American Fortune Life

Chapter 1050: 3 Billion and 50 Billion in Exchange (Three More Requirements)

“So how are you going to thank me?” After a sip of coffee, Paulson put the cup on his desk and looked sharply at Andy and asked.

“Thank you.” Andy looked at Paulson sincerely and thanked him.

Paulson and Hamilton didn't react yet, thought there was anything else, but Nima realized it after staring for a dozen seconds, and the bastard's so-called thank you was just a 'thank you’.

Both had black lines on their foreheads, Paulson was directly pissed off, and he thought too much about himself. How could he expect anything from this young bastard in front of him?

“Well, Mr. Smith, let's not go around the circles. I just came here today hoping that you can fulfill your agreement. You've got everything you need, you can tell me the news you said and mastered at the last dinner! ”

Paulson closed the angry smile on his face and looked at Andy across the street and went straight to the subject.

“Hey, Chancellor, don't mention the acquisition of the bank, I was really hit by FDIC, no wonder they can't wait to make a deal with me. The bad assets and subordinated bonds of the former Bank of Indian Mac are amazing, you don't know, I'm meeting all day now to discuss how to cut losses, hey, sorry, guys, here I am. I'm going to another meeting soon, or I'll invite you both to lunch at noon... ”

Andy frowned and looked at the watch. He looked like he was in trouble with the bank and complained to two of his guests, completely ignoring Paulson's question.

“Andy, you can't be too greedy... ”

“Am I greedy?” When I heard Paulson's gutter, Andy, who was still frowning, the whole face turned into a faint smile, and a question interrupted Paulson's words.

“$10 billion in loans and acquisitions of four bankrupt banks in exchange for the flag drums and two promises of help in the U.S. equities market, and my abandonment of the gold market, most importantly, was a win-win, FDIC eager to find a jockey man, and I was interested in banking, and I was able to contain the continued spread of crowding.

Don't you think it's a very fair deal? I've solved a big problem for you, Mr. Treasurer. Our deal's closed. We don't owe each other anything, do we? ”

Andy had a curly corner of his mouth, a slight smile on his face, straightening his arms, putting his coffee cup on the desk, his arms and elbows on the armrest of the boss's chair, his hands crossed with his fingers in front of him, and his voice came a little clear.

Paulson's expression stagnated slightly, frowned and opened his mouth to say anything, but Andy Smith's words were irrefutable, but Andy in front of him was a nasty bastard, crossing the river to dismantle the bridge, waiting for a price.

Homegrown BOSS was silently right, and Hamilton, as chief of staff, naturally wouldn't see the boss in an embarrassing position, watching Andy say, "But we facilitated the early takeover of Mike Bank of India, which is definitely helping you... ”

“I appreciate that, really, you're very good partners.” Andy Stinky continued to say thank you just to turn things around and Hamilton was almost sucked out of his old blood.

Paulson looked with a gloomy and fearless look at Andy, and neither of them had the slightest intention of giving in.

“Come on, what do you want this time? Don't go too far!” Paulson almost bit his teeth off, and to be honest, since he took over as the treasurer of the little flying shoe government, he's basically sitting at a crater mouth, where he's going to plug in the flames.

Not only is he tired, but he also has to face the difficulties and tears of both houses. To be honest, he really regrets sitting in this difficult and unpleasant position. He deals with a group of greedy and selfish vampires. His inner accumulation of negative energy is really too much.

Well, even if he used to be one of those guys, after all, he was the chairman of Goldman Sachs, the current subprime mortgage crisis, and he was a maker and a participant.

“No way, the current bond market is at a standstill, and sorting out the bad assets of Indian Mac Bank is the most painful thing we can do right now, with $3 billion in MBS bonds that the bank can't get rid of right now.

I understand that the Federal Reserve has introduced an innovative liquidity support tool, TSLF, which replaces first-tier securities dealers' collateralized assets with Treasury bonds by auction and, upon maturity, returns an asset swap agreement that is valid for six months.

Unfortunately, we're new to banking, and we're weak, and we're small, and we can't compete at all, but big institutions like Two Rooms, Lehman, have very little hope of filming, and they're a little short, and we're really sad... ”

Paulson and Hamilton's face changed color from time to time. It was a little unacceptable for Andy's big appetite. One mouth wanted to exchange 3 billion in toxic bonds for the equivalent value of government bonds. He was just trying to grab it!

You know, these government bonds can be used as collateral to swap areas with equal face value funds, and the form of an auction can allow the Fed to reduce losses, even by saving the market, through the toughest of stages, until the real estate market warms up, and make a small fortune.

But one-to-one conversion, which is undoubtedly unacceptable to the Fed, even if the 3 billion is no larger than the 75 billion, undoubtedly puts the Fed at the full risk of this part of the MBS.

So greedy at a young age, Andy refreshed Paulson's impression of him again.

“Oh, three billion to replace treasury bonds... Andy, I'm really curious. Is that news really worth that much? ”

Andy didn't care about the cold smile and the sarcasm in the story that appeared on Paulson's Iron Blue face, but smiled slightly and said.

“Don't really say that 3 billion replacement bonds can't be replaced. I'm very, very sorry! But who makes us friends and partners? If we lose, we lose. After all, it's important. It's useless for me to grasp the news... Oops, no, not useless, but helpless! ”

“Oh, yeah, since there's nothing we can do, say it, maybe we can handle... ”

Andy was like a stunner this time, no longer hiding: “It's nothing, it's just a Ponzi scam worth 56 billion. The problem is that this big scam is not going to last because of this economic crisis. ”

Saying, in Paulson's shock and Hamilton's gaze, Andy had a brilliant smile on his face, a big white tooth, and an exploding gesture on his hands.

“BOMD... ”