American Fortune Life

Chapter 818: Shots in the Morning Run

Enjoy the blue sky and white clouds in the morning light, this is Los Angeles, a city full of sunshine all year round. In Beverly Hills, you feel that everything in life is so natural that time seems to be slowing down.

Looking at the landscape below the mountain on the other side of Pan Mountain Road, the luxurious and mysterious mansions in the bushes, the stars and the millionaires gather in Beverly Hills to show off their wealth and status, to expand their visibility, and thus more wealth rolls into their wallets, forming a spiral of spiral of wealth, the higher the owners of this place, the brighter the shine.

Along the way, Andy saw two or three of Hollywood's somewhat familiar male stars jogging along their own dogs on Pan Mountain Lane, in Los Angeles style, greeting each other face to face.

Seeing Andy follow the bodyguard closely behind him is also common. After all, everyone is well priced and safety is the most important thing.

As he continued to run up the hill road, he faced two women wearing hoodies, a duck tongue cap, and a man like an assistant was panting behind him.


Andy, with his headset, saw the face of the woman coming, a little surprised that Jennifer Anniston and the other face were very familiar, but now in Hollywood it's just a little famous for Lina Heidi, who just made her famous in North America for starring in Spartan 300 Warrior's Classy Woman, and was the harsh-hearted queen of Lannister in her past life.

Andy took off his headset, raised his head and greeted the two beautiful women with a smile on his face.

With the exception of Lina Heidi, Andy and Anniston are famous people who can brush their faces. Naturally, they don't miss each other. They also greet each other with a smile.

“Boom! Boom! ”

In the panic of Anniston and Lina Heidi, Kenny behind Andy quickened and pounded at Andy, reaching down and pressing Andy's neck.

When Andy instinctively tightened his body to react to a sneak attack, he suddenly thought of the security drill he had done before, letting Kenny crush his neck and plunge him onto a road slope that exposed the soil.

Andy shrunk slightly and saw another bodyguard in front of him, looking for a target with an insured pistol in his hand.

Take off your headset, Andy screams, "Kenny, what's wrong? ”

“Gunshot! Just two gunshots...” Kenny didn't turn around, his entire body was blocked in front of Andy, and the pistol in his hand was standard on the hillside.

At this moment, behind him came the roar of the car, a squeak, parked in front of Kenny, and Kenny grabbed Andy, reached down and pressed Andy's head, blocking Andy directly into the car.

The car was about to rush out, and Andy in the car looked at the two women and the assistant, who were still on guard at Kenny and a few meters away, shivering with Cerser. He bit his teeth, patted the bulletproof windows hard, and shouted, “They, take them! ”

Kenny glanced back at the two women and a man squatting by the slope and pissing his pants slightly, but behind him was a big boss clapping and shouting, only to indicate another person, dragging the two big stars in the car, and the other man was pushed to the other car immediately after him.

Both vehicles rushed straight to the top of the Hollywood Mountain and did not turn back down. If the attack was, their six-member team would be strong enough to hold the support and rush in, but it would be possible to plunge into the encirclement.

“Gentlemen, gentlemen, relax, it's safe, you're safe... Look at me, I'm Andy Smith, my car is bulletproof, we're safe now, calm down, calm down... ”

Andy didn't hide anything. He reached out and grabbed Anniston and Lina Heidi's Thursday shivering hands, looked at their miserable white faces, loudly pacified them, then quickly opened the car refrigerator, took out two cans of soda water from it, opened it and stuffed it in their hands, and said: "Drink some water first, calm down. ”

Although she is a woman, she is a star. After all, she has seen the big scene. To be honest, at first, she was mainly frightened by the intense reaction of Andy's bodyguards. However, seeing Andy's bodyguards take out gun alerts and shout out, she was a little scared. After all, she was scared by the recent shootings in the United States.

“Thank you, Mr. Smith...” After drinking a piece of water, Anniston finally calmed down and his face was still a little pale squeezing out an ugly smile, thanks.

“Rest assured, my cars are specially remodeled, my security guards are top fighters, don't worry about our safety issues, now they'll take us to the top of the Hollywood Hills, find a place to make sure we're safe, and then find out where the shooting came from, and we haven't seen anyone show up yet, which means we're not coming for us, we're safe! ”

Andy's explanation and consolation put Anniston and Lina Heidi in a heavy mood, and the two women's inevitable acquaintance revealed a reluctant smile, which was completely destroyed this morning.

Andy reached out and pressed the speaker button in the trunk, "Kenny, are you sure what happened? ”

“I'm not sure yet, but I'm sure it wasn't for you, boss. We're safe, hold on... Okay, I get it. Okay, you don't have to come up here. Mm-hmm.” Kenny would have answered Andy's question, but he seemed to have answered the phone.

“Boss, make sure the police arrived at the scene of the shooting a few minutes ago, in front of Bradpitt and Angelina Julie's house, and there was a shooting. The killer fired a total of two shots, one in the private car of Pete's neighbor and the other in the convertible van glass of the Pete couple's bodyguard squad... ”

Andy heard the loudspeakers cut right off here, and then looked at Anniston with a weird look at Lina Heidi at the same time.

“Why are you looking at me like that? You don't think I hired a killer... I hate them, but it's over, and I don't want to kill them... ”

“Cough, no, we didn't mean anything, did we?” Andy squeezed his eyes at Lina Heidi and smiled.

“Yeah, yeah, we didn't mean anything... ”


“Giggle... ”

“Ha ha... ”

“Oh... ”

The three were laughed at by their respective embarrassing faces, while Anniston obviously laughed more smoothly and happily. Nobody cared about the appearance of all three before. After all, it was a gunshot, especially the sound of gunshots from somewhere, which allowed Kenny to react. I'm sure the gunshots were not far away.

A corner cafe on Beverly Avenue, a man and a woman dressed in morning sportswear, took no pictures of the paparazzi not far from home, had coffee over dessert and had a great chat.

“You come out later with at least one security guard, Jennifer, your assistant doesn't work at all, or you have to be safe, by the way, you wait... ”

Andy turned around and waved at Kenny, and Kenny went forward, listening to Andy, nodded slightly, pulling a card holder out of his pocket and handing it to Andy.

“This is a security company I founded that happens to have a bunch of female bodyguards who have been decommissioned from the battlefield and have undergone psychological testing and security training, so you can think about it. This is my security advisor's card and one of my security company's partners, and you can call me if you need me. ”

“Giggle... I am certainly the youngest billionaire and can't afford a private bodyguard without forgetting to make money.” Lina Heidi smiled brilliantly and was very happy with the big boy who was able to meet Andy, but had no shelves at all, perhaps to reap more accidents as a result of the accident.

“Phew... ”

Jennifer, who sniffed cold Cola with a straw, flipped a white eye on Andy, "He said he was a fan of mine, and started selling his own business when he turned around, and you're a really cute fan... ”