American Fortune Life

Chapter 1246: Let's Fight!

In the study, Andy adjusted a sitting position, his elbow supported on the boss chair armrest, his hand held on to his chin, listened to the data analysis made by think tanks on recent global financial conditions and speculation of future market changes. His brain was moving quickly, making its own judgment in the light of the little international financial news content of his previous life.

From the very beginning, the gold fingers crossed could not get him much help in the financial realm from specific to detailed goals. Some of them were just big ideas, really going to get money from the financial markets, and ultimately the financial elites in their own hands.

Honestly, if it hadn't been for the dependency, Andy would never have stuck his head in this BO cloud creepy financial market. He would have just honestly bought some gold hugs, bought Apple shares in a heavy bin, and waited for Bitcoin to show up, prepared a hundred and ten computers to be used as a mining machine, ate a lot at the lowest price, and waited to be rich.

But once anyone has tasted the huge profits from capital games, it's hard to see other ways to make a profit.

But Andy was also self-aware, and capital games were ultimately only a means of capturing money for him, acceptable as a by-product of his asset ratio, but as the main business, Andy never thought about it and eventually had to go back to business.

Speaking of Bitcoin, Andy has been watching the secretive cryptography forums, waiting for the mysterious Nakamoto to appear. Andy is not interested in knowing who the other party is, but nobody knows better than him about the success of Bitcoin. Although he has not touched Bitcoin in previous life, he has only heard of it, but the high prices before he crossed made him memorable.

As for replacing Nakamoto with regional chains, new idea currencies and other concepts, Andy is not interested. Even if Bitcoin does appear, Andy will not take advantage of wealth for a circle. An emerging game, most importantly, is the number of players. The more people he plays, the more popular this game will be and the better the market will be.

When the market grows, Andy will harvest again, and it won't be too late!

But it's a little early to think about it. After all, Nakamoto hasn't shown up yet. Andy thinks back, and when he sees the video window, a subordinate is bending over to say something in Al's ear, and Al's face gets a little serious.

Andy thought Al would tell him what was going on soon, but that was right after the meeting.

“What makes you so cautious and serious?” Andy looked at Al in the video curiously and asked.

“Robert Payton, editor of Du Li Financial News, revealed several times in successive stories about secret talks between UK financial institutions, causing sharp volatility in share prices, which many see as a“ market threat ”.

Now that he has been brought to the attention of the British Government, parliamentarians have asked to investigate Robert's sources. ”

“Oh, since I'm a newspaper man, how can I be easily bullied?” Andy's eyes were faint and quickly became clear that this was the quintessential London Finance Group, and in a time of panic in the global financial markets, any wind rush could trigger a chain reaction to stimulate the market by divulging inside information, undoubtedly the simplest means of CAO vertical markets.

It turns out Robert Peyton published a message in the morning of yesterday, 13, in a story and on the DU newspaper website: the owners of several large British banks are meeting with Treasury Secretary Alistair Darling and the Governor of the British Central Bank, Melvinkin, in the hope that the government will invest in banks to help them overcome the current difficulties.

Although the Royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays subsequently issued statements rumouring that they had not sought the help of the Government, it was too late. On Monday, the opening price of the UK's major banks plummeted. Of these, the Royal Bank of Scotland suffered the worst setback, at 20.46 per cent, with billions of pounds of market value evaporating a day.

The result was an outrage for the British Treasury and the major banks, who began to accuse each other of leaking their voices.

And this is not the first time Peyton dropped a "heavy bomb." And Robert Peyton was not only an Ace financial reporter for Du Li, but also more impressive because for a long time he had a very close relationship with the British political and financial bulls, and in 2000 he was the press secretary to British Finance Secretary Brown.

With such a good sniper gun, Andy would never have chosen to die. Believing that the Royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays had plummeted this time, the London group must have had a good harvest, and since he threw out the first place in profitability he would have won a high percentage of the prize money, his own teams had gone completely insane.

“The UK Monetary Authority? Oh, let's fight!” Andy squinted his eyes and grinned coldly at his chin.

In October, it was late autumn in London, and the autumn sun here is undoubtedly the most luxurious for the Londoners. From time to time, police cars parked on the side of the road and police in front of them can be seen in London neighbourhoods that have been involved in armed clashes against demonstrations to save the city.

Robert Payton walked to the building where the DU Gazette was located during questioning and photography with many of his peers.

“Gentlemen, don't bother me. I can't reveal the source. I never do that, and never will be. Please let this end. Thank you.”

Robert Payton was blocked in front of the newspaper building, helplessly said, reaching out to the crowd, quickly walking into the newspaper, no longer ignoring the noisy questioning behind the newspaper, along the way, colleagues in the newspaper were interested in greeting, everyone knew that Robert Payton might face investigation by financial regulators, which is undoubtedly the least favorite thing to encounter as a journalist.

In the editor-in-chief's office, Simon Ghana saw Robert Peyton knocking on the door, smiling lightly on his face, and said to Robert Peyton, "Robert, when are you relaxed, do you have good news, coffee or black tea? ”

Though Robert had some curious news that made yesterday's editor-in-chief a little headache, he relaxed today, pressing his curiosity down first, squeezing out a smile and saying: "Just black tea. ”

Simon Ghana took a cup of tea, picked up the black teapot and when it was full, handed it to Robert, watched him have a sip of it, which made him laugh: “I got a call from Big BOSS last night, he knew about you, he respected your choice, and said that the newspaper fully supported you, defended your rights and the rights of journalists. ”


Robert Payton sighed softly, and some frowned stiff expressions dispersed with the good news. To be honest, his biggest concern was the newspaper's inability to withstand government pressure and let him speak out his sources, by which time his only way out might be to change jobs.

But it is perfectly conceivable that he has been deliberately targeted and ostracized by a number of bankers. But now it's not the same. If the newspaper supports him, then his bottom line is enough. Even if he goes to court, the newspaper will send out lawyers to help him deal with it. Alone fighting and standing behind the newspaper are two completely different concepts, not to mention the decision of the young cow 13 boss far from the United States, so that he doesn't have to worry about it.

Greater BOSS support than Murdoch, the news group, swept away his inner anxiety, drinking black tea with editor-in-chief Simon Ghana and chatting easily.

“Knock, knock...”

“Come in. ”

“Editor-in-Chief, there's a group of guests who say it's Mr. Smith, the boss... ”

As soon as Simon Ghana listened to the secretary, he stood up and interrupted the secretary's introduction with his bare hands, saying, "Robert, come with me. Our boss sent someone. ”

Robert Payton walked out of the office with a slightly curious look on his face.

In the office hall of the newspaper, a group of penciled black suit leather shoes, with a slight corner of mouth, always smiling gentlemen standing there waiting according to the ladder, the most prominent of these people is the bald head, the suit on the body is not counted as pencil, the shirt chose a white collar blue body, also with a dark blue tie middle-aged man, with a smile on his face, very casual.

Simongana saw a visitor, slightly surprised, hurried to step forward, extended his hands and shook each other's hands, and slightly indebted himself, "Good morning, Mr. Rhodes, it is an honor to meet you. ”

“Oh, hello, editor-in-chief of Ghana, this is Mr. Robert Peyton, I'm Robert Rhodes, and I was commissioned by Mr. Andy Smith to act as your litigation attorney.” Rhodes laughed.

Robert Peyton naturally knows this Mr. Rhodes, London's elite society, and I'm afraid very few of them know this attorney of honor, as well as shaking hands to greet him.

“I'd like to introduce you to a member of the Bar, Amar Alamuddin, a senior barrister, who specializes in international law, criminal law and human rights law. ”

“Hi, I'm Amar Alamedin, and I'm responsible for the protection of Mr. Peyton's human rights...” A charming curly hair, dressed in a gray-tailored, sophisticated suit, a camel trench coat, a tall, slender figure, a beautiful woman with a distinctly exotic face smiling out her hand and Simon Ghana, Robert Payton shaking hands.

“What a lovely man!” It was a heartfelt exclamation after Simon and Robert were stunned.