American Fortune Life

Chapter 460: The Game of Money

A joke once said in Hollywood: What type of movie is the easiest to make money from since Spider-Man and Iron Man went on sale, and any lawnmower on Beverly Hills can tell you —— go make a comic hero movie.

Modern industry oppresses people from vast lands to industrial streamlines, and urban civilization requires everyone to become an accessory to machines, just like workers in the Modern Age or Metropolis.

People can no longer contempt unreasonable rules of law like Martial Arts and Cowboys and can no longer experience the mysterious power of primitive mythology.

And superheroes who are free from the law entrust the modern man with a new spirit.

After 9/11, the seriously traumatized Americans needed the comfort of a hero, and in 2002 the surprising (or Marvel) Spider-Man won that year's North American box office championship, even the second ever North American box office to surpass $400 million in movies.

The meeting in Andy's office didn't last long, and while everyone was surprised at who the boss was going to acquire, most of the people sitting there were Americans and had different feelings for DC and surprise, the two largest cartoon companies.

Of course, D.C. has a Warner escort, and as for the amazing comic strip that has always been dedicated to death, you are also watching it move from glory to decline, to listing, to bankruptcy protection reorganization, and now rely on mortgage copyright to extend the full recovery of energy.

Acquisition of a long-standing, complex company with multiple mergers and even bankruptcy reorganizations is not so easy, and most importantly, unlike the Jackals of Wall Street, Isaac Polmut, CEO of Surprise Comics in recent years, and several important shareholders have more feelings and expectations for Marvel.

This is a big deal, of course Andy wouldn't be foolish to buy the entertainment group with all his own money, especially the inability to manipulate the stock market for controlling the acquisition, and the need for a strong bank to back up some debt issues. Of course, the bank is not foolish, in addition to the commission involved in the acquisition, it is also very profitable to control the debt of the acquiring company.

In the current atmosphere of panic and suspicion on Wall Street, every bank involved in subprime lending is frightened, and American banks, as the largest commercial bank in the United States in terms of assets, naturally have many business investments.

And subprime bonds have long been stuffed into various portfolios by a bunch of Wall Street animals packing powder at once, let alone these commercial banks in the United States, and all the other banks, even central banks, that look after the United States economy and have bought United States bonds, have had a hard time escaping the trap, which is why a subprime loan crisis in the United States quickly swept the global financial markets.

The Bank of America self-censorship scared them. To be honest, it was completely impossible to manipulate the market from these large commercial banks. They were also rushing to throw themselves out. There had never been a lack of arrogant speculators in the world, such as the Lehman Brothers, who were the biggest wrongdoers in acquiring such toxic bonds on the market. That was why the United States Government would not save it, and nobody could help themselves.

Today is undoubtedly a sunny lucky day for Bank of America people, who also know that Andy Smith, a premium client of their bank, just made a deal with Morgan Stanley, but didn't expect happiness so soon.

The tightening investment that Bank of America had previously made in Andy, what Dunima earned back, what low interest loans, what green channel for personal credit loans, now it looks like it's all too much for Nima.

Andy's old acquaintance, who's always been in charge of reaching out to his bank representative in the United States, Lewis, well, now he's the head credit manager at headquarters, and he's a big shot on Wall Street.

In the conference room, American banks are all looking back at Andy Smith sitting across the street, a young man who used to borrow $700 million from their bank, turning $700 million into $4 billion in just a few months, which is crazy, compared to robbing their bank. Ah, robbing a bank can't be so fast, after all, a bank can't have that much cash.

“Grunting...” Lewis kept his incredible expression, felt his tongue dry, took a sip of the mineral water on the table, calmed down, and looked across the street at Andy smiling and said: “Mr. Smith, are you sure you want to buy all this 4 billion dollars of paper gold? At the current price of $648 per ounce, you can buy approximately 174 tons of gold... ”

“Wow, that's a lot!” Andy was also slightly surprised by Lewis' talent, and the group members on his side and around him laughed and continued to laugh at Lewis: “I don't have a warehouse as big and secure as federal savings. Although golden gold is charming, I don't need to mention real gold. I'll use my gold savings to lend to your bank. Is that okay? ”

“Of course! We have always been a solid partner and have always had great pleasure working together and are perfectly fine as it is gold as collateral and we can give you an over-loan if you need it. ”

Lewis is already an eye-catching star, Nima, the commission alone is enough to make them happy for a while. Besides, mortgages on gold reserves are almost risk-free for their banks. There is no problem with the excess loans at all. The banks are already doing 10 billion in gold reserves, and they dare to borrow 100 billion in sales.

“Rest assured that our bank will give you the lowest loan rate... ”

Andy's satisfied nod, yet another bundle of interests, and a well-founded bank as a partner are among the most important factors in making the business bigger and stronger.

Of course, the cash flow in hand must be guaranteed. Modern enterprises want to grow rapidly, undoubtedly mad expansion is the most commonly used means, the world's major emerging enterprises spread the phrase, enterprises can lose, but must have enough cash in their hands!

As a result of the crazy expansion of many companies, once blocked, there is a risk of interruption of cash flow, followed by problems that highlight, making the original celebrity enterprise that stirred up the wind and cloud overnight into a deceptive subsidiary that everyone shouts. Like the guy who went to America to build the car, who's having fun, who's having TV.

With the intent of a concubine, the loan agreement was soon completed, with $4 billion worth of paper gold purchased through Bank of America and $700 million worth of Morgan Stanley's preferred shares as collateral, lending a total of $5 billion from Bank of America.