American Fortune Life

Chapter 1044: Banker Andy Smith

Five banks in the United States, including Mac Bank of India, have closed down between December last year and this year.

Who's next?

There are rumours that the two largest mortgage financing companies in the United States, Premises Beauty and Fang Limei, are actually bankrupt because they are insolvent.

In the days of the closure of Mac Bank of India, the stock prices of Fang Mei and Fang Lei Mei plummeted by nearly 50 per cent.

According to media reports, Fangli Mei and Fangli Mei have written off $40.8 billion in capital as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States real estate market.

Fangli Mei and Fangli Mei have a problem of being insolvent and may eventually require government rescue.

Also likely to be the next victim is the Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest investment bank in the United States, which is also dominated by mortgage securitization products and is facing similar problems as Belleston, which was acquired in March of this year.

On 14 May, the Lehman brothers' share price fell by a cumulative 24 per cent in a week, a new low since 2000. Since this year, the Lehman brothers' share price has fallen cumulatively by 75 per cent.

Washington, D.C., and all economists understand the point that the blood of the Bank of India's Mac could not trigger the U.S. Home Market Rescue Act, because the White House doesn't want the government to rescue greedy capitalists.

Perhaps it is not the beauty of the property or the beauty of the property, nor the Lehman brothers, but the confidence of investors in the United States economy that needs to be saved most.

When the crisis involves confidence, profitability, value and liquidity are no longer of much value, and if confidence collapses, disaster inevitably ensues.

It was at this time that Andy Smith appeared at the headquarters of the Indian Mac Federal Bank with a large private team, and in the evening the FDIC officially announced that it would sell Mac Bank of India to Intimebank for $13.9 billion.

Intake Bank is a newly established bank created by Andy Smith...

FDIC's impatient public disclosure requires good news to boost confidence, and there are indications that the banking industry has become unsafe, leading to a panicked crowding wave that puts both the ANB Financial National Association Bank of Arkansas and Minnesota's First Integrity Bank at risk of collapse.

The U.S. Savings Administration and FDIC want to use Andy's takeover of the Federal Bank of Mac in India to dispel the misgivings and panic of savers and to let them know that it is still safe to put money in the bank and that insured savers will not lose a penny of their guaranteed deposits.

Of course, the details of the transaction agreement will not be interpreted externally by the FDIC.

Acquisition news spreads across the United States and the results are obvious, and the day after the news came out, banks' stocks, which have been screaming, stopped falling, and the stock prices of some large banking institutions rose slightly.

A slightly weary Andy walked back to the headquarters of the Federal Bank of Mac, India, with his own think tank in a blockade of journalists asking questions and a flash of light.

Last night, his big BOSS didn't do the handshake, either. Instead, he took advantage of his impressive skills to review the information of the Federal Bank of Mac in India.

Operating a bank, unmatched stranger to him, although an experienced professional manager could be found to take care of it, there were things he had to know, because ignorance could be deceived and fooled, which he could not accept.

The atmosphere of this meeting between the two sides was much more relaxed and everyone chatted in the conference room. After Andy's huge think tank had collated all the asset data, the two sides started trading.

Much of the work was done by the men, and masters like Andy needed nothing but signatures to pay for it.

When Andy smoothly signed his name with a pen on the paperwork with a beautiful badge, the FDIC and the bank executives were all relaxed with a relieved look on their faces.

FDIC people relaxed because they finally had a Takeover Man, and the management of the bank was happy to welcome a big TUI owner. The operation was difficult, turbulent, and the days of the future were finally coming to an end.


When the two principals exchanged documents and completed their final signatures, there was a warm round of applause throughout the room, shaking hands and celebrating each other, especially FDIC and bank executives, some embracing each other.

To be honest, the FDIC department left a deep impression both inside and outside the bank during this banking failure. The attitude was serious, responsible, and the pace of work was fast. To be honest, it had to admire the financial system and emergency system of this country, which is truly comparatively perfect.

Andy is not in the mood to say how excited and excited he is right now, perhaps because of less than $3 billion in spending, so that he doesn't feel like doing that huge deal.

However, he finally had a good bank, his own clearing house and his own pool, so that he could start his biggest M&A program using his huge capital backstage as long as he waited to complete the continued expansion and normalization of Infineum Bank.

At the press conference, the heads of the United States Reserve Agency and FDIC spoke successively, expressing their views on the conclusion of the deal and, frankly, endorsing each other.

After all, very few buyers currently have the strength or willingness to acquire problematic banks.

Andy looked down at the press conference and stared at his media reporters, bluntly saying: "After a long boom, the banking industry is under increasing pressure.

Banks and savings institutions are struggling to cope with the increasing number of non-performing loans, and it is clear that some lending institutions may be very rare.

While the number of closed banks is not expected to exceed 834 in 1990-1992, it may take several years for troubled financial institutions to address non-performing loans and replenish capital shortfalls.

This tragic situation is inevitable, but it can also lead to a series of acquisitions and the elimination of some of the poorest performing banks.

Depositors are becoming more and more concerned about how banks operate. Many customers now say they're nervous about moving the money to a safe place.

So now I can be very responsible for saying to all our old and new customers that the new Intimebank will give you the safest protection!

Our new bank will still offer a higher interest rate than other banks, offering more friendly services and returning to our old customers for worries, as our bank is more confident to survive this cold winter!

Starting tomorrow, the Federal Bank of Indian Mac will be merged with the former Bank of the Miami Valley, the former National Bank of Douglas, Missouri, and the former Bank of Hume, Missouri, officially renamed Intake Bank, from 33 to 82 branches. ”


The scene was so loud, I thought the deal with the Federal Bank of Mac in India had been unexpected, I had no idea that Andy Smith had quietly completed the merger and acquisition of four bankrupt banks, thus forming a large, interstate bank, and had to admire this young man's courage.

And more people saw Andy Smith's great ambition not to be lonely, 82 branches, tsk, new bankers born!