American Fortune Life

Chapter 985: The Bandit Andy Smith

“Survival or death becomes an inescapable problem for Wall Street giants. ”

Andy held the cigar with his left finger and his back on the sofa with a smile on his face, relaxing his entire posture and speaking softly to Hamilton.

“The purgatory of subprime loans has completely collapsed, and ridiculously, there are still companies that have temporarily relieved the market of their anxiety as a result of Bellstein's marriage with MG Chase. ”

Andy had an exaggerated, pointy voice, imitating a ridiculously pointy cheer.

“Oh, my God, the worst part of the U.S. subprime crisis may be over! ”

Hamilton couldn't help but laugh at the weird Andy, and the endless irony and helplessness he showed.

“The decisive measures taken against Bellstein and the provision of government guarantees were largely due to the fact that the market was not mentally prepared for the bankruptcy of Bellstein, which was inextricably linked to other financial institutions and which, in the event of bankruptcy, would have an unpredictable impact on the entire financial system.

Although public opinion has cast doubt on the use of Nashui money to rescue Wall Street Investment Bank. Effectively, however, the Fed's behavior has somewhat allayed market concerns... ”


Andy spewed a bit of smoke lightly, like a sledge arrow in the air, his right corner of his mouth and his right eyebrow provoked, and looked at Hamilton with a smile on his face.

“Perhaps you don't know, in heaven's dynasty, there is a saying that before everyone dies, there are times when there is a state of spiritual exhilaration, and you see your loved ones pull, and you tell them the last words, and then...” Andy stretched his hand around his neck and turned a white eye, smiling softly: “It's called a return light! ”

“I'm very happy that these idiots continue to be optimistic so that I can make more dollars. Oh, don't look at me like that. I already said that, but nobody believes me. I'm not an idiot. How could I miss such a good opportunity?

Paulson is willing to be a father to Wall Street, who can say what, besides, haven't you been using the depreciation of the dollar to make the world pay for the financial crisis in the United States? ”

Hamilton's eyes squinted slightly and sighed: "The continued“ free fall ”of the dollar's exchange rate in order to stabilize the economy has generated strong anxiety and dissatisfaction among countries. ”

“The dollar is our currency, their problem!” Andy lifted Erlang's leg and the whole person nestled in the sofa, smiling on the side of America's least 13 faces.

“Truth be told, I have absolutely no need to be in touch with you right now, not now.” Andy looked at Hamilton with a slight frown, wishing to smell his detailed expression, and continued with a smile: “If it weren't for my chief think tank Alvitelli, oh yeah, you call him Fire God, he told me you were a very good man, and I wouldn't take care of another man, I know perfectly well that you want me to share, but what I'm trying to say is, go to Nima! ”

“You can go back and tell Paulson that I'm just getting started, and then I'm going to use high leverage to hit all the garbage companies on Wall Street, Citi, Merrill Woods, Stanley, AIG, Lehman, Real Estate Beauty, Fall Beauty... I'll tear them apart! ”

Andy leaned forward, his eyes filled with cold, bloodthirsty eyes, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, some angry biting teeth of a company named.

And Hamilton's whole face sank, and Andy's compelling look at Mori looked a little sweaty, with a cold sweat coming out of his forehead.

“Others may not know, you should know very well that MG Chase seems to have been forced to acquire Bellstein this time, but he gets hundreds of billions of dollars in assets, and the Fed endorses them, and the biggest beneficiary is MG Chase, and I, just making a little bit of money, you guys jump up and down, really think I'm muddy, huh?! ”

Hamilton's body trembled slightly, his face looked tight and completely unimagined, his handsome face became cold, his eyes burned with anger, his face completely turned ruthless, where there was a little sunny smile.

“There is a saying in heaven that blocks people's money like killing their parents! Since its inception in '97, the Belleston Commercial Bank has set up retail and consumer goods markets across the United States, investing more than a billion dollars in retail distribution in the Rabbit Country, not to mention coastal cities, even inland second-tier cities have an investment of 56 million dollars, and you've sold the whole of Belleston for two dollars a share, saying what punishes Belleston, bah, a bunch of Birches! ”

Hamilton was not angry at Andy for his misdemeanor curse, but answered his own questions. Turns out, the Bellstein Commercial Bank is indeed a relatively good part of all assets, and if it follows normal insolvency protection procedures, Bellstein will certainly be divided.

A feast was stopped, no wonder the young billionaire in front of him turned his face away from the curse, and his heart laughed in a dark and bitter way. Perhaps the other party was prepared to spray money on Paulson, and he had to see him before he died. Well, he became a sprayed man.

After the outburst of anger and depression, Andy relaxed on the couch and the expression on his face became much cooler. To be honest, this time he had to get back to the scene, which was undoubtedly halfway cut off.

“IndyMac Bank of California...” Hamilton took the lead in breaking the impasse after a brief silence in the study.

“Mike Bank of India, whose main business is securitizing mortgage mortgages, doesn't have to ask me, I think you know more about its vulnerability than I do, and it's bound to shut down, and even if it doesn't want to, I'll give it a hand, huh... ”

Hamilton heard Andy's sudden laughter and suddenly had a creepy feeling. He looked at Andy with a burning eye and heard a message that made his scalp numb.

“Indian Mac is just a prelude, and as the U.S. real estate market continues to fall, investors will be more worried about the U.S. mortgage market, and panic will put two giants, Fang Lime and Fang Beauty, in trouble. “

Andys was not afraid that the other party would know the mysterious straight-up cards. This was a big deal. Even if they knew, it wouldn't help. Even if they responded positively, it would still fall. The global financial crisis, instead of knowing ahead of time, could be avoided. The pit was already there, and there was no choice but to step on it. The only hope was not to fall to die when it fell, and Andy had the ability to push behind their backs and kill them.

“Mr. Smith, you know, that would be a huge disaster...” Hamilton warned with some anxiety that he knew that Andy Smith had a lot to say that didn't make sense and that he would never do anything about it. One of the things Andy Smith has been doing is building his personal influence in the folk, controlling the media, guiding public opinion, and according to him and his bunch of fatal bastards, artificially creating panic is certain.

“Two Houses” is a private enterprise but operates as a "Government-authorized enterprise" whose main business is to acquire loans in the U.S. mortgage secondary market and to raise capital at low cost and earn spreads by issuing institutional bonds or securitized collateral bonds to investors.

Given the magnitude of the "two rooms” and their importance to the financial system, the collapse of either of the “two rooms” firms “could lead to" tremendous turmoil in the United States and global financial markets ”.

“Disaster? Oh, I found out that you and our little flying shoes, the president, knew you were exporting a recession to the world, doing things to your detriment. Together, in your eyes, what's happening isn't a disaster? ”

Andy laughed coldly into the gutter, and then suddenly slapped his head and said, “Yeah, that's just the trigger of the financial crisis, in the prelude stage... ”

“We agree to your willingness to acquire Mike Bank of India!” Hamilton's face became incredibly ugly, making him sweat in the back, even if it was so cool in the study, that he could not imagine what would happen if the two rooms went bankrupt.

“Three bankrupt Miami Valley banks, Douglas National Bank of Missouri, Hume Bank of Missouri, and the forthcoming bankrupt ANB Financial National Association Bank of Arkansas, Minnesota First Integrity Bank, plus Mac Bank of India, sold me $10 billion in packages, guaranteed by the Treasury Department, and interest-free lending by the Fed. ”

Andy's face was faceless, almost blinking in stormy English, and then he took out a folder from the side and threw it directly across the street.

“This is a memorandum of understanding. Sign it!