Andy to open a fan door to the top, and some of the people who had previously been unable to reach the top of the pyramid are constantly appearing in her life, and the attention and admiration she receives is undoubtedly unimaginably satisfying for the strong woman she has been trying to break down the top barrier.

She knew perfectly well that her family, although rich, had earned nothing but contempt and shame in a truly upstream circle, which was an underlying problem and related to her father's personal relationship. She's always wanted to get rid of this disrespect, the end of her friendship with Paris Hilton, to a large extent, because neither of them can see each other's arrogance.

Ivana hates Paris' ever-arrogant sense of superiority and her chaotic life, and Paris thinks that Ivana is an outburst house and always pretends to be a noble and elegant princess. Most importantly, they are both strong Xing-guard, and no one chooses to be a sidekick for another.

In fact, this is also the common sense of man. The more people reach a certain level, the less they want to pursue, the more they care. It makes sense to say that three generations can produce a nobleman.

The first generation is desperate to earn money, become a millionaire, and the second generation is desperate to spend money on losers. If it does not fail, when it matures, it knows that it lacks, it begins to cultivate the next generation. The third generation was born with a golden spoon, no longer seeking money of no value to them, but a cultivation, style and spirit.

The car stopped in front of the apartment building, and Andy quickly walked into the building with a smile and a wave of paparazzi, and after walking into the elevator, Andy tapped Ivana with no anger.

Ivana smiled around Andy's neck, pounding her red lips and kissing Andiso, so passionately back home from time to time.

As soon as she entered the bedroom, Ivana in Andy's arms pushed him onto the bed, then she reached out her delicate hands and spread her blonde hair apart, and the pink dress slowly slipped off her.

I don't know how long it took to restore quiet to the bedroom with only one dusk table lamp on, Andy holding his head with his left hand and reaching out his right hand gently pulling open the blonde hair glued to Ivana's reddish face, watching her sleep satisfied with a smile and laughing.

“Such a casual royal sister, she obviously ate and stood by... Now, go straight to sleep, hey, you don't have to take a bath. ”

Andy drowned to help her open her hair, cover her quilt, roll herself out of bed, walk into the bathroom, and come back with a hot towel, carefully wiping her lower face and body.

Between the confusion, Ivana opened her eyes and saw Andy's sweetness, smiling sweetly, continuing to sleep with her eyes closed, perhaps drinking a little too much wine, perhaps exercising too intensely before, she felt faint and tired.