American Fortune Life

Chapter 785: The Only Football Elf

Andy's excited face was slightly reddish, he wielded his fists in the air a few times and let out the excitement in his heart. After all, he was still a fake fan, knowing that Xiaolo was now a little prince of a nightclub, a little difficult to follow his trouser belt, but he was only 27 years old this year, even after the peak period, but he still had at least three years of high level to use, after all, he was 04,05 Mr. World Football, 05 European Golden Globe Award winner.

And if Andy remembers correctly, when he was really saddened by the Rabbit State Media for making a show, it was in 2011, so that means he really got a superstar this time!

“Tell me, how did you do it? I think you also urgently need someone to listen to right now, huh.” Andy was in a good mood, not forgetting his best men.

“Ronaldinho's name has been frequently associated with Chelsea and AC Milan since this summer, and the two Howmen Clubs have maintained close ties with Little Ro's brother and broker, Asis.

In Milan and London, Asis has had more than one covert conversation with senior members of both clubs, and these covert conversations, in addition to really talking about the future of Little Ross, are also a means for Asis to raise his price when negotiating Little Ross renewal with Bassa.

Rumors of Brazilians leaving Barcelona have been raging due to the poor performance of Little Ro this season and contradictions with his teammates and senior Barcelona officials, and Barcelona management has loosened its mouth after a comprehensive assessment that "Little Ro is no longer a non-sale for Norcamp" and, as long as the price is right, Little Ro is likely to leave Barcelona after this season.

Ironically, however, previous rumours offered an annual salary of 14 million euros, a conversion fee of 75 million euros was even more likely, and there was no willingness to offer 45 million AC Milan, with only one UK-China Middlesburg, which was not visible, and the Middlesburg offer was also known to be ironic - only 15 million euros. ”

Andy, listen to this insider, the eyeballs are falling off, and I'm like, "Little Luo is so miserable," but Andy also knows how much Luo's condition has dropped, and the biggest headache is that Luo becomes the local prince of the club no matter where he walks.

“When I received feedback from various quarters that might compete for a Brazilian club quote, I flew directly to Barcelona to contact Little Rose privately for a period of contact and persuasion, after I gave him an annual salary of €6.5 million and agreed to his participation in next year's Olympic Games, coupled with worsening relations between him and the management of Bassa, who was clearly iron minded to clear the Brazilians away and put Messi in charge, so Little Rose also expressed a willingness to turn the spike around.

And then I started a two-week quote pull saw with Bassa, because there were so many variables, I never reported it to the boss, sorry... ”

Hearing David Dunn apologize a little bit, Andy laughed uncomfortably and naturally knew very well what his people were thinking. This is the quality that a smart subordinate should have. He would never shout before things were done, just like he succeeded, giving the big boss unlimited imaginary space, and finally smoking the big boss's face harshly, which is definitely a death seeking behavior.

“Oh, well, David, if you're giving me good news now, then I'll forgive you and tell me how it turns out. ”

“Thank you, boss. The final agreement between Bassa and I was a fixed conversion fee of 21 million euros, with a floating price of 4 million, which is based on a hot stab to qualify for the European title at the end of the season. After all, it is the winter transition, and we are now in fifth and fourth place in Liverpool, with great hopes of winning the championship. ”

“Huh ~ That means it's already been decided that the winter transition will take place and Ronaldinho will officially join the Hot Spurs!” Andy was somewhat excited to say that he naturally knew that things would not be as simple and easy as David Dunn had said, after all, a player's transfer, personal negotiation, negotiation of contracts, confirmation of details, medical examinations, and bargaining on monetary issues would make the birth of a successful transaction more difficult, not to mention such a small amount of influence, the difficulties and games of which were perfectly conceivable.

“It is certain that we have initialled agreements with Bassa and Little Ro, with full legal effect, and there are no variables, unless there is a club willing to pay exorbitant liquidated damages to compete for Little Ro, who has fallen into a state of decline, although this is unlikely. ”

Andy hears a slight frown here and asks some questions: “Is his competitive state really slipping? ”

“It is true that his age has reached its peak, coupled with his somewhat unscrupulous private life, but after all the data collection and analysis of his situation with trainers and data analysts, we have come to the conclusion that his physical qualities, such as endurance, speed, burst power, flexibility, and so on, have largely declined. But it's not too serious, and as for consciousness, technology, footwork, looking at these things in a big way, Little Ro is still top notch.

And we need such a top-notch master to act as a midfield engine. After all, we are a little young for the team right now. Some of the problems and instability in the Youth Guard are also the biggest problems bothering the coaching team. His arrival will bring a lot to the team, most importantly, the boss's giant star program can complete the first step. ”

“Oh, well, I love the result, Arsenal sent King Henry to Nocamp, and our White Deer Lane will welcome the former King of Nocamp, and some things are really interesting, haha, interesting... ”

Andillo smiled, his own football investment could finally see a remarkable gain. The arrival of a superstar was a huge boost to the impact on the market and to the attention of the media and advertisers, and more importantly, the Tottenham Hot Stick Club would gain worldwide visibility.

If you look at David Beckham's growing reputation for the Los Angeles Galaxy team, you can see what a superstar can do. Without Beckham, who would meow to a club in the football desert, and now look at the market value of the Los Angeles Galaxy team, that little annual salary and commute fee for Beckham is just gross rain.

Little Ro's arrival will also boost the market value of the hot spike, which is undoubtedly a great deal and can boost the market value of the club in just a few months. How can this upset Andy and upset him?

“By the way, we should warm up, like this...” Andy is in a good mood and makes his mind more vibrant, not taking advantage of the opportunity to spell it out, which is definitely not his personality.

David Dunn hanging up the phone is also a bit of a laugh, his own boss is playing with people's hearts and minds, but since the big boss ordered it to be executed without discount, to be honest, this time he can convince Xiao Luo, the big boss also plays a great role in this, you know that after all, Xiao Luo is still the king of the world football field, although he has recently inadvertently lost his scepter, but only 28 years old still at the golden age, his whereabouts will only be the golden gate.

Good thing David convinced his brother to lobby Little Luo, who didn't have much interest in the Hot Spike Cold before the Hot Spike Club. Though the Hot Spike was a distant era of Hot Spike, it still had the name of a Quasi-House Gate. More importantly, now the Hot Spike Club welcomes a young and well-paid Hot Gate owner. Although Abu has not swept into the madness of Chelsea, the desire to make the Hot Spike famous and the champion is well known.

Don't play money games with players, target straight to the club field, build a new field, shush, that's really something that only people with good money can think of! It can also prove that this young billionaire is really not in the mood for fun.

Associate Haumen plus the owner of the money, Xiao Luo saw the opportunity to prove that he was still the king. As long as he returned to Haumen with a hot thorn, his defeat of Norcamp would no longer be a disgraceful pleasure, and the object of the disgrace would be to force his own Bassa away.

David Dunn is a big bull in the European Football Stadium, no player has ever seen him, he knows very well the psychology of these players, and he knows the psychology of the superstars who are starting to go downhill as they age, just give him a chance, lobbying will be really easy.

Ultimately, Ronaldinho, the emperor who worked in the face of David Dunn's generous conditions, was moved.