American Fortune Life

Chapter 1186: Beaten in the Face and Collapsed by Their Owners

While Paulson has accomplished tremendous changes to save the hard-won housing market and the US economy from crisis, bringing these two troublesome but powerful financial giants who haunted the reformers for years, he remains extremely focused on Lehman's process of self-redemption!

But as Andy knows, Fold, the current CEO of the Lehman Brothers, is a very nasty, arrogant guy.

Among the many acquirers interested in Lehmann, the focus is on the development banks of the rod countries or the negotiation of acquisitions.

In the negotiations, Lehman's boss Fulder seemed rather cynical in terms of whether he was 1.25x net worth or 1.5x, filled with a "hum” of value investment tone!

‘A pair of us talking to you, it's up to you, you should listen to me.' The end, of course, is that the sticks got pissed off and tore the so-called 'Lehman was trying to get an infinite credit support, just trying to use the assets of the stick development bank to save Lehman from falling! ”

So the sticks waved and didn't take a piece of paper!

Paulson left with a disappointing look, and Andy didn't give him much courtesy because the wealthy man himself came to the door. For issues involving interests, let alone the wealthy man, who was the president, came to the door for nothing.

Now, in this environment, including Andy and other monsters on Wall Street: Damo, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Woods, American Silver, and so on, they're all watching in the corner! All they want is predation or the appearance of blood in the wind!

Wall Street and Washington, really can't save Lehman Brothers?

How is that possible?

Except that you hate Fold, and more importantly, Lehman's assets, as a massive, slaughtered prey, all predators are waiting for the last drop of xue to dry and then divide it, after all, the toxic part that nobody wants, wants to eat the best part.

Especially when Lehman falls, the New York Fed's board seat will be vacant, and there will be plenty of people staring at it.

“Boss, the essence of the current crisis is still the liquidity crisis. Almost all kinds of financial institutions will use large or large leverage to participate in financial games, Lehman 10 will publish Q3 financial results, huge losses are inevitable, they will even announce asset split plans to try to escape write-downs on junk toxic assets to manipulate and boost company stock prices! We should be ready again. ”

Alvitelli, sitting across from Andy, held the coffee and relaxed against the back of the chair. After all, the big BOSS has been playing a little big lately, leveraging a lot, and making more money also means that it is risky and likely to cause losses once hedged by multiple parties.

With his feet stacked on his desk, lying on his boss's chair, holding his phone and trying to play Super Monkey Ball, Andy didn't lift his head. It doesn't matter: “Dying struggles, it doesn't prevent both sides from making their own judgements and moving in their own direction!

By the way, keep an eye on Lehman's Benchmark and Own Index business, and we'll eat it and merge with Gaia to launch our own series of US Bond Composite Indexes, Emerging Market Indexes, Global Market Indexes, Municipal Bond Indexes and more. ”

Alvitelli held the coffee cup with her hands slightly trembling, her eyes glowing sharply, her cup down, her face seriously and her tone carefully said: "Boss... ”

Andy couldn't help but look up at Al and frown slightly, put his phone away, put his foot down and sit on his right body and ask, "Is there a problem? ”

Alvitelli nodded seriously and said, "It's not a good idea for us to build the Gaia Index. You should give up the dream of making Gaia a big investment like MG Stanley and Goldman Sachs in the United States. Even if you invest a lot of money to achieve this goal, it will be of little benefit, and any apparent progress will be lost. ”

“Let's get this straight! ”

The corner of Al's mouth twitched for a moment before he said, “Boss, you don't have enough money. The Gaia index hasn't been around for more than a decade or even decades to convince the capital market and eventually become guidance data. At the same time, we need to face too much competition from big players and ambitious UK investment. Money won't cost less, but the results will be difficult to hope for! ”

Andy's face looked a little ugly. He opened his mouth, his face ripped, his heart held up for a while. Nima, she was proud of herself for that. Now, it sounds like this money to sell information is really hard to make.

Even with his thick face, he felt a little feverish, Nima, getting hit in the face by one of his own...

“But, boss, if you look at Lehman's benchmark business and his own index business, it's unique, or even poisonous, and it's definitely a piece of fat that the crocodiles might ignore, and we can take it down and sell it around the corner, and whether it's the British or the French, including the Heavenly Dynasties, the pedestrians will be very interested, making three or four times as much profit as they want. ”

Seeing the big BOSS opposite some ugly expression finally looked good because he was close to kissing his ass, Al Xin wiped a cold sweat and relieved his breath. He was still helpless in stopping the boss from making some obvious decisions, but as the chief thinker, he had to stop the boss from having unreliable ambitions.

Lehman played index business because Lehman index has accumulated for decades. The boss wanted to bring Lehman's business and change Gaia's name so he thought he could grow index business. How could it be that simple?

“Well, I think of course, okay, it's easier to make money when you're a second-trader.” Andy shook his head and laughed, but it was always the right direction, and it was good to make quick money.

Although he was beaten in the face by his own people, but better than being brutally beaten in the face by other jokewatching opponents, Andy didn't continue to get involved in this matter. Since he didn't want to do it, then he didn't do it. He wasn't crazy. He had to fight himself hard and float with a billion dollars.

On Wednesday, 10 September 2008, Lehman unveiled his biggest quarterly loss in 158 years, a historic loss of $3.9 billion in financial returns, a bitter, frown-wrinkled face, and a still arrogant look, Ford announced an asset splitting plan at a press conference.

In Gaia's conference room, Andy, sitting in the lead position, watching the TV presentation, listening to Fuld's interpretation, frowning and looking to Al on the left, asked, "‘The company will still try to find all strategies to replace xing to maximize shareholders' interests. 'What does he mean? ”

“Fold, including Lehman's board, has collapsed! Lehman is ready to accept all possible offers!” Al's heart is shocked at this moment, which is undoubtedly telling the world that Lehman will accept the takeover of cabbage as long as someone is willing to take over.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Boss, just got word from Bloomberg that the UK Bank of Barclays has announced its intention to acquire Lehman, and Lehman shares are starting to rebound... ”

Andy watched his men push the door open and break in, listening to each other's debriefing, not having a few twitches from the corner of his mouth, Nima, this is a joke, this is his meow reaction too fast, this press conference is not over yet, over there... Shit, they're manipulating stock prices!

Andy glanced at Al and nodded slightly and said, "As the boss predicted, you're really struggling to die, and I'm sure you'll get a call from Paulson or Gaitner soon. “


All eyes in the conference room looked at the crazy phone that was trembling on the table, and Andy smiled and said to Al, "You're almost a prophet! ”

In a quiet conference room, a relaxing laugh sounded. As for the rising Lehman stock price, no one cared. In accordance with the rules of Wall Street, some specific data and the public questioning of the execution of xing could not be investigated, because it was not a suitable occasion for stalling. Don't worry, you won't see the real chapter until an hour or two after the launch. Shit will still be shit, even if a layer of NAI oil is sprayed temporarily!

“Gaithner's...” Andy glanced, smiled and said to the crowd, then answered the phone gently.

After hanging up the phone, Andy smiled and said, "You heard me. Well, it looks like we're gonna be working overtime this weekend. Let Stephen Nubbie fly in with the bank accountants to meet us in New York. Ha ha, this is gonna be a crazy weekend! ”