American Fortune Life

Chapter 780: Leading the Earthlings of Heaven

HSD Pennsylvania Avenue, renowned for its Roman Renaissance architectural style and ancient bell towers, is lit by colorful shooting lights at night, and the combination of external solid wood and marble highlights the merchants' pickiness in materials.

Named after Ivana, the 10,000 card premium luxury suite sits in an ancient bell tower, and Andy sits on a courtyard desk in Phnom Penh, frowning with a pencil, painting on a piece of paper from time to time, with iconic buildings such as the White House, Capitol Hill and the Washington Monument in the back windows under the illumination.

The door was pushed open and Ivana, dressed in a black bright satin nightgown, walked in with a slightly rolled long blonde hair and a cup of hot coffee in her hand.

“Honey, these are your steel suits? They... It's ugly.” Ivana walked up to Andy and put the coffee down, picked up a pile of blank paper on the table and looked over, peeling frowning in the gutter.

Angry Andy had to throw away his pencil and reach out and drag Ivana into his arms. His big hand disappeared like a spiritual snake. He began to swim lightly and heavily. He yelled, “Another SAO? What, you haven't eaten enough for two days? ”

“Giggle...” Ivana wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck and didn't care about the attack on her 33D. After all, she had been used to her boyfriend's habits since Andy was with her.

“I kind of see through you. I thought you were really going to stay with DC. I should have thought of you a long time ago, you little bastard. Except for putting me on the trauma, there was no time to hang out with me... Hmm.”

Ivana had an unusual redness on her pretty face, softly humming her boyfriend with a slight smile, but she still didn't forget what happened to herself for two days.

“Aren't you worried you'll miss me when you get back to New York? Take advantage of these days to feed my beloved baby, after all, I'm going to Asia for the next few days to attend this year's Alibaba Annual Meeting as a new shareholder.” Andy's skill in playing now seems to have progressed dramatically after having a variety of teams.

Feeling a change somewhere in Andy, biting red chun Ivana's irresistible floral complexion, quickly and forcefully released Andy's embrace, quickly took a few steps back, clasped her robe collar, fastened her belt, and her frustrated anger stared at her disappointed boyfriend, biting her teeth and saying: "You are an asshole! You think I'm gonna forget you're waiting for a call? Don't you dare... ”

Looking at herself with a middle finger up, her arrogant head turned and quickly walked out of the room, Ivana, Andillo smashed her mouth chun with disappointment, looks like the fun she's expecting tonight is about to be greatly discounted...

Tingling bell.

Andy picked up the phone and said, "Hey, Jon, aren't you interrupting your nightlife? ”

Jon Micham's bitter laughter came out on the phone, and he was a little silent about the young boss's bad taste, he had a family, and he had a shitty nightlife.

“Okay, well, tell Reese I'm sorry to bother you... Oh, I was just wondering, how was the party in Deer City, Cape Verde? ”

Jon Micham sat on the boss's chair in the study in a thick nightgown, picked up the coffee from his wife and smiled thankfully, reporting to the telephone: “Our people have arrived in Deer City and chosen the venue to be the MGM Hotel. Fifty luxury brand presidents will be present, as well as some rabbit entrepreneurs interested in foreign markets, and some stars in the rabbit country will be there, by then, to reach more than two hundred people. ”

“Oh, well done, well done, I will invite the trusted Consul General in Rabbit, who has also just arrived in Rabbit Country, which I think is also an opportunity for him to meet more friends.” Andy grinned with satisfaction.

“Boss, will you be there? ”

“Of course, just six months after the establishment of our magazine YUE, it has gained a lot of influence among the elite in the rabbit country, which is something to celebrate. After all, I am very keen on the future development of the rabbit country and its economy is growing too fast.

Many people have been wealthy for more than a decade, and with more money in their hands, they will seek to enjoy a better quality of life and be recognized by others or countries. Our magazine is bilingual in Chinese and English, and highlights the fashion luxuries that are prevalent in the world today, giving a guide to this group of rich and rich people.

I don't think our YUE is necessarily comparable to VOGUE, as long as we establish the authority of our magazine in the beginning and then we can lead the consumer fashion of these super millionaires. ”

“Yes, boss, I didn't expect Audi to do such a great job, from deliberately avoiding media mergers and acquisitions, to facing the media and even managing the media in the fashion circle to shout for the rain. Fashion, Dr. Liu actually finished her gorgeous turn in just six months, and I'm glad I gave her a chance. ”

“Wow, Jon, are you exaggerating yourself? Well, you did make an excellent decision, and just in time, this party will give me a chance to meet our Dr. Fashion lady.” Andy had the look of Liu Qiudi in his head and shook his head. He very much recognized the abilities of this Chinese woman Doctor, but he looked, coughed, let's talk about Xuexia.

“By the way, dinner was served with wine, champagne was replaced by a bottle of Spades A gold, and I also had them airlift a 30-litre limited edition bottle of Spades A from France, worth 300,000 euros, at a party, which I think would be a big news.” Andy said a little bit of pride in the corner of his mouth, just to give the new homeowners of the rabbit country a real sense of luxury.

Let them Zinjin Road, let Spades A quickly open the upstream market of the rabbit country, turn it into a standard for the rich in the eyes of the rabbit people, high-end products in luxury goods, what champagne king of France, Queen Louis, before the Olympics, no major luxury brand will value the desire of the rabbit country for luxury goods.

Imagine that even Egg, ONLY, these clothing brands can become high-end clothing brands in Rabbit Country. During the economic upturn in Rabbit Country, luxury goods were scarce, and Andy was completely speechless. This time, Ivana's CEO would also attend. He just wanted to bring Ivana brand clothing jewellery into the Rabbit Country market and take the lead.

In the next 10 years, the world will enter the era of the Rabbit Nation buying the world!

Hang up Jon Micham's phone call for the party to be hosted by Newsweek, also because Newsweek, the home of Yue magazine, has unparalleled global influence, and no one dares to underestimate the appeal and influence of this global release, which once again exceeds 3.5 million volumes.

The party was set for December 5th, and now the Lucheng Miss World Final will decide on December 1st. On November 24th, the day before yesterday, his Zhang Zilin won the championship of the top model at the “Wind and Elegance” costume show of the finals. Andy is still very confident that Zhang Zilin will eventually win the next sister championship.

Just after Sister Halo, Andy will let her be her own companion, let her quickly focus on the media and brands to drive her red speed. Those in the entertainment industry who will be there will understand that this beautiful future will step into the entertainment industry background, don't reach out, after all, the level of turmoil in the entertainment industry in Rabbit Country can be comparable to that of the stick country.

Andy shook his mouse a few times and began to consciously browse the rabbit country's news website, which he was also accustomed to, constantly focusing on the country and looking for a little psychological comfort.

“Oh, those two are a little funny, and they're invited to join us.” Andy looked at the photos taken by the puppies at night and, of course, took vivi on a date in the streets of the capital city. If I remember correctly, this vivi went to the capital city to buy a house and build a love nest in the rabbit country, and soon he would propose to the international seal.

“Well, the beach is about to pop out, huh...” Andy took out his phone and looked for Vivi's phone number, with a slight corner of his mouth and a bit of a blissful doodle.