American Fortune Life

Chapter 1089: Painting Big Cakes and Long Warps

Han Jia was supposed to have a beautiful pair of eyes on her beautiful, white face, pale and horrible, and her delicate body looked slightly trembling at Li's back leaving first, until suddenly something occurred to her, panicking and looking at her husband.

Anger, indifference, panic, tangle...

Han Jia looked at her husband's gloomy and questionable eyes, looked at the face of Iron Green and his ever-changing expression, and his anxious face held tightly the hand of strict and straight smoke, and said with a slightly shuddering soft voice: “Positive smoke, no, it's not like that, you have to believe me, me... ”

“Before you and I got married, was the prince after you? Don't lie to me, huh? Or not?” Strictly smoked face with no expression, with pain in his eyes, looking at his beautiful and charming wife, walked into the corner and asked coldly.

“I... I, Zhengkao, you have to believe me, it's not really what you think, I... He did invite me to do business... ”

“Huh.” Rigorously smoked laughter filled with awesome, cold eyes on Han Jia, “Prince Si Xing personally invited you to talk about advertising, no wonder my military service was so sudden, so irresistible, no wonder in the service process so crowded, oppressed and targeted, no wonder this year, I've been everywhere, three years, Hyun-ju, three years, do you know how I spent it? Turns out, my dear wife always knew why, and I was foolish enough to think that I was married to a virtuous mother, always behind my back... ”

Han Jia ren cried, tears filled her eyes, her lips trembled, her dead hands gripped strictly smoked, her mouth kept mumbling: “No, it's not what you think... ”

“Don't cry! Do you want us to be the laughingstock and the disgust of all more people? We'll talk when we get home... ”

Li walked alongside Andy first, smiling: "We seem to have changed the fate of a couple. ”

“Their destiny was changed by themselves, and the stars of the past were rendered impenetrable, and their journey was over. Is there anything more tragic than that? It is also time for the two dreams to wake up. For some people, the beautiful red face is not only a disaster water, but also a deadly poison. If you take something that doesn't belong to you, you pay a hundred times, a thousand times the price.” Andy smiled and said softly.

“Oh, you bastard, you look like a great rebel!” Li shook his head first and smiled, taking Andy with him to another group.

Under the dark blue dark V white belt evening dress, Li Xiaoli's hot body was exhibited with a more XING feel, the wheat skin was greasy, the attractive moon teeth smiled, causing Andy to smile and look at a faint face of Li first, then smile: “For Miss Li, I've heard about you for a long time," Anymotion "made many people understand the Korean XING feeling for the first time. ”

“Thank you...” Li Xiaoli smiled so brilliantly, just after thanking him, he heard Li next to Andy say, “This was years ago, this praise is not sincere at all? ”

Li Xiaoli glanced at Li first, didn't say anything, just smiled at the two of them, and Andy shook his head and looked at Li first and said: “You are holding a bad heart, you want to pit my rhythm. ”

“Well, I know you, Grammy's award-winning singer, the talented composer of lyrics, how about writing a song for our family, Li Xiaoli? ”

“This requires... Tsk, my work isn't cheap! ”

“It'll satisfy you anyway, don't you think? ”

Andy looked at Li first with a smile, and then looked at Li Xiaoli, who looked at him with anticipation and lucidity, and looked up and down. He shook his head and smiled. “I'm not good at K-POP, but since you've spoken, I'll give it a try. I'll have Miss Li's album sent to me later. I need to do a good research. ”

“Thank you, thank you so much.” Li Xiaoli naturally knows the identity of Andy Smith's singer. You should know that the 13-country language IFYOU is very hot in Korea.

“Huh.” Looking at her smile like a flower, she bowed her head slightly, letting the charming career line show off Li Xiaoli, and Andy turned to look at Li with the same smile first, picking out the eyebrows.

“By the way, Miss Lee, can you take me to meet some of the runners? Honestly, although I came up with the idea for the show, I really didn't think they could do it as well.” Andy smiled.

“No problem, I'm familiar with them...” Li Xiaoli's image of the lady was finally pierced by her true color. Although she was still quiet, the words revealed some great things.

Li looked at Li Xiaoli helplessly and said to Andy: "Let's go together. ”

Lee won't let Li Xiaoli take Andy alone first. This woman is good at everything, it's just too personal.

Together, the three of them went in the direction of Liu in Shi. To be honest, when Andy met the men running, it was also very interesting. He had originally given the idea of running men to the copyright company on the Korean side, and he didn't want to make it so soon, but with Andy's list of hosts confirmed, even Kim Jong-guo was retired.

So on June 1st of this year, I signed a cooperation agreement with SBS, and quickly gathered people together to shoot three issues, and to say the detailed program requirements, Andy wrote two, one for the Gold Robbery, the other for the Water Gun, and most importantly for his copyright company to keep the PDs free to play.

It has to be said that Liu's level in Shi is really high. The running man was in the experimental phase, but it was made very smoothly. Although the viewership rate has yet to improve, it can at least survive.

Watching a group of people whoops whoops bowing hands and Andy shaking hands, watching Li Guangsu's sincerely frightened, excited expression just advertised, has not encountered because "Frost Flower Shop" has been raved, but has been selected as a non-sensational actor of the road rank Song Jixiao, Andy also feels a lot.

“To be honest, although I came up with this idea, it's kind of experimental in nature, and I didn't expect you to do it very well, although it's still a little green, but I'm sure you'll be able to make a good deal of acquiescence, and then you can go to my American farm and make a special feature, and the higher the rating, the more input, and maybe make a special feature or even a comprehensive art film around the world. “

Andy smiled with a smile on his face, giving this group of faces in front of him a delight, and the stately and respectful runners painted a big cake.

One glanced at his eyes and clearly heard the brilliant prospect given by the big man in front of him. The big pen was all heartily excited. Andy even held Liu's hand in Shi's smile: “The show depends on Mr. Liu's care. ”

“You're too kind, that's what I should do...” His disfigured Liu in Shi said that Andy still had a very good view of Liu in Shi, a very successful Korean who had done so all over the world, and was also one of the few well-liked Koreans.

Cough, Korean female stars certainly don't count as such, after all, female stars can enjoy Andy's body and mind...

“You guys really make any kind of money...” Lee turned around with the glass and Andy and left, not without emotion, to be honest, in Korea, people like him rarely care about the entertainment business, who cares about the little actors, the little hosts, as for finding a shelf, a phone thing, for these so-called Korean celebrities, it's just something that can bring benefits.

To Li's earlier exclamation, Andy naturally knows the status of the Korean entertainment industry. There are really not many Korean celebrities to be seen as such, unless they are successful Korean celebrities internationally, they will not be seen as such.

A military service, a high elimination rate, a market of 50 million people, piling up so many young boys and girls who want to be famous, the chances of being seen by these people are important, the price, as long as they can be famous, otherwise every entertainment company that has been unable to come out, as they get older, choosing to accompany them is the best example.

In fact, Andy feels that Korea's entertainment industry is really scary. When it's time to go to school to learn knowledge, all of them drill into the trainee industry. Few of them can really make their way out. Few can finally become famous. Almost all of the rest are eliminated. A group of teenagers who have no cultural knowledge and only know how to jump and jump have no effect on the progress of society.

South Korea, which uses streamlines to make stars, has been crooked for a long time, falling is just a matter of time!