American Fortune Life

Chapter 735: Wonderful Journal of Photography

2 September 2007

Woody Allen gave me a role. I told him before accepting the script, with the consent of my agent, and then got my mom to agree that my mom and I had always been close, and then I needed to get that damn control YU turned into TAI's consent, and okay, I brought it up when he was plowing on me because he hated Woody Allen so much.

15 Sep

When we got to Barcelona, we found a lot of sun in Spain. I'd get freckles. And I don't make much money, but I'm sure the new agent will take care of it for me.

Listen to Woody, if the movie doesn't pay the price, and he can make over $400 million, he can smoke another tenth out of 1%.

That's funny. Do they really think that if Woody Allen was the director, I'd be in a cheap show like this?

16 Sep

Meet Javier Baden and Penelope Cruz. She was more beautiful and sexier than I thought, and I saw Woody Allen in his pants the whole time. Baden is the kind of genius who gets caught up in contemplation, and he's happy to accept that Woody Allen wants to help him.

18 September.

Woody Allen knocked on my door after dinner, and I could see what this old bastard was fighting for.

Unfortunately, it wasn't just me being followed by a personal bodyguard arranged by a goddamn Andy, knowing that this bodyguard wouldn't interfere with any of my behavior, but I knew perfectly well that that asshole Andy was in possession of YU.

The old bastard said I was talented, but it might be hard to grasp, I just smiled lightly, his cue was too obvious, but I didn't want to be abandoned by that bastard Andy, so the old guy left a little grumpy.

1 October

Living in a first-class place. This hotel will get half a star next year, if they can fill it with running water. All I could do was stand under the shower and send Andy that bastard a picture of me wearing a shirt only, and he loved it when I sent him a xing photo...

3 Oct

Shooting didn't go so well at first. Although Rebecca Hall is young and this is her first lead role, she's a little more temperamental than I expected, and I wouldn't get used to her, but she dared to throw director Woody off the set.

Oh, my God. What do I see? Woody Allen was trying so hard to explain, he really liked that Bichi, okay, I get it. In Andy's words, this old tai, the old hoodlum with the ashes, should have climbed into this little Bichi's creation.

9 Oct

The shooting is finally on track. Today is an intense love scene between me and Javier. Woody Allen doesn't seem to have bothered me very shamelessly, saying that he would have personally played Javier if he'd been a little older. And I said in a puzzling tone, "Ah-ha. ”

Perhaps without Andy, I might actually be able to get my hands on this old bastard...

Late to the set this afternoon, Woody Allen scolded me harshly, saying he would not tolerate my dragging. I respectfully listened, although he noticed that I turned my iPod up as he spoke.

13 Oct

Barcelona is a wonderful city. The streets are crammed with people watching us shoot. They realised very well that I didn't have time to sign them, so they only asked for a resting actor to sign. I was very happy to sign and take photos of them during the rest.

As for the signature, I had a bad memory, and the most disgusting one time, an asshole handed me a poster with unknown liquid on it, and I couldn't help but kick his dandandan!

16 Oct

Shooting at Gordy's masterpiece "Holy Family Cathedral”. I was thinking that I had a lot in common with this great Spanish architect: we both refused to follow the rules, he used his amazing design, and I liked watching Andy's guy in the ML while he was hiding.

20 Oct

I went to Woody Allen today and asked him a question that one of the actors would often ask: "Why would I do this?” He immediately replied, "Make money. ”

I said okay, but I said I needed more reason to keep filming, triple the money, and I threatened to leave. He said, "Whatever. Just go."

And then I really left, and the farther away we were, he had to yell at me. Then I threatened him with a jump.

The old bastard looked at the question mark, and then jumped like a clown, and then we were stuck there. We had a few friends in trouble, and then we had a big drink, and of course, it had to be the old bastard who buried the ticket.

23 Oct

I had to watch this old bastard Woody Allen again to teach Javier how to play ML. This series of moves required him to grab Penelope Cruise, rip her clothes off, and act wildly against her in the bedroom.

Even though he had an Oscar, the guy still needed a director to show him how to perform an exciting QING show. Perhaps that's exactly what Woody Allen, an old hooligan, wanted, and he didn't hesitate to grab Penelope and rip her clothes off. She's lucky she didn't have time to change her costume, so it was her own expensive costume that was torn apart by the old bastard.

Then I saw the thin old man's expression a little sluggish, seemed really excited, threw her in front of the fireplace with no hesitation, and suddenly jumped on top. Otherwise, Penelope was a fox genius, and before the old man could wait next to her, she was in a hurry.

As a result, Woody Allen, a skinny old man with important teeth, crashed onto the tile floor and broke several pieces. I laughed forcefully, pretending to follow the crowd, and from Penelope's eyes I clearly saw a glimmer of disgust and ridicule, and today was a pleasant day!

“Honey, I'm so tired of that old narcissistic bastard, God, you have no idea how narcissistic he is, he thinks that Penelope and I are slowly obsessed with him, and he shamelessly tells us that it's not strange, he sighs at the hearts of fragile women, and he says that every time he sees us looking at him, he can see from our eyes that we're traumatizing him with our eyes, and he says he sees poor Javier looking at him with a cold, jealous look, and he still explains to Javier, OMG... I used to worship him so much! ”

Andy walked out of the teaching building with his Bluetooth headset and listened to Scarlett chatter and said with a smile: "You have to understand him, people his age, there are only fantasies left, haha, the animal who can raise Xingqin's daughter, it won't surprise you to do anything. ”

“Seriously, darling, I'm sick of this disgusting old guy, you have no idea how much TAI he's changing, he tells me and Penelope that he takes a bath every morning to get a fresh fragrance on his body, so that Penelope and I can fall more in love with him.

He also told us that he did not like to mix work with pleasure, but that in order to complete the film he might have to come out to quench the aspirations of each and every one of us, and that he had an erratic schedule for Wednesday and Friday in Penelope, while Tuesday and Thursday satisfied me, as if parking was alternating on both sides of the street.

As a result, Rebecca was just vacant on Monday, and he said he had stopped her from putting her name on her big tui, and had just invited us to have a drink, to designate a charter, and lamented that maybe the old system of issuing rationing tickets would work.

God, Penelope and I almost went crazy laughing. I don't know where his confidence comes from. Penelope is already screwing Javier. This chun-haired old dog is really silent. ”

Andy's face got dark in the car, and although he couldn't stop someone else's YY own woman, an old bastard like Woody Allen was really pissed off that he was directly involved with Shelbo's own woman.

“Ha! He's not going to invite you to stay with him, is he? ”

“Ha ha, you guessed? He's been harassing us, but Rebecca's Birch never seemed to be satisfied, never gave him a good look. Honestly, if it wasn't for not touching the Hollywood rules, I'd really like to put him in court! ”

Andy's eyes shrugged and said with a grin: "Don't worry about that. You can do it with confidence. I'll teach him a profound lesson. ”

“Honey, I missed you, goddamn it, I missed you so much! ”

Andy hears the phone Lisbeth Carrie starts shenyin ', she can't help but swallow her mouth and whisper in her heart, this demon jing, because he's on his way to Los Angeles Airport to pick up Ivana, damn it, his pants are really on fire!