American Fortune Life

Chapter 763: Me, Dog Blood!


Andy stood naked on the carpet, stretching out his right hand helplessly blocking the pillow that hit him.

“Fuck off, fuck off, motherfucker, I have an interview tomorrow, the day after tomorrow it's Vermeister Avenue plus stars, the 15th is Vermeister End of the Year show, God, I'm tired all day except you... I, can't you stay with me... ”

Though angry, Lima, who didn't dare to shout out, didn't care that Andy didn't see her LV body, but he hit Andy with a pillow too hard, clearly felt a cool, irresistible slight change of colour, looked down and looked at the wound, furthermore, full of angst, biting the curse of his teeth: “FXXK! ”

Andy leaves his mouth, shrugs his shoulders, sees Lima stop, bends over and lifts his quilt, lays down, stretches his hand over Lima, hugs her into his arms, says: "You're fine with your strength, I'm not going to be in harmony all night, okay, go to sleep, wait for you to sleep before I leave. ”

Lima rolled a white eye in Andy's arms, stretched out her arm and grabbed the tissue box behind her, put it on the quilt, began to smoke the tissue, then retracted under the quilt, and after a while, she threw it on the carpet without breath.

“Don't come over tomorrow. I don't have time for you. After the Wimmi show, asshole, I'm really tired...” Lima raised her head violently, revealing her fierce face threatening Andy Dao.

“You're crazy. If you're not afraid to be exposed, torment yourself. Oh, I'd love to see it happen, and then I'd really like to see some faces... Son of a bitch, it's after midnight. ”

Andy gently caressed the back of Holly Lima, lowered his head and gently WEN fell over her head, listening to her whisper and not caring about her spit.

After some time, Andy opened his eyes and felt a uniform breath of sleeping Limana, carefully pulling out her arms, helping her to get her horned and carefully walking out of the bedroom with her clothes.

After getting dressed, looking at the time, it was over 1: 00 in the morning, pulling a circular controller out of his pocket, pressing it, the door was quickly opened, Andy saw the other person nod his head, put on his hood, and quickly followed his head against the wall to the elevator door not far away.


As soon as Andy walked to the elevator door, he heard the elevator opening, some unexpectedly glancing back at the female bodyguard standing in front of the Lima door and then looking back at the elevator door slowly opening.

Wearing a big red bubble shoulder, long sleeves, deep V-neck slim dress, beautiful face pink, eyes with some intoxication, some standing unstable hands holding the elevator door frame, walking out of the elevator, just as Andy looked right in the face.

“Trouble... Jean... Wait, you're...” The beautiful woman had a round, delicate doll face, and the two bars on her face were so beautiful when she smiled. She had lost a pair of big blue eyes. When Andy looked at her eyes, she seemed to see something surprising. Her eyes were wide open and she looked incredible and she had to exhale.

Miranda Cole!

Andy recognized the other person's very distinctive sweetheart doll face, and helplessly discovered that she recognized herself. Just as she was going to shout, she hurriedly reached over the other person's cherry KOU and whispered: "Don't shout. ”

Miranda Cole was already drunk. Andy suddenly reached out and covered her mouth, scaring her. Shamefully generated a hint of NIAO. When she heard Andy's words, she couldn't help but open her eyes and nod her head with a little instinctive fear.

“I didn't mean to. I was just worried about causing trouble. I let go. Will you stop yelling?” Andy was also grinning and rolling his white eyes. What was Nima like? At this point, an unexpected female bodyguard suddenly rushed over and one hand had lifted its suit flap and placed it on the gun handle between his waist.

When Miranda saw the woman with the cold face rushing behind Andy and her hands between her waists, Miranda couldn't help but tremble with her legs, her eyes open and her pupils filled with horror.

“Shit, yourself. Is this some kind of secret thing happening? Are you going to be murdered? ”

Andy didn't know what the shuddering beauty in front of him was thinking, but he heard the footsteps behind him and frowned and said, "It's okay, you go back. ”

Andy returned directly to the elevator with a panicked Miranda Cole, as if she were a puppet, watching the elevator door slowly close and the shadow of the female bodyguard disappearing, who looked a little familiar.

With his eyes open again, he stared incredibly at Andy, seemingly discovering something, and the fire of gossip temporarily pressed down the panic before his heart.

“You... You're Ann... ”

Andy once again helplessly turned a white eye, this Miranda, with a cute doll face, but really a standard heart-to-heart bitch, which he had turned over a lot of the angel's black material in previous life, especially since the cosmetics company rolled over directly with his parents and brothers, even for a long time, and the reputation in Australia was stinking.

Round face, round nose, round mouth, it's not the kind of aesthetic that can be set on fire in Europe and America. But once a woman knows how to borrow, she can fly like a pig in the wind.

Miranda Cole was a little hairy in Andy's eyes, and the wine poured, making her doll's face more red, "I... I won't talk nonsense, trust me. ”

Andy couldn't help but smile and look at the sweet face of the person. The blue eyes emitted a glimmer of hope. Andy's face revealed a faint smile. He reached out and pulled his hood, pressed down the elevator floor, stretched out his arm and knocked Miranda Cole's wall to the bottom of the camera.

“Miranda Cole? If I remember correctly, that's your name, isn't it? ”

Miranda breathed a little faster, staring dead into Andy's eyes, feeling Andy's close breath, a possibility that seemed to change her journey to the United States.

When I heard a slight, uh, sound, Andy looked at the beautiful cellar on this sweet doll's face and said softly, “I'm sorry, I think there's been a misunderstanding here, didn't I scare you? As an apology, can I buy you a drink? Beautiful Miss Cole. ”

Miranda pressed down the liquor, blue eyes almost smiled into moon teeth, the wine chamber was deeply surprising, smiled beautifully, and said tirelessly: “No girl can refuse your invitation, can't she? ”

Knowing Miranda Andy, naturally knows very well what this sweet angel fake smile looks like. Whether it's a professional fake smile or not, you can tell by looking at her eyes that only Coke with a smile in his eyes is in real condition.


The elevator door opened, Andy lowered his head and reached out and pulled some intoxicating Miranda out of the elevator, entering the black SUV that was already waiting, quickly leaving the hotel's underground garage.

Adriana Lima!

Miranda Cole looked at Andy's handsome side face, which had been silent, and her previous sense of dizziness seemed to have disappeared, her brain had become very sober, and she had confirmed why Andy had appeared at the hotel.

The mansion, the overrun, the yacht she once boarded that made everyone envious, and the kind of chic jealousy that shopping never cared about the price were all answered at this moment.

No wonder you get so much resources, fame surges, there is such a big golden master as a backup, fame is really too simple, it seems that all the rumors are true.

Andy turned around and stared at Miranda, revealing a charming smile: "At this late hour, were you drunk and happy? Besides, aren't you worried about being brought out in the middle of the night? ”

Miranda was fascinated by her eyes, with a sweet smile on her face, and she stretched her hands out, her brown hair curly, and her eyes glowed brightly, "Girl, you're Andy Smith, what do I have to worry about? I don't even have a chance to come near you in the usual... ”

Andy smiled at the corner of his mouth, reaching out and squeezing Miranda Cole's round RUN chin, "What a charming sweetheart, it caught my attention the last time on the Dimitri show, but unfortunately, you already had a boyfriend... ”

“No, that's not my boyfriend, he's just a liar, and I'm glad I found out a long time ago that he wasn't cheated on. ”

Miranda Cole still had a sweet smile on her face and didn't care about Andy's lightness. Her ambition in her body began to burn like a wildfire.

“Oh, it seems like a very unpleasant story. I'd be interested to hear it. Let's go somewhere and talk, shall we? ”

“Maybe another drink, don't you think?” Miranda Cole had no hesitation in accepting the fingers in her mouth, squeezing Andy's eyes and throwing an eye-catching proposition.