American Fortune Life

Chapter 995 The Knight in Black

The crisis that Starbucks has suffered is very serious. As early as 2006, the fast-growing Starbucks unveiled a big YUE progressive expansion plan.

Starbucks intends to open about 15,000 outlets in the U.S. mainland and overseas markets in the next three to five years. Starbucks' ultimate goal is to open 25,000 chains around the globe, just like McDonald's, which has nearly 30,000 outlets around the globe.

This crazy strategy of expansion has been well implemented. In the last 10 years, Starbucks has expanded from 1,000 to 13,000 stores. A notable example is Starbucks, which owns more than 1,400 branches in California, but continues to grow at the rate of five new branches per day.

Expansion ultimately brought Starbucks to bitterness. Starbucks' performance in the United States declined sharply by 50% in 2007. In January of this year, Schultz, as the founder of Starbucks, had to reintroduce fire fighting by serving as chairman and chief executive officer of the company to deal with the operational pressures of crazy expansion and announced the closure of 100 stores on the spot.

It had to be declared that it would continue to close down 600 branches in the United States and prepare to lay off 12,000 in the next nine months...

Starbucks faced internal and external worries starting with the financial tsunami last year, and its share price fell from $40 to $19.8 in 2006.

And Schultz, who is back in Starbucks, is reforming his business with insane shock therapy, asking Starbucks across the United States to shut down its business for three hours and retrain its employees on how to make good coffee, despite the loss of turnover.

Andy admitted that Howard Schultz did have the courage and the ability to save Starbucks, after all, almost took over the world, meaning that the other party's reform moves were very viable.

But for a publicly traded company, these behaviors, which are inconspicuous and result in a loss of profits, undoubtedly amount to suicide, share prices teach him to be human, the market value of the enterprise shrinks dramatically, shareholders who suffer huge loss of profits will generate all sorts of dissent.

Only once did Andy miss the chance to catch Starbucks again, and he needed an astronomical digital takeover price to do that, and now, heh, less than $7 billion in market value, by controlling 10 percent of the shares, Andy could be the number one shareholder, more than 50 percent, and Andy could totally put this global coffee chain in his pocket, through the economic crisis, and make Andy $2 billion a year in profits...

In the bedroom, Ivana clings to Andy's arms and her little hand gently touches Andy's abs, softly asking, "Are you sure you want to launch a malicious acquisition of Starbucks? ”

“If God does not take it, he must suffer it! ”

“?” Ivana mumbled, looking up at Andy with a frowny face and a question mark, again in heaven.

“It means that what God has given you, if you don't, will be victimized... Go to sleep, it takes a good plan, it's a time-consuming offensive defense... ”

“First, we need to continue to crack down on their stock prices and use media opinion to create a panic about Starbucks operations and profitability... ”

The next day, in Gaia's conference room, a 10-man Starbucks team began to share their plans with Andy.

“Food safety issues! Whether it's bovine nai with artificial growth hormone rBGH or outdated juice problems in the rabbit country that have occurred before, it can be utilized or even manufactured... “

Andy was a little confused about the offer, and he didn't want to smash the Starbucks sign. If he did, it would be really depressing, shaking his head slightly.

Seeing that the boss was dissatisfied with the idea, the person who had just spoken cut it off and went on to say: "Starbucks' redundancy will certainly result in a number of violations of the Fair Employment Act, and all we need to do is find these people, get them to press charges against Starbucks and introduce a lawsuit against them by the United States Industrial Relations Commission.

At the same time, according to information, Starbucks' turnover in the UK for nine years amounted to £2 billion, while cumulative corporate income tax payments amounted to only £5.6 million, while Starbucks' turnover in the UK last year amounted to £298 million, announcing a loss of £32.9 million and not paying any taxes.

According to our analysis and information, Starbucks employs a complex array of methods to avoid paying taxes, including patent and royalty payments, providing high-interest loans to UK branches and using the company's supply chain to shift profits, which, like a trick, make their profits in the UK disappear and cleverly evade taxes.

While tax avoidance is legal and cannot be said by the UK tax authorities, in the current global financial tsunami, the unemployment rate has risen dramatically, the economy is depressed and consumption levels have fallen, and once exposed, it will definitely cause anger in the UK and share prices will plummet again. ”

Andy smoked in the corner of his mouth, his expression looked a little strange for a week, and he threw up in his heart. These guys were really poisonous, they were assholes, what tricks could you come up with?

“There's also the problem with instant coffee, boss, and we need to use media opinion to fight Howard Schultz's personal prestige and Starbucks brand values.

There is a contradiction between the Schultz-led initiative to attack the instant coffee market and the idea that it has been promoting on its return to rebrand values.

You know, the traditional idea is that instant coffee is not tied to superior quality, and instant coffee has never been the concern of coffee lovers, or even Starbucks, who sees coffee quality and consumption experience as life.

Starbucks is popular and has grown exponentially because it makes coffee a unique cultural and spatial experience, distinguishing it significantly from the food giant's popular products, and now they are willing to corrupt themselves and public opinion will greatly affect their share price! ”

Andy got a little crying, opened his mouth, and finally didn't say anything, grinning at ROU and starting to hurt his head, Nima, are you guys going to crack Starbucks' share price, or are you going to kill Starbucks for a second?

Seems to see his tangles and fears, sitting around listening silently to Alvitelli waving his hand, interrupting his men's continued articulation, saying to Andy: "Boss, you don't have to worry about the crises we create for Starbucks because they're going to find a way to deal with and do PR, mitigate the impact, we're a malicious takeover, and the goal is to minimize their share price before they can buy shares at 50 to twice the market price.

Boss, Starbucks has 6,000 shareholders, and if we find a buyout alone, it's a nightmare. All we need to do is force them to come and sell it to us.

If we want to spend less money, we need to create a market panic, cut off the 6,000 shareholders and let them sell it in the secondary market. After we absorb enough chips, we directly and publicly announce a malicious takeover!

Ten thousand steps back, even if we fail to acquire, the stock value in our hands will surge due to the acquisition, I have never understood, such a dispersed share, no one can fight. Although the Pennsylvania Anti-Malicious Acquisition Act provides a new judicial interpretation and restriction on malicious acquisitions, this huge number of shareholders is too good to break! “

When he heard Al's question, Andy shook his head slightly and said, "If you were an investor in Starbucks' big YUE expansion, and you looked like you were constantly grabbing market share, almost a unique company, would you choose to sell your shares? No way, people are always getting better, the pace of development and the prospects for the future, making these people very united, and now they can't sit!

So let's do this, let's go over the plan in more detail, and then we'll get started... By the way, this plan is called the Knight in Black! ”

Andy stood up, his hands on the conference table, his body leaning forward, his expression unhappy, looking around the faces of everyone for a week, slowly straightening his body, and his voice was a little clear.