American Fortune Life

Chapter 520: The Hard Amanda

DelPosto, 10011 Chelsea District, Lower Manhattan, New York, is renowned for JING to Italian restaurants in New York City.

The first Michelin-starred Italian restaurant in 40 years to be rated by The New York Times. Enjoy a luxurious European aristocratic atmosphere at DelPosto, where numerous waiters wear vintage uniforms and serve their guests in English with a strong Italian accent.

Whether it's a piano accompaniment, a new dish from JING or five-star service, Andy feels impeccable.

Andy ripped a little bread and dipped it in some signature pork oil and garlic with salt, which was really nice, watching Amanda completely conquered by the 100 layers of spaghetti across the street, couldn't help but laugh: “Here's some lobster, some fresh nen teeth, and this raw mixed beef truffle. ”

Amanda looked across the street at the handsome face with a little exotic qing. The sunshine smiled and she sighed uncomfortably, dropping her fork and looking straight at Andy. He seemed a little uncomfortable before softly saying: "I kinda regret not attending that party in Paris that night, maybe. It's gonna be different, isn't it? “

Andy opened his mouth, his forehead straight into the black line, and to be nice and gentle, of all these golden doors, Amanda had an invincible affinity, more elegant than Ivana, and to be honest, Amanda was undoubtedly the most suitable person to marry honestly, and could be of great help to the Smiths family.

Unfortunately, who made Andy prefer Ivana to die in perfect shape? Well, there's that DIAO SNI boost from a previous life. After all, those campaign speeches captured too many men.

Amanda does seem a little thin, and the size of B + certainly wasn't his dish at the beginning, but now, looking at the beautiful face of JING in front of her, she seems a little hesitant, revealing the words of infinite aimei, "Perhaps. ”

When Andy answered, Amanda's eyes glowed with a smile: "Evana has hidden you very well since she was with you. Every party she attended was by herself and you never showed up. ”

“You know, I went to school in Los Angeles... ”

“Giggle, don't be ridiculous. She probably never mentioned it to you, did she? You know, people have big opinions about her, especially Casey and Anna.” Amanda's eyes trembled with a hint of twinkle.

“Casey Johnson?” Andy frowned and saw Amanda nodding her head and couldn't help but wrinkle her eyebrows tighter, "she said.“ She's crazy! ”

Kathy Johnson is the great-granddaughter of the founder of Johnson & Johnson, and in her life, zong is a common term. Her mantra is, "Whatever I want, I can have.” She and her best friend Hilton were inseparable, openly soliciting sex partners - they were fussy at night, often accompanied by scandals, and a public pull.

Amanda shrugged her shoulders and didn't mean to say: “Insanity is the norm in this circle. Instead, we are a few of us, often excluded. Now that Parris doesn't come to the club much, Nikki comes every time. I hear Casey's parents have given her an ultimatum to quit her addiction, or she will be cut off from communication and financial support. ”

“Ha! Do they want to kill Casey? She can't do anything but spend money!” Andillo laughed with a hint of ridicule, and his instincts brought in memories of the past, and the xing of these people, the past, emerged, as if they had recovered memories, childhood memories.

He knew very well that once Kathy Johnson was cut off, she would soon die, which was foreseeable, not exaggerated at all, a crazy woman who would never die!

Amanda is also worried, but no one can help her, only by herself, these thousands of dollars, talking together is material, essentially talking about money, not short of money, but at the same time more than anyone cares about money, let alone having no money to deal with each other. Borrow money. Are you kidding me?

Rich people say they don't care about money, they never have a concept or anything, other than just pretending to be 13, no other meaning, joke, no one cares more about money than rich people, no money who cares who they are, who they look like, having nightmares!

“Who's that Anna you were talking about? How come I don't remember a thing?” Andy really doesn't remember such a young lady.

“Girl, our new member, Anna. Anisimova, Russian aluminum tycoon Vassili. Anisimov's daughter, you were in Los Angeles for two years, and she joined, called Paris, Russia, Roll, Funny, Paris... Well, forget you're still with Paris... ”

Amanda had a grudge on her face, but when she saw that Andy had not lied to herself and denied it, she was just very embarrassed to pick up the glass and drink red wine. Finally, she coughed twice to cover it up, and she couldn't help but laugh at her performance.

“She, when you left the hotel on your front foot, she called to show off how good you were, and of course, except for Ivana, who heard she and Ivana were making a scene that night, so, you know, Casey was yelling for you to try... ”

If Andy watched closely, it seemed very uncomfortable to see Amanda's eyes burning with anger, but her mouth did not stop.

“I hear your prototype of" The Wonder Girl "is Ivana and Parris? Is it a little too much that you wrote something about us privately in the novel? ”

“Cough, Amanda, just leave me alone, I never said the prototype of" Gossip Girl "was Ivana and Paris, the prototype of Queen S was Lydia, and Queen B was more like you... ”

“Wow, that's a surprise, cousin would be so happy to hear it. Turns out your favorite is Lydia. It's depressing. I was the only one who seemed to be nice to you when you were little. Lydia never took you to play.” Amanda had a happy, bright smile on her face, which swept away her previous discomfort and anger.

“It's up to you, let's drink to good memories!” Amanda picked up the glass and Andy touched it, drank a big glass of wine, put it down, put her arms on the table, and asked with an elegant smile, "Well, it's pretty much old. Go on, what's the matter with me? ”

“Cough...” Andy almost choked on red wine, silent white opposite laughing Amanda, grinning and shaking her head, "Sister, stop messing with me! ”

“Girl, you little fox, don't contact me for no reason, you haven't contacted me since we last met... ”

“I gave gifts for Christmas and your birthday, and I called to say hello!” Andy went straight back.

“Well, that's my mistake. Tell me, what is it? The hard thing is, I can't help you. You're a big shot now. My uncle has praised you more than once, saying that only you will be the best in New York's life.” Amanda's eyes became extremely complicated and her teeth bit her lower lip.

“Thank you Uncle William for the compliment.” Andy has some impressions of William III Hearst in his memory, but it's really faint, and for the Hearst family as a family, he sees more in newspapers and television.

“Well, I wanted to acquire AMC Cable TV, and now I have 41% of the shares, and I can actually be on the board of directors and kick the current chairman out, but for better assurance, as far as I know, Hearst Group holds 18% of AMC shares, I think. ”

“You want to buy these shares, after more than half, and in any case the opponent doesn't have the ability to turn around, then use the funds against the other party's shares and dilute them? It turns out to be a little fox. No wonder people say that when you rise, the mind-xing tools become harsh. The peak entertainment thing makes a lot of people change their minds about you. ”

Amanda squinted her beautiful eyes slightly, talking about her speculation, watching carefully the facial expression change on Andy's face. After seeing his mouth pull a few times, she smiled and squeezed her scattered blonde hair back.

These commercial tactics are not new to the deeply rooted Hearst sons, they are much wetter, and of course Amanda's smart and commercial talents are unquestionable. Otherwise, she will not take over William III's class and master the Hearst Group's vast media empire.

“Well, you're right, that's what I think. What do you think, is there a problem? ”

“At what price did you buy shares? ”

“Valuation of 2 billion. ”

“I can ask you, but I just want to sell you 10 percent, and the remaining eight percent I'll take over, and you put me in a position at AMC, and I'm going to intern... ”

Andy's frontal blues jump, and this girl Naina in front of you, what do you want to play? Nima, you have dozens of TV stations in your own home, 15 daily newspapers, 34 weekly magazines and over 300 magazines around the world, including Fashion Basha, Fashion, Mr. Fashion, ELLE and Oprah magazines, and you tell me to intern at AMC, Nima, without this kind of player!

“What's the problem?” Amanda took up the fork and continued to eat her pasta for a long time, looking up at Andy with a slight glance.

“Sister, what are you trying to do?” Andy asked with a smile.

“I don't do anything, I just want to exercise, I always get taken care of in my own home, I want to see what I can do, can't I? Or do you not want to work with me? Hate me?” Amanda had a slight expression of disappointment on her face, only a glimmer of laughter in her eyes could not escape the senses of Andy Superman.

“Cough, how is that possible! Okay, you like it, but let's just say I didn't buy AMC for a toy. If I gave you the job, you couldn't do it, I'd really fire you. Don't blame me me then.” Andy knew Amanda was acting, but he couldn't refuse her, so he had to say yes. As for what else, Andy just flashed in his head and stopped worrying.